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He stayed there at the fireplace in silence, lost in his thoughts. He did even realize that the fire had extinguished. The thought of losing his unborn baby was just too powerful to comprehend. He kept on standing, pacing, and sit down back again. And he repeated to process for over thirty minutes. But despite doing that. He didn’t come up with any plan that could end all this nonsense. But he did give up. Instead, he kept beating his head, hoping to knock some sense into it. He moved and sat on the couch. But that didn't help at all. His mind kept ongoing from the house as he left Sebastian, Natasha, Emit, Hephzibah, and Azariah unconscious. The only one conscious was Mrs. Sinkala and her grandson. And the two of them couldn’t stop the Academy from getting inside the house and finish them off. Even the fact that he had made a protective shield around the house seemed not to help at all. If the Academy managed to break what force preventing them from reaching his house at first, then not even a shield he made could prevent them. Still up to know he didn’t know what that force had been. Or how the academy managed to break it. Just thinking about what the Academy might do to the people he left behind made the hair at the back of his head stood up. But his heart sunk more when his mind was brought him back to the reason he was in Yarrum. The family tree had no information about his unborn baby. But the rest of the family’s information was inscribed on it. The only thing it reviews, though not literally, was that his baby was not gonna be born. But that was something he never wanted to think about. But the more he tried, the more it came back to hunt him. And the fact that his wife had been kidnapped seemed to prove the family tree’s point even more. He sighed and leaned on the couch. He needed to come up with a plan and fast before things went t**s. He was brought back to reality when he heard the snowmen making weird noises. He looked straight and found them looking at him. In a rather mischievous manner. They kept on making hand gestures and muttering things he never understood. No matter how hard he tried to make something of what they were saying, nothing came to mind. And with everything going on in his head, it kinda added to the troubles. “Do you need food?” He finally asked. Still looking at them attentively. The snowmen exchanged thoughtful looks and then returned to Trevor. The one in the middle looked about a foot tail, then the two began moving its hands. And after some time, a blue ball with blinding light began forming between its hands. Trevor got to his feet with the fear that the snowmen still hated him for their previous encounter. That wasn’t the case. After the blue ball grew bigger and the light became brighter that Trevor actually looked away. The snowman threw the ball right past Trevor and it slammed into a wall, creating a noticeable hall to actually see outside. He looked at them as they clapped in excitement, then back to the wall again. He waved his wand, and the hall mended itself within seconds. And he turned to the snowmen, who looked rather disappointed. “What do you think you are doing? Do you want to make Reyar kill me for damaging her house?” He scolded, but kept his voice casual. The snowmen began talking amongst each other. Then, after a few heartbeats turned to Trevor. The smallest one moved forward. Closer to the table. It locked its dark eyes with Trevor, then gestured for him to move closer to it. Without giving it much thought, he bent his head. The little snowmen began waving its hands and snowflakes began falling. Then, after minutes of snow falling, two little men but visible for Trevor to see made of snow were formed on the table. He looked from one to the other. All of them displaying mischievous, cheerful smiled on their weird-shaped faces. Then he turned to the table, and the men made of snow were complete. They began fighting, exchanging fireballs and the like at each other. The snowmen looked at Trevor, who looked at them back. They clapped their hands cheerfully and kept on gesturing for him to get what they were telling him through their magic tricks. But the man was clueless. Then a thought hit him. “Wait. You want to train?” They nodded, “you want to play?” They nodded yet again, “fight then?” They held their stick hands in a thumbs-up manner. “You want to fight me? Or amongst yourselves?” The little one slapped its stick hand on its forehead. Giving up on trying. According to its facial expression, it was a worst of time trying. But the middle one seemed to think otherwise. It stepped forward. Locked eyes with Trevor, then pointed at him. “Me, l,” he said. Then the snowman pointed at the men fighting at the table. Both had lost a part of their snow bodies. “The men,” the snowman nodded vigorously and kept pointing at the men fighting. He looked at it attentively then said, “fight,” it nodded excitedly. “I fight,” he connected the two and the three snowmen looked at each other excitedly, even the little one. Then the snowmen began moving their hands in a carrying a baby sort of way. “Baby,” Trevor said, and they nodded. The little one got into the game again. It began moving and groaning like a monster. “Me, fight, baby, monster. Wait, there is a baby monster you want me to fight?” He asked, totally bewildered. They moved their stick hand in a NO way. The helder one moved a foot from its brothers, then repeated the all process to Trevor. “You want me to fight a monster?” He said, and they held