1098 Words

“Forgive me my Lady, I have failed you” Elder Clada was on her knees, her face to ground… cowering in fear. It was hard to see the identity of the lady she spoke to. She sat in shadows, her eyes weren’t on Clada but wondered somewhere in the shadows. “My lady” Clada cried threatened by the silence, she feared for her life, the woman that sat in the shadows finally took her eyes to Clada… her expression unnoticeable in the shadows. “Did you do anything wrong?” the solemn voice that sounded like that of an angel would be suiting to who ever heard it. “The plan is still on course so relax yourself” the lady stated calmly. “As far as my sister and her pretty servant do as plan, everything should be just fine” through the shadows the glimmering smile of the mysterious woman could be seen. *

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