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Thirty minutes later, Mrs. Sinkala came downstairs. She went and joined Trevor. He sighed, then cleared his throat. “Yes, Trevor. What’s seems to be the problem?” She asked casually. “Well, we have other bastards messing with the town. Well, to get to me,” he added. “What do you mean,” she looked at him in a rather eager way. Loveness joined them as she finished preparing. “Serpents are roaming around the city. Killing people.” “What?” “Yes. And until we solve this. You and Isaac should leave as far away from this place. It’s not long until those bastards come and attack one of you. And the last thing I need is for any of you to get hate,” he looked at Loveness. “I told you I’m not leaving. And don’t press the matter on,” she retorted. “I’m also not leaving. You have taken care of me and my grandson for years, and there is no way I will forsake you now. Loveness is right don’t press on the matter.” “Please, both of you try to understand. I’m only asking you to give me just enough time to teach those assholes never to mess with my city. Then you can come back. And Isaac still thinks magic is mythical,” he added, turning to look at Mrs. Sinkala. “Well, it’s prime time he leans the truth,” Mrs. Sinkala said stubbornly. “Mrs. Sinkala.” “Trevor leave it. If those bastards what a fight, then we are gonna give it to them. I owe your parents may their souls rest in peace a lot. I don’t have magic or any of that, but I can give you my support.” “Alright, but just like I told her. Don’t go outside from now onwards. Isaac will learn from here. And you can give an excuse at the school. I even think you need to retire,” a smile crept on his face. “Trevor, I’m still a young lady,” she shot a cheerful smile at him. “Loveness,” she turned. “I have been telling him that. I mean look at that beauty,” Loveness said. They laughed for a while. Mrs. Sinkala actually slapping her hands on the knees to support her weight. “Aunt Loveness is the food ready!” Isaac shouted as he came downstairs. “Yes, my dear,” she whipped her teas. “We should also go and eat before the food gets too cold.” They got up and joined Isaac at the dining table. Trevor bent his head to look at the stairs, but there was no sign of the boys. “Isaac, were his Mutale and his brothers?” He finally asked. “Mutale is still in his room. I haven’t seen Rup and Justine though,” Isaac said in his tiny voice, and the boy took a big bite from his chicken thigh. “Are you forgetting that you punished them to only eat a slice each?” Loveness asked, putting a mixture of vegetables on Trevor’s plate. “What did they do?” Mrs. Sinkala asked. “Well,” he explained everything to her, “and for that reason, I gave them that punishment,” he finished. “But my dear, you are taking them to.....whatever that place is called. They can’t go on empty stomachs,” Mrs. Sinkala spoke. “There is no place called Yarrum as far as our map goes. Then where is it located?” Isaac asked. “It’s a mythical place. I and the boys were playing a game, and that is where Yarrum was. Don’t mind this ok? Just keep eating,” Trevor spoke. “Can we play the game again, after we finish eating?” “We will tomorrow, I promise,” Trevor spoke, smelling brightly at Isaac, “and to answer your question, Mrs. Sinkala. We are not going to spend too much time there. Only a few minutes.” They carried on eating, and after an hour they finished. Loveness and Mrs. Sinkala took the plates to the kitchen, then after they finished, they joined Trevor and Isaac on the game of snakes and ladders. The boys came downstairs, they all wore outdoor pants tracksuits, a full-sleeved top with a hood. With sneakers. They walked over and sat on the couch. “Father, aren’t we going?” Mutale asked. “We are. I just got into the game too much, I forgot about the trip. Let’s go,” he got up. “Uncle Trevor, I’m following,” Isaac said. “Listen, Isaac, we are going on a dangerous trip. But tomorrow I will take you on a rather safer one. Make me proud by biting the ladies on the game. We will be back in a while, ok?” “No, I’m following,” stomped his feet. “Boy, don’t argue. Listen to him. Let’s keep playing,” Mrs. Sinkala spoke. “Listen, Isaac,” he put one knee down, “I will tell you about how boring it will be when we come back, ok?” “Promise?” “Promise. Boys, let’s go,” he got up, and they headed to the library. Just after they got out of Isaac’s sight, they shadow walked, and moments later appeared on the fourth floor in the library. They entered the realm and began walking through the dark passage. “So what should I be aware of before we enter into the gateway?” Trevor asked. “Oh, we even forgot. There is this invincible monster that everyone is afraid of. And one time we fought with snowmen. Not the regular ones, those bastards were more vicious and sociopathic,” Mutale added upon seeing Trevor’s look, “and we were saved by Emit. He looks like a house-elf like that one in Harry Potter what was his name again...... Dobby. But he is a little tall and not literally like Dobby because some of his features are just like us,” he explained. “And I’m only hearing about it now? What if those bastards killed you? I will surely kill those snowmen bastards,” he said through clutched teeth. “We didn’t tell you because of that reaction. If we did, you would have probably gone and obliterated them. Creating enemies in the process,” Justine said. “Either way, you should have told me.” They reached the door. Erup touched the knob and pulled the door open. There was something blue like water circling covering the all entrance. Trevor looked at the boys and stepped in. He landed in a snowy place and a few seconds later the boys appeared. