A caged plan

1060 Words
It felt strange to have someone know her secret, for five years she has lived in total isolation, no human could know of her, her duty to them done in total secrecy... Blair looked over her shoulder at Wolfe, but he's no human, he was supposed to be ended by her, yet Maikah said she could give him sanity, a partner, someone who can keep her company, help her face these creatures from the astral plains. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Wolfe chuckled. She blinked "I'm sorry, it's just weird having company after all these years" "You've been alone?" "No one can know my secret, I will be misunderstood" Wolfe chuckled again "I understand, I nearly soiled myself when you became that large wolf" Blair giggled "I'm sorry, I just had to prove a point to you" "So? What do you do? You know? Do you run around being a wolf? Hunt elk? Scare humans?" "No, I am on a quest to stop supernatural beings that passes through a wall that parts this world from the astral plains, you where such a creature, but now you have to join me, unfortunately" Wolfe swallows hard "Eh? Mind explaining that?" She smiled at him "I got this wolf form from a being that dwells in the astral plains, her name is Mai-coh, but she said to call her Maikah..." Blair stopped to watch over a holler, the almost full moon lit the trees up, making them a dark purple. "She told me this; I am from the Aniwaya clan, which means wolf clan or people, we were the ones who guarded man from the supernatural for centuries. But my clan was wiped out, I am all that remains, and it's my duty to continue this quest, to end the creatures that escape the astral plains" Blair turned to Wolfe "You where my first target, I came to you because I feared your bite will turn more humans into wolves... Did you?" Wolfe scratched his head "I, I can't be sure, I don't remember what happens to me during that time" Blair folded her arms "This is worrisome, I have to find out if you are the only one, if not, I must track down any wolf that needs stopping" "I'm sorry Blair, I created a load of work for you" "Don't worry" She smiled "At least I'm not alone anymore, and you can rest assured that you won't harm anyone again" He nodded "I still have to thank you" "It's a pleasure, now..." She looked around "Where do I begin Maikah?" 'You were lucky to have found Wolfe right off the bat, and it's as you presumed, we cannot rest the werewolf case unless we're absolutely sure Wolfe didn't bite anyone' "Is there a way to figure it out?" 'Let me think...' Blair looked at Wolfe who stood watching her confused. "What?" "You're talking to this Maikah?" "Yes, she helped me a lot through the last five years, I owe her a great deal" "Can I? Hear her?" "I'm not sure, she's in my subconscious at the moment" 'I have an idea' Maikah said. "I'm listening" "Wolfe could understand you when you were a wolf, maybe that's a way you can find another wolf, if there is one" "But... I got shot!" Blair said looking at Wolfe. "Then the best option is to go to that cage and go back in, there no one will frown down on you, and you can look out for this other presumed wolf. Now with your new friend it will be easy, he can stay close, then when you figure out the one you can point him out, and Wolfe can follow until you can meet up with him again" "That's brilliant" Blair said walking back towards the town. "Where are we going?" Wolfe asked following her. "Back to the cage" "Back!? Why?" "Remember how you understood me in my wolf form?" "Yes?" "That's the key! I recon of word spreads the 'werewolf' was caught, the real one, if there is one, will come out to see, then if I manage to pinpoint one you can follow him or her until I can catch up with you" Wolfe placed his hand on his chin "You sure you're up to being in that cage again?" She glanced at him "It's the only place at the moment I can safely be in my wolf form, and be around a lot of people at the same time, you'll be there with me right?" He nodded "Yes, I suppose" "Relax Wolfe, we're a team now" "Then what off the full moon tomorrow?" "We do the same as now, I'll escape again and be with you" "Ok then, let's give this a whirl, what if we don't find any?" "Then we give it about three days, if we don't have luck, we escape and leave" Blair smiled at him. Back in the shed Blair phased back into the cage and shifted onto her wolf again. "Good, go back to Boone Wolfe, tomorrow our search begins" She said. "Very well, hopefully it bares fruit, I looked forward to going on that journey with you" He said leaving backwards out of the doors. Blair lied down in the cage, this was indeed an adventure she was about to embark on, Wolfe traveled in her mind already, she found a fondness about him. 'One thing you must remember Blair is that you are still in essence a teenage girl, this is the time you will start noticing boys' Maikah said. "Noticing?" 'Yes, everyone at some time in their lives will mature, and it's natural for you to start seeing boys as boys, and not just friends' Blair sighed "Maybe, in a later stage, can you explain it better?" 'Of course, you see Wolfe as a companion now, when the feelings deepen I will elaborate' "Thank you Maikah, what would I have done without you" Maikah was quiet for a while, then before Blair fell asleep she spoke again. 'I won't always be there Blair, remember, I'm still a being of the astral plain, you will some day continue your journey with my gift when I return, and it will become yours to do as you see fit' Blair felt her heavy eyes sink, then sighed "I hope that's not too soon"
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