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After taking a shower. He wore black jeans and a black T-shirt, then completed the look with sneakers and a wristwatch. He went downstairs and as he touched the doorknob, Loveness called. He turned, and she was now two feet from him. “Yes. I’m late for work, so better be quick,” he said, not even caring how he sounded. “Trevor, what’s going on? Why did you late the four of them leave?” She asked, and touched his shoulder. “They are old enough to make their own decisions. So whatever they did was on them, not me. Now if that is all you have to say, I will take my leave,” he opened the door. “Aren’t you at least eating breakfast?” “No. I’m good thanks,” and without waiting for a reply, he shut the door on her. He went to the garage, entered the car, and drove off. Thirty minutes later, he reached the cafe. Packed his car and got out. “Morning Mr. Jemison,” he said. “Morning, Trevor. Hope you are doing fine?” Mr. Jemison smiled at him. “Yes, I’m fine, thank you. How about yourself?” “I’m fine as well. And today you came alone? Where is Sebastian?” “He is at home. I will see you later. I’m already late, sir. “ “Alright,” and Trevor left. The doorbell rang as he entered and he went straight to his office. He took files from his bag and began going through them. A few minutes later a rather young-looking lady brought green tea for him. She sat it on his desk and she went away. Then, as he was going through the files, he realized he had twenty minutes to be at the meeting. “Dammit,” he got up from the desk and hurried outside his office. Then left the cafe and straight into his car. And took off. Due to the problems at home he forgot he was supposed to meet with the owner of the finest tea in all country. And if he misses this chance, then Mubanga, his competitor, might just take advantage. And that is one thing he did not want to happen. So no matter what, he had to be at that meeting within twenty minutes. He was driving at maximum speed. Not even caring that his car might have been over speeding. Then, about fifteen minutes later, he reached the place of the meeting. Manda Hills. He packed his car and went out, running like a crazy person. And people were just staring at the owner of a famous cafe running like a crazy person. Some even took pictures. He finally reached the room of the meeting. He cleaned himself up at the door, then entered. His eyes widened as he saw who he was meeting. “You!” He gasped. “I should have known. I mean, they are few people named Trevor in this country.” A man with a well-trimmed beard said. He was not too much taller than Trevor. Maybe about two to three inches. Dark in complexion and short hair. He wore a well-fitting black suit and black shoes. Which made Trevor look at what he was wearing at a meeting. Blue jeans and a black T-shirt. Dammit. The man moved and hugged Trevor. “How have you been, you bastard?” The man said with a grin on his face. “Been good, Levison. How about you?” “I’m fine man. You bastards left us and disappeared just like that. And where is Sebastian? That asshole owes me a lot,” the man said and gestured for them to sit down. Before Trevor could answer, another man interrupted him. “Without due respect, sir. We have another meeting we need to attend, so the sooner we do this the better.” The man said. “There is no need for us to see their presentation gentleman,” he looked at four men with black dashing suits just like his. “This is Trevor. We were friends in high school. Still friends, I hope,” he looked at Trevor and the man nodded in confirmation. “I trust him and his cafe has been the best in the market. So working with him would be an advantage to both the companies,” Levison said. “Are you sure about this, sir? Mr. Trevor, I think we should show them our presentations,” Tandiwe said. “Woman, I just said there is no need for that. Trevor, I’m ready to work with you,” Levison stood up and held his hand for a handshake. “I will be stupid to decline your offer,” Trevor stood up and shook Levison’s hand. “It’s settled then. You can go through the files if you want to. There is no rush. John. Give the papers to the young lady,” Levison said. One man took the papers from his briefcase and gave them to Tandiwe. “Trevor, we should catch up. And bring that bastard Sebastian. I have to run for another meeting,” Levison said. “Sure thing. On Saturday. If you are free, of course,” Trevor said. “Saturday it is. Gentlemen let’s go,” Levison said. And after another bro hug with Trevor, he and his people left. “Damn, I’m so lucky. I was having a nervous breakdown while I was driving here. Thank God it was him,” Trevor sighed and sat down again. “So you two know each other very well, I guess,” Tandiwe said, still standing with papers in her hands. “Though I still wish I did my presentation. “ “So you can show off, eh?” A smile crept on his face. “No. If you work hard, then it is not show off. “ “Whatever. Let’s just go back to the cafe. I don’t trust that bastard you left in charge,” he got up and they exited the room. * “Are you and that bastard dating? No wonder you left him in charge of my cafe,” Trevor said as he started the engine. “No sir. He is just my friend,” she argued. “And if he messes up my cafe because of the thing you call love. I will screw both of you,” Trevor said and took off. * They finally reached the cafe and went inside, then straight to Trevor’s office. The day flew by so quickly he didn’t even realize it was late. He even forgot about the problems he had to deal with. Then his phone vibrated on the table. He took it. Sebastian was calling. “Yes,” he answered. “Aren’t you done with work yet?” Sebastian asked, in