their hands in thumbs-ups but gestured for him to go on. He scratched his head for several seconds then said again, “you want me to fight a monster and get the baby?” They jumped excitedly then pointed at him making stopping the baby crying gestured. “My baby?” They nodded, and then it finally hit him. How did he fail to get it? They wanted him to go and rescue his family from Egayov. “You want me to go and fight Egayov?” they nodded but the little one made a kill him gesture. “I’m going to dismember every part of his body,” he said, and the snowmen were jumping. Excitement clouding their eyes. “But there is one problem,” he said, looking at them in a disappointed manner. And they displayed the same faces as his. “I still have to wait for Reyar. She needs to show me where Egayov is. And she might come in hand. She is a maker, after all. Just like your father.” Their shoulder sunk and they climbed on a couch. “Tell you what,” he moves closer to them, “I will take you to kill Egayov. You deserve to finish that bastard of a brother for being an ungrateful asshole towards your father,” they looked at him in a really way. “Yeah,” he said. He finally started to understand their way of communicating. They sat there in silence. For a few minutes, he seemed to have forgotten about his worries. But one thing was for sure. Whatever way he was planning to use when killing Egayov was not a friendly one. He actually made the hair on his hand stand by the thought. He even considered seen a therapist afterward. Whatever way he was thinking was one hell of a psychopathic manner. After a few minutes, I jumped from a chair by a thought that hit him. The snowmen looked at him attentively. It could just be what they have been waiting for all that time. But no. Trevor’s mind was elsewhere. “Listen,” he kneed in front of them, “I have to go back to earth and check on my friends, ok?” But the snowmen were making argumentative noises and gestures. Especially the little one. “I will be back even before Rayer gets here. I have been here for an hour, which is enough to earn months on earth. So I have to go and check on my friends. Just stay here, ok?” They nodded. He got up and moved a reasonable distance from them. He waved a wand, and a portal appeared. And he saw his living room at the center of the sparks.  He looked back at the snowmen, but they were not there. His eyes widened. Moving closer to the couch, he heard their tiny feet running. Then he looked at the floor and spotted their footprints. He followed them and the hair at the back of his head stood up. Their footprints were reading into the gateway. “Oh, no,” he said and jumped into the gateway, which was beginning to fade away. He appeared seconds later inside his house. And immediately spotted Mrs. Sinkala clinching Isaac, who was looking at the three snowmen with excitement. “Uncle Trevor!” Isaac shouted and got out of his grandmother’s grip. “Look snowmen,” he pointed at them face flickering. “Are these the one’s uncle Sebastian was talking about?” A few days ago, Sebastian was telling his kids he was going to take them to see snowmen. But that was only to shut them about going to fight alongside him. Part of adults magic. Then Isaac overheard and asked Sebastian if he could follow. And well, the man said yes. “Yes. But don’t go near them ok? First, let me have a talk with your grandmother,” the boy nodded, still looking at the snowmen with excitement. Trevor walked over and sat close to Mrs. Sinkala. “How are you Mrs. Sinkala? Where is everyone? And didn’t the Academy came here?” He asked. “Relax, Trevor. Everything is fine. But they are still in deep sleep,” she looked upstairs, “and it looks like they are having a bad dreams,” she added looking down. “Wait, what day is it? Or month?” “We are in January my son.” “What? I have been gone for only a few hours. Dammit,” he beat a fist on his thigh. “Isaac, stay back!” He shouted as he saw the boy going closer to the snowmen. “You know them?” Mrs. Sinkala asked. “Yes. They are with me. Now listen,” he looked back at her, “I’m going back, the shield around the house will do. Hopefully. I still have to find my wife and the kids. So just take care of yourself and them, ok?” She nodded. He got up and stood a few feet from her. “Let’s go,” he looked at the snowmen who walked towards him faces down. “I will bring them back ok?” He looked at Isaac. “Promise?” “Yeah,” and he shadow walked as the snowmen touched him. Seconds later, they appeared inside the realm in the library. “Don’t touch anything,” he told them. He walked over and took a hand full of black marbles. Then turned, only to find the little one, not with its brothers. “Where is your brother?” He asked, and they pointed to their right. He looked and saw the little one playing with a golden bracelet. He went to it and retrieved the bracelet. “What part of don’t touch anything don’t you get? Come on let’s go.” They walked to the two snowmen and Trevor slammed one marble on the floor as they reached them. “Come on, enter,” he told them and they walked inside the gateway. Then he followed and a few seconds later appeared inside Rayer’s house. Luckily there was no sign of Rayer. He walked to the couch and sat down. Lost in thoughts again. It has been about three months. He thought. A few hours in Yarrum was enough to earn a month on earth. Crap. And what was the academy planning that made them not attack his family on earth? Whatever it was it was big. But first thing is first teaching Egayov some manners.
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