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"I think we will be on our way," Trevor and Sebastian got up. "So soon? Guys stay for a while. At least until we finish this bottle of wine," Nathan said. "We would love to, but we have somewhere we gotta be. Like right now," Sebastian said the last words with emphasis. "Come one guys. Trevor," Mercy said and took a sip from the wine glass occupied with red wine. "We would love too, but as Sebastian said we have somewhere to be. So if you all don't mind we will be on our way," the began walking towards the door. "If you say so. Let me see you out," Mr. Jamison got up. "Thanks you for knocking some sense into us. If it wasn't for the two of you, we wouldn't have known what we were doing to father. We really appreciate it guys," Mercy said and her brothers were just nodding. "You are welcome," Trevor and Sebastian deeped their heads. "Good night you all. And do anything stupid then this time we will not come to talk to you. We will just begin beating the living hell out of you," Trevor spoke and opened the door. "Mr. Jamison, we are just a phone away. Just because Trevor is no longer your employer doesn't mean you shouldn't tell him your problems. If these three misbehaves, call us and they will see that we don't play games," he said loud enough for everyone to hear. And with one last good nights Mr. Jamison escorted them outside. They walked in silence until they reached the car. "I don't know what I can do to thank you for what you two have done," Mr. Jamison began. "If it wasn't for you two then I wouldn't have been united with my children. It feels like this is the first time.......... I’m meeting them. Thank you.........thank you for much my sons," his eyes began getting watery. "Mr. Jamison, we did what most people in their right minds would do. So there is no need for you to thank us. Much less cry," Trevor said. "Yes, Mr. Jamison. And we are like you sons eh?" Mr. Jamison nodded. "In that case don't say thank you to us. We were just trying to be good sons." Sebastian said. "I will surely miss working at the cafe. And I think I might be bored staying at home all day," he finally got around. "That is why you are a grandfather," Trevor reminded. "Sometimes I need time out from that. And I got used to coming to the cafe and work." "Tell you what, when you miss it that much you can come and we can talk. That way you can also tell me if they are still treating you nice," Trevor said. "I will surely do that. I think you will be late from whatever you are going to do at this hour." Trevor and Sebastian both looked at their wrist watches, only to find out it was nine in the evening. "Yeah, we are late. See you sir," they both dipped their heads and Trevor got into the car, while Sebastian went and opened the gate. "Take care ok?" Trevor said through his open door. "I will do that. Now go," Mr. Jamison said. Sebastian waved his head to Mr. Jamison as he closed the gate after Trevor passed and got into the car. Just after Sebastian fastened his seatbelt Trevor took off. The road was a bit deserted, not to mention cars or people to speak off. But judging by how the place looked it was kinda understandable. Most houses looked dark, and it was only nine in the evening. Which means the electricity lining was not that friendly. The weather was very pleasing, the wind puffed on his face as he rolled the window down. His face was even changing, as if he was placed in a freezer. Then after a few minutes he closed the window. After a few minutes of driving they finally reached the town. Some places they passed were very full of people, mostly bars. And a few shopping malls were still open, but not the majority of people could be seen going inside them. Trevor hit the breaks just in time. "Oh, crap!" He shouted. "What the hell," Sebastian said and they got out of the car. "Dude, what is wrong with you? Do you want to die?" Trevor asked a white tall, handsome looking guy. But the man was too drunk to respond. "If you know you can't handle alcohol likely, why the hell do you even drink in the first place. Hey, we are talking to you," Sebastian touched the man's shoulder. But the man brushed Sebastian's shoulder just as quickly. "Dude......let go," the man said and stumbled a few feet then one step back. "We almost ran over you, bastard. And you would have given us added press. You know what Sebastian let's just go. There is no use talking to him. What a worst," Trevor said. "I think you will thank me later for this," Sebastian said. "Wha......wha....what are you....talking....about?" The man stammered. "This," Sebastian threw a punch and the man fell flat on his back. Not even attempting to work up. "He will be fine. At least he