a rather shaking voice. “Not yet. Is there a problem?” Trevor asked. “Yeah. We have a problem. Actually, it is more of my problem,” Sebastian said, his breathing grew heavier. “What is the problem?” “The shadow bastard is attacking the werewolves. So I’m rushing there right now. If you have work to do, then it’s ok. I will deal with this myself. “ “Well, I do have work. But if you need me, I will be there in a few minutes,” he got up. “I just said if you have work, I will deal with this. Now just concentrate on your work. I will keep you updated ok?” “Alright then. And one thing: keep an eye on that bastard. I don’t trust him. “ “Yeah sure. Bye. “ “Bye, and good luck,” then Sebastian hang up the phone. He moved from his chair and began pacing. What the hell was happening to him? A few days ago, he wouldn’t have allowed Sebastian to go on a fight alone. Was he becoming heartless? Nothing is more important than his family and friends. But he just allowed Sebastian to face a freaking shadow alone. He stopped pacing and sat on the couch. “Was the academies right about my father’s heartless genes getting to me?” He asked himself as he lay on the couch. He sighed, looking at the ceiling. Sebastian is fighting a freaking monster, and he is there. Doing nothing at all. Was he pushing his family away? He just allowed four members of his family to leave the house. And now he has let Sebastian go and fight a freaking shadow alone. He might be a werewolf. But a shadow? That was on another level. He got up and resumed his pacing. Then someone knocked on the door. “Come in,” he said. Tandiwe entered. “Sir, we are going,” she said. “Oh, it’s time already? Don’t worry, I will lock the cafe. You can go,” he replied. “Alright, sir. Good night. “ “Good night Tandiwe,” he said, and she left. Then he went and lay on the couch again. Before he knew it, he was fast asleep. * “Dude, wake up,” Sebastian said. He opened his eyes and saw Sebastian sitting beside him. He looked around and realized he slept in the cafe. “Oh, s**t,” he jumped from the couch. “Did I sleep here?” He asked, parking his things. “Yep,” Sebastian said. “Dammit,” he took the phone from the desk. “Ten missed calls from Loveness. She is going to kill me.” “She is fine. But she was very worried that something happened to you,” Sebastian followed Trevor on the couch and sat on the opposite chair. After a few minutes of silence, Trevor spoke. “Wait. Did you beat that shadow monster? Or I was just dreaming about it?” “I did. But not completely. The bastard ran away,” Sebastian said. “Nice. Look, man, I’m sorry for not being there,” he sat down. “I don’t know what the hell is happening to me,” he beat his fist on the table. “I think you are just being too hard on yourself. And also you are allowing what the Academy told you about your father to get to you. Despite it being true. That doesn’t mean you are like your father. You are by far from that,” Sebastian said. “I just threw Emit and Hephzibah together with their girlfriends out of my house, man.” “Those two bastards deserved it for lying. And the women chose to follow. It’s not your fault. Now let’s go home all else Loveness will storm in this cafe. And you don’t want that,” Sebastian got up. “We have to go and look for them then,” he took his bag, and they left the office. “Mr. Trevor did you.” “Yeah. I will be back later, ok?” Tandiwe nodded, then Trevor and Sebastian left the cafe. * Halfway to his house, a thought hit him. “Yesterday I met with Levison,” he explained everything to Sebastian. “Seriously? We used to take advantage of that bastard,” Sebastian laughed. “Yeah, oh, and you owe him. So on Saturday, you will have to pay,” he took a turn. “He hasn’t forgotten about that?” Sebastian asked. “Apparently, not. And the bastard is filthy rich. Let’s just hope he hasn’t forsaken us,” Trevor said. “Hopefully. But he is an ass. So I presume he uses his shape-shifting to his advantage. “ “Yeah,” he entered his gate and packed the car into the garage. They got out and entered the house. Loveness was pacing in the living room and Natasha was trying to calm her. Then she looked at Trevor. Eyes burning with rage. “Sebastian, can I talk to you in the kitchen?” Natasha said. “Yeah, sure,” Sebastian said, and they left to the kitchen. “Morning, dear,” Trevor said, smiling as he got closer to her. “Don’t even think about lying to me. Where the hell were you all night? I have been calling, but you weren’t picking up. Who were you with?” She asked. “What? I wasn’t with anyone. I was at the cafe. And I fell asleep on the couch by accident. Listen Loveness. You are the one I love. So stop imagining things ok? I would never leave you ever,” he enunciated the last word. “I was just too tired and fell asleep on the couch. You can ask Sebastian he found me there. Sebastian,” he turned around, but Sebastian was not there. “Where the hell is he? Anyway, he found me there. I would never do what you are thinking, Loveness. And don’t stress yourself,” he moved and touched her stomach. “If you are not coming home, better call next time. Or I will be the one to destroy that cafe,” she said. “Understood, my queen,” he got up and kissed her. “Damn. Will you go and take a shower? I will prepare you food in the meantime,” she pushed him away. “What? I don’t smell that bad,” he sniffed himself. “Trevor, shower now. “ “Yes, my queen,” he stole another kiss and hurried to the stairs. He threw the bag on the bed and went straight to the bathroom. Things seemed to be going great. He was finally feeling like himself. Whatever the hell was going on with him was gone. Now it’s time to bring the all family together.
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