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A thud sound from within the plane alerted Mia and she slowly opened her eyes to find herself in what she could only describe as a nightmare - it wasn't a dream... all this happened for real "but how am I still alive impossible" she carefully observed herself - confused but happy to be safe. It was really odd though, the plane was completely ruined but some how even her laptop bag that hung across her chest was in perfect condition. She struggled out of her seat trying to find other survivors but was shocked by the sight that laid in front of her, dozens of passengers laid lifeless before her, all burnt to the point that you'd hardly recognize them but for some reason she was still okay... She didn't even have a scratch on her. Staring around the plane confused, the only thing she could think of at this moment was to find a way out. She hurried to the back of the plane which had been split in half and hopped down into a dark and damp forest, the smell of wet leaves filled the entire area. "Where the hell am I?" She thought carefully observing her surrounding, since the plane crashed few minutes after it took off she assumed they'd still be in Florida but this was nothing like Florida. However she decided to venture further into the forest, she’d probably find a street or help. The rustling of leaves in the forest made her stomach coil as she ventured deeper and deeper into the forest occasionally rethinking her decision. Thinking constantly that she should have stayed back in the plane, I mean there was probably a search party looking for them but right now she was too scared to go back. With celerity she pulled out her cell from the side of her laptop bag... “Don't know why I didn't think of it earlier” she muttered as she dialed the emergency line but of course there wasn't any signal. "Argh! this is definitely the worse day of my life" thinking of those people on the plane who'd lost their life was so hurtful and she tried really hard to get the images out of her mind. As she stood wondering what next to do, she heard movements in the forest and turned her head slowly to the direction of the sound. Her eyes caught something in the forest heading her way and for some damn reason she decided to wait to find out what it was. Three grisly creatures emerged from the forest and slowly made their way towards Mia. Her legs felt weak and her heart raced as they got closer. The creatures were as tall as trees with long sharp claws and fangs, their hazy dark body blended with the environment making it hard to notice them and she probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for their eerie red eyes... she stood petrified and hopeless just staring at the creatures when suddenly something clicked in her head "run dummy" She staggered back a bit before taking to her heels, not knowing how fast she was or how slow she was but one thing was sure... those things were hot on her trail. Trees collapsed and the earth shook as the three grisly beast made their way towards her. "This is a dream! this is a dream!!" she muttered trying to understand what the hell it was that was after her... Monster? clearly that didn't exist so this had to be a dream. No matter how much she tried to assure herself that this was a dream she still couldn't stop herself from running, it all felt so real. It was really dark and she could barely see a thing - probably the worst atmosphere for a semi blind individual AKA Mia. After much running, she slipped of 'a cliff?' Well she wasn’t sure what it was but she went tumbling down an endless pile of rocks. Okay not to sound crazy but at this point she was more cosigned with protecting her laptop... Yeah she had to save for two years to get it, of course all that wouldn’t matter if she ended up dead but she actually wasn't thinking straight right now. After tumbling for some minutes, Mia finally landed hard on the ground. Her body felt so weak and she laid on the ground struggling to lift herself up, Staring up at the top of the cliff… she discovered that her new friends were still after her, would this nightmare ever end. She forced herself off the ground and staggered through the forest, she didn't die in the plane crash so there was hell no way she was going to be devoured by some strange creatures. She moved from side to side unable to keep herself straight, her legs were burning... her heart racing but she kept the hope of survival in her... hoping desperately to find help. Her hopes of survival suddenly came to an abrupt dead end "literally". A giant rock stood in the middle of the forest blocking the path, with no way around it. Turning over to the path she had just passed through, she saw the vicious creatures standing right there, leaning breathless on the rock behind her, she tried to figure out how today turned this way... "I'm dreaming!" she kept muttering those words as the creatures got closer. Shiver ran down her spine and she screamed as one of them reached out for her… shutting her eyes, she awaited her undeniable end and felt something grab her... fear ran through her and her thoughts shattered, something was pulling her backwards... into the rock? She shut her eyes even tighter as she landed on a solid surface. "Are you okay?" A silvery voice said and footsteps approached her, Mia however was too terrified to open her eyes, “Am I alive? Did I make it?” her head began to feel fuzzy and she slowly drifted away.
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