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The smell of strong herbs filled the air as they arrived some form of cabin in an icy waste land, Mia rubbed her hand fervently against her jacket trying to fight the cold but of course that was pointless. Danna hopped down from Windfall and assisted Mia down as well. They both walked towards the cabin and Mia desperately hoped that it was warmer inside. Danna stared at her briefly with a smile before knocking lightly on the door, there was a loud ruckus from inside the cabin which went on for some minutes before the door finally came open. "Princess Danna" Mia stared astonished at the young lad who stood before them looking very excited, he was probably between thirteen or fourteen years of age, he was a blonde with lovely brown eyes, his face was pale with red patches all over it. She stared at the boy and then back at Danna 'how the hell was this kid going to be of any help?' she thought "Mia this is Meon... he's an orphan and has been living here since he was three, he's really brilliant and honestly the only mage I can trust to handle your situation" the expression on Mia’s face right now was that of disbelief... this kid was a mage and he was going to help her, delightful... she was getting really sick of this world. "Umm... come in" he grinned inviting them into his messy cabin, she had finally found a place her apartment was better than. The cabin was filled with all forms of tools, books, trinkets, artifact and a shelf filled with various vials and weapons. "Please make yourself at home" he stumbled over to the couch, picking up some clothes and books that were littered all over it. Danna walked ahead of Mia and made herself comfortable on the couch and the redhead followed behind carefully observing the cabin, it looked steady "Thank God" she sighed "Sooo... what do you need?" he asked sitting on a stool opposite the two ladies. "We need to send her back to the human world but first we need to find out why she was brought here" Danna stated while Meon stared critically at Mia. "Oh yes and dark assassins are also after her" she added. Meon stood from the stool and walked over to a desk at the end of the cabin that was filled with different tools and papers. "If dark assassins are after her then someone is probably trying to get something they lost or just trying to get revenge" he picked up some papers from the table and carefully began to go through them. "It wouldn't be revenge since she has nothing do with this realm... well until now" he stated still going through the papers "Here it is" he handed over the paper to Danna who went through it carefully. "Wels Kano?" she muttered while Mia sat in a well of confusion "He was murdered three weeks ago in the human realm by dark assassins for stealing a protection gem but it was never recovered" "So you think Mia could have accidentally picked up this gem?" "Possibly but that’s just one of many cases… could look into others” "Wait! wait!! wait!!! a gem? that's why those things are after me?" Mia stuttered, those things really wanted to kill her because of a bloody gem. Well it wasn’t certain yet but she felt pissed. "Do you have any odd items in your possession?" Danna turned to face her and she shook her head "Except my earrings, I don't have any other gems... I'm not really the jewelry person" "Well it has to be something" Meon went through his papers again "No other missing items have been reported except for the gem... if it's not the gem then it must be revenge" he shrugged "I definitely didn't offend anyone to the point that they'd be seeking revenge" Mia blurted while carefully taking a back track in her head... she'd exposed a lot of secrets in her news reports 'couldn't possibly be it' she swallowed hard turning to Danna who had been quiet for a while, her eyes were focused on Mia. "Umm... is something wrong?" Meon also turned to Danna trying to figure out what she was thinking. "Mia" she finally spoke up and the redhead fluttered a bit "You survived that plane crash without a scratch right?" "Wait you were on that plane... impossible? the entire mage society have been talking about that... how ordinary humans got pulled into this world, they'd flip if they knew there was a survivor" Meon's eyes popped up in excitement. "You're not going to tell them right?" the mischievous look he had on was quite terrifying "I won't but if you survived that crash and you're not a mage then it only means you found the gem" Meon noted. Gem? She tried hard to figure out if she’d actually found a gem. "Wait, before I boarded the plane... I saw a gem on my lawn but when I tried to pick it, it vanished" how the hell had she forget that, it couldn't be related to why she was here right? "Vanished?" Meon tilted his head confused while Danna took hold of both her hands. "That's it, that why I felt something odd about you even though you were an ordinary human" she pulled Mia’s hands towards her face and closed her eyes, the young human however really couldn't understand what she was getting at. "You mean it merged with her... that impossible, there's no way a magical artifact would merge with an ordinary human" the word ordinary was beginning to hurt Mia's feeling but that wasn't the point right now - something merged with her? She didn't know about anyone else but she definitely did not like the sound of that. "It's impossible but some how it happened" Danna stated opening her eyes. "What?" Mia blurted "Can you unmerge us?" "Once you merge with an artifact there's no going back, it just like a contract between a fay and a mage - unbreakable until death" Meon stated, he stared in awe at her like she was some scientific accomplishment. "Mia this might be hard to take in but this also means you can't go back to your world, right now your life is at stake and those around you might get hurt if you go back just like in the plane" Danna placed her hands on Mia’s shoulder and she stared at her dumbfounded "Like in the plane? I killed those people?" her lips quivered as those words escaped them, the image of the dead passengers flashed across her eyes and she tried hard to remove the image from her mind. "Mia... it's not your fault, you didn't know" she was trying her best to calm the redhead down but nothing could wipe away the guilt that she felt, her chest clogged and she struggled hard to hold back her tears.
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