won't kill himself now," he added upon seeing Trevor's expression. Then he took the man's hands and dragged him out of the road and laid him on the side where no car could run over him. Then he came back and Trevor drove off. After driving for a couple more minutes, they arrived at Trevor's place. Without even making an attempt to go and open the gate, Trevor just got a small black remote on the dashboard and pressed the red button. Then after a few minutes, the gate opened and they went inside the house. Before he could drive in the garage, he pressed on a green button and the gate closed on it's own. As he reached the garage, he turned off the engine and they got out of the car. They walked out and Trevor closed the garage door. Trevor's house was a big gray house. But the inside was even bigger as compared to the way it looked outside. The surrounding was mostly grass, the only places covered with pavement were the ones where they paced and where the cars passed. There was a huge tree on the left side. And after Trevor's eyes stopped on the tree a thought hit him. After Isaac's grandmother, Mrs. Sinkala died. Trevor took the boy to a place he only goes alone to relax, and all to just get the boy into that happy place. But as they were there, the boy made some demands that will make him keep his mouth shut about the place. And since Trevor wanted the place to be unknown to the rest of the family members, he agreed to Isaac's demands. And one of them was to build Isaac a tree house. So if he doesn't want the boy's lips to loosen up he better get on with the building. On the other side there was a swimming pool which was covered. About five beach chairs and umbrellas. They finally reached the front door and got in. The boys who were still watching TV whirled. And after seeing that it was just their fathers they turned back to the TV. Trevor and Sebastian made their way and sat on the couch with relieving sighs. "Welcome back," the boys said, but their concentration was on nothing but the television. "Thank you," they both sighed. "Your food is on the dining table. Mother got tired of waiting for you," Frazer said. "Oh, thanks," Sebastian said. "Trevor. Oh, uncle Trevor, will you please tell all of them that Delur is my snowman," Isaac said, looking at each of them mysteriously. "Uncle Trevor, is it true that you gave Delur to him?" Mwansa asked. "Well," Trevor began. "Seriously, Trevor. This snowman came in hand. And you just had to give it to him. Who will get me water now?" Erup said. "First of all show me respect boy, I'm your father. And secondly, Delur was my snowman, so what I do with him is none of your business." "But uncle, we all needed him," Mwansa complained. Delur patted Trevor on his thigh. As he looked at him he began making hand gestures. "How do you understand that? I have tried but failed miserably," Sebastian said. "It's easy when you get used to it," Trevor replied. Then after a few minutes Delur stopped. "Good news, I forgot Delur has two brothers." "Sweet, one will be mine then," Justine spoke. "Aren't you too old to have dool?" Frazer asked and they all burst out laughing. "It's not a doll, it's my slave," Justine clarified. "They won't be your slaves, so don't even think about it. And quick word of advice they are psychopaths, so they won't agree to your demands as Delur does," Trevor said. "Father, we have met them. So we are well aware of their psychopathic nature," Justine said. "Whatever, Sebastian let's go and eat. We have things to attend to," Trevor got up. "What things?" Mutale asked. "Nothing, just carry on watching," he walked towards the dining table. "They are watching boring things. I'm just here because my phone died. Now tell me what you two are up to. And mind you we just saved your lives. So don't keep anything for us." He followed his father to the table. "Boy, I said it's nothing. Why the hell do you insist on knowing everything? It's just some minor issue we need to sort out," he pulled a chair and sat down. "But....." "Mutale, you have heard, it's just a minor issue we need to deal with. Now can we eat in peace?" Sebastian said. "Come dad. You know I can come in hand. So just fill me in," he pulled a chair and sat down. "Boy......" "Father, you know we can do this all night. So let's save both of us the trouble." "And you brothers?" "Don't worry, they are too consumed with the movie." Trevor looked at Sebastian then at Mutale again. Involving the boys in his problems was not something he wanted to go for. What if they get in more danger than this? They were quite strong, but he was dealing with psychopathic people. So involving his kids seemed to be an impossible scenario.
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