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me about snow?” He scolded. “Oh, it slipped our minds, I will gate you a jersey,” Justine said, and he winked out of sight. Then about a minute or two he appeared with a black jersey and gave it to Trevor. He took it and threw it on. “So where to next?” Trevor asked. “Since we had been to Emits house. We can shadow walk there. Father, you are with me, Erup with Justine,” Mutale said. “No. I’m with you, and Trevor is with Justine,” Erup corrected. “Oh, he has trust issues when it comes to Justine,” Mutale said, reading Trevor’s mind. Trevor moved to Justine and Erup to Mutale, then they disappeared. Seconds later appeared inside Emits house. A fire was burning in the fireplace. A blue, kind of fluffy blanket lay on the couch. And two cups of coffee. They looked to the other side of the room and they saw snow trailing going to the next room. They changed thoughtful looks and began following the snow tracks. They took a turn into the passage with just a bit dim due to lack of light. The only source of light was at the far end of the passage wall. They went straight and took another turn. Then they reached a door. Trevor leaned on the door and he could hear people speaking in a language he didn’t understand. He called to his wand, and it appeared in his hands. “Father, what are you doing?” Mutale whispered, taking Trevor’s wand. “Mutale the wand. We don’t know what the hell is in that room,” Trevor spoke in the lowest possible voice. “Father, we know Emit, ok? And I think you realize now why we didn’t tell you about this,” Justine said. “Will you just open the freaking door,” Erup said. Trevor took a sigh and pushed the door inwards. “What the hell?” Emit, who was dressing up, shouted. The other person had the same features as Emit. Except she looked like a woman. She was putting on her shirt. She quickly jumped into a fighting stance, forgetting that she was totally naked, well her shirt covered the weird parts. The boys looked away. “Boys, what are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in a while. And let me guess, he is your father, right?” “Yes,” Mutale responded, still looking away. The woman spoke in a foreign language that only Emit seemed to listen. When she finished, Emit also spoke in a foreign language, gesturing at the boys. She nodded her head and carried on putting on her clothes. “You are lucky you come just as we finished, or else I would have obliterated you, and fed your balls to the snowmen,” Emit said finishing button his white shirt. The women spoke in a foreign language again. “Boys, you can look now,” Emit called out. He swiveled to the woman and told her something. Then she left, waving at the boys and Trevor. Not knowing what to do, they just waved back. And the door shut behind her. “You didn’t tell us you have a wife,” Justine spoke. “Oh, she is not my wife. Her name is Reyar noble woman.” “So she is a p********e?” Erup asked, keeping his voice as casual as he could. “Kinda that. Anyway, nice meeting you Mr.” “Trevor.” “Mr. Trevor,” he held his hand for a handshake. “Not to be rude. But you just finished doing your business meeting with Reyar. So shaking your hand would be disgusting,” Trevor said, putting his hands on his hips. Emit dipped his head, making his point ears bend a little. “Let’s go and sit at the fireplace. You must be cold,” Emit gestures for the door. They all left the room and went to the supposed leaving room. “You didn’t begin your meeting on these couches, right?” Justine asked then Mutale and Erup laughed. “No,” the boys sat, “maybe,” he laughed. “Dude, not cool,” Erup said, jumping from the couch. “Just kidding. Mr. Trevor, you can make yourself at home,” Emit dipped his head. They all sat down then Emit went on, “you sure look like someone I knew,” he looked closer at Trevor. “Oh. Let’s just hope it’s a monkey on any weird-looking creature,” a smile crept on his face. “Oh, know. On earth actually, anyway, let me not be too creepy. Care for dessert?” “No, thank you we just ate,” Trevor said. “Don’t be silly,” Emit held his hand and a black wand appeared in his hands. It was kinda sparkling. They all gasped, slapping their hands on their mouths. “Wait, I mentioned to you that I’m a wizard?” He looked at their stunned faces. “ You didn’t,” Justine spoke. “Well, I’m,” he waved his wand, and ice cream appeared on the table. All flavors. “What brings you here, anyway? I haven’t seen you, bastards, in a long time now. Let’s hope all is well,” he said, putting ice cream on a glass cup. “Dig in. It is not gonna eat itself, you know,” he gestures for the ice cream. “Well, we are looking for someone,” Mutale began. “Who?” Emit asked, mouth full. “We don’t know him. But the tracking spell said he leaves here.” “And why are you looking for the person? If I may ask?” “Well, he has been helping me for quite some time. But he never shows himself to us. And when he came today, I was able to grab part of his shirt,” Trevor spoke, helping himself to the ice cream. “Oh, that’s weird,” Emit said, putting the glass of ice cream on the table. “What do you mean, Emit?” Mutale asked, “And why do you look so pale?” “What is your last name again?” He looked at Trevor. “Er.... Mwansa. I don’t really see who this is gonna help us.” “Oh, s**t,” Emit got up. They all turned to look at him. He began pacing, rubbing his hands together nervously. “Emit, what is going on?” Trevor asked, standing up. “Well,” he began, “I think you have found the person you are looking for,” he stopped and looked at them. “What?” they all asked.
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