2. A roommate

1440 Words
Stepping out the taxi the cool air kissed her cheeks—giving them a bit blush from the cold. A step away the vehicle she let the car door close behind, hands tucked into her pants she rocked back and forth. The short man hurried with her two suitcases from the boot placing them beside her. With a smile still hanging on his face he bid farewell then hurried back to the drivers seat. She dropped her hand back into her pocket watching the taxi drive off. And if it weren’t for the light tap on her shoulder she would still have been staring at the now empty spot. With a swift turn she came to face a petite brunette woman, who smiled to brightly at someone she didn’t know. A furrowed brow she glanced at the woman puzzled. Lessening the bright smile, still smiling nevertheless, she cleared up her throat. “Nathasa vo—uh..” she frowned unable to pronounce the name on the name list in her hand. Staring up to the girl she was met with a warm welcoming smile. “It’s Natasza Volkov, call me Nat if my name is difficult.” she offered a hand and the woman immediately took it giving her a firm handshake. “Okay Nat, My name is Miss Minnie and I’m the dormitory supervisor. Any problems you run into don’t be afraid to inform me, second floor room number 14.” A nod from Nat pushed the woman to speak further with a smile. “Anyway, you are in room 27 and your roommate should be here soon.” she turned looking at the entrance. Right on queue, a blonde hair girl speed walked down the steps towards them. Turning to Nat she held a hand out pointing at the girl. “—And there she is.” She came to a halt in front of them, panting slightly. “Am I late?” she questioned running her slim fingers through the blonde hair—from the roots Nat could clearly see she wasn’t naturally blonde. “I don’t think so.” Nat shrugged. “Introductions please.” Miss Minnie spoke taking a step away from Nat, as her right arm pushed the girl closer. “Natasza Volkov, call me Nat it is easy.” Grabbing the offered hand the girl smiled. “Nice to meet you Nat, I am Kerstin Larsson.” “Swedish?” Humming Kerstin wiggled her eyebrows. “Guess your not the only foreign exchange student, disappointed?” Rather the contrary. Vigorously Nat shook her head. “Not at all, it is fun being different and standing out but when they start asking if I know a German actor who they assume is Russia is tiring. Now you can go through it too.” “I can totally relate.” The two both laughed, maybe just maybe this was going to be fun. Having a roommate was going to be adventurous. Patting Kerstin on the shoulder miss minne smiled. “Now run along you have a lot of introducing to do.” “Right right.” she shook her head. Looking over to Nat she noticed the girl swinging a bag pack over her shoulder and grabbing two suitcases with both hands. “Let me help?” she offered. “I’ve got it.” she spoke adjusting her bag strap before offering Kerstin a smile—they were not that heavy, she could manage. “Okay so followed me.” § “This is our beloved room we will be sharing.” Kerstin spoke walking through the door. Following suit she dropped her bags by the door, her eyes roamed the room. Spacious she could give it that, directly staring at the wall in front of her there was a window. Light blue painted walls, two beds on opposite ends. The right had wall held a bunch of pictures, the desk right beside the made bed hand a bunch of books—most she didn’t think were at all school related. That meant the left void side was hers. “My bed?” she asked facing Kerstin. A nod from her roommate she picked up the bags, leaving the bags by the bed she jumped the mattress. Her legs were killing her. “How many exchange students are here?” Nat asked as she watched Kerstin sitting on her bed, leg crossed. “Well last term it was only me and two guys, this time we got you plus them and around 7? more.” “Increased numbers.” “Uh-huh, It’s international now of course, the number will be increased.” laying her back against the mattress she brought her hands behind her head staring at the ceiling. “I’ll let you settle down then I can give you a tour.” Settle down wasn’t exactly that long as Nat jumped off her bed and clumsy landed butt down on the hard floor. Quickly, she stood up a shy smile on her face. “I’m good now! I mean if you are free.” Kerstin covered her mouth preventing herself laughing—that was a failure. Covering her laugh with a cough she looked at her non existent wrist watch. “Oh look at that, I am. Are you that much in a hurry?” “The sooner it is done the sooner I can sleep.” “I understand.” pushing herself off the bed she looked around the room. “Well you already saw our living safe, to the communal—everything.” she chimed pulling Nat to the door. It wasn’t long before the two stood in front of the cubed bathing space opposed by the toilets. “These are the girls showers and those are toilets—” Kerstin pulled Nat by her wrist again as loud moan sounded from one of the stalls—definitely not a place to be. Walking past the doorless frame the came to a stop in front of the lounge. A couple of students were settled on the pool table probably playing or watching a game. A girl swung her legs over the couch hanging upside down a book over her face. Despite the way she sat she repeated brought a bottle to her lips and kept pushing her glasses, saving them from slipping. “Here we have our communal living room area.” Again, pulling her by the arm again she pulled her through the double doors. “Here, is the communal kitchen with it’s utensils. If you keep your food in the fridge label it with a name and threat—because some people don’t know what not to eat!” Kerstin shouted slamming the fridge. “Someone ate what’s yours?” Nat asked staring at the milk carton in her hand. “And left the empty carton of milk there!” she groaned tossing the empty carton in the trash. “Tough life.” “And here you are volunteering to it.” “New experiences?” she shrugged innocently smiling. “You’ll get them alright.” Kerstin scoffed shaking her head. When the girl was about to speak again hands hovered over her eyes and a soft ‘guess who’ popped up. “What now Sunny?” Kerstin sighed lowering the girls hands and facing her with glare. “I need your help.” she pouted and continuously flapped her eyelashes. “I’m doing a tour here!” Kerstin hissed wrinkling her nose. A hand was held out pointing to Nat who stood stunned. Sunny’s blue eyes landed on her and she could have sworn the girl pouted deeper causing a frown upon her face. Nervously, Nat rubbed neck while diverting her gaze to Kerstin. “No it is okay, all that is left are the classes and to be shown around town. I’m sure we can do that tomorrow and the other on the weekend.” she smiled. “But—” Nat forced a yawn, a hand over her mouth. “I am tired, I think the sleep is catching up.” she sheepishly smiled her gaze on Kerstin, while secretly she was gazing at the girl behind her—who by the way was giving her a thumbs up. Before her roommate could protest or suspect a thing Sunny had already locked her arm in hers, and dragged her out the kitchen. Nat ran her fingers through her chin level raven black hair messing up the bangs a little before her hand fell to her side. She had sleep to catch up on—and she would.
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