
1062 Words
Hunter’s POV: I had always wanted that love, the love that burned so hot, keeping everybody else away and burning them when they come too close. And that is exactly what, I got our love burned so hot it destroyed a town, tearing families and friends apart and worse, of destroying my soul and steeling my freedom. I had loved her, I had adored her, worshipped her, but I would never be able to forget her or forgive her. From the first moment I saw her, I knew she was special. She was my everything, even now, 25 years later, memories of her refused to let me be, her face staring back at me, she was everywhere, I was doomed to be haunted by her smell, her face, her everything. I still could only think of her. I would forever live with her right here staring back at me. We were star crossed, denied being together. Caught out of time, ripped apart for a moment. A moment that destroyed us both. Now only questions remained and I needed to find out exactly what happened because if I don’t, she would never rest, I would never rest. I packed my bags, I threw clothes into them. I almost felt desperate to get back to Lakehurst. I now almost always see her. Dressed in the same short flowing white dress she wore the last time I saw her. I turned and she stood staring at me with that haunted expression on her face. I dragged my hand through my hair, frustration coursing through my body. “God Jemma, can’t you just leave me alone?” She tried to speak but no sound came out of her mouth. I heard the doorbell ring and ran downstairs; I threw the door open and stared at a very unwelcome guest. “Jesus, Jem, I told you I am doing this alone” I was so obsessed with my first love that I even named our daughter after her.” Jem stared back at me with a determined expression “Yeah, well I’m going. I’m not going to let you face those assholes on your own.” “There is no way you are going, forget about it.” “Dad, I am 25 years old, you had trouble ordering me around when I was 10. So just make peace with it, I am going”. Even saying that got me emotional. I spent the first 10 years of Jem's life behind bars. I smiled at her. “Yeah. Okay, but only until I am moved in” “It’s like you don’t even know me.” I laughed as we walked upstairs. She grabbed another suitcase and started to help me pack my clothes. Jemma appeared next to her, looking silently at my daughter, our daughter. She was always fascinated when Jem came by. She stared at her lovingly and the same guilty feelings returned. Jem spent the first 10 years of her life in foster care, while I was in prison. Jem was beautiful. Her long dark hair and vibrant blue eyes always drew people to her. She was so similar to Jemma in looks and the way people were drawn to her. No one knew that I could see Jemma. That is something I kept to myself. I could always see her but over the last year she had started to appear more. She looked almost afraid and that had me worried. What if something was going to happen to Jem? “Jem, maybe you should stay. You know it might get a little hairy down there, those people still think of me as the murderer”. “Well f**k ‘em, I’m going. She was my mother and I need to know”. I smiled at her and gave her a tight hug “If anything happens to you, I don’t know what I’ll do”. “Nothing will happen, I promise”. Going back to Lakehurst was not going to be easy, after the price I paid, it was going to be f*****g hell. I stepped out of the room to call my editor Julie. She answered on the first ring. “Hey Jules, so I’m all packed ready to go back to Lakehurst.” She kept quiet for a couple of seconds. “You’re sure about this Hunter, your new book is about to hit the selves and don’t think now is the right time” “I have to do this for Jem and myself.” “It’s been over 25 years, Hunter.” “I know, but I need to do this. Please understand Julie” “Jesus Hunt, you’re a True Crime writer not a f*****g Private Investigator, and honestly, what do you think you’ll find there after 25 years?” “I need to find Jemma, Jules” “She’s dead” “Not to me, through all these stories I have written over the last 15 years, the only crime on my mind was Jemma’s and I need to solve it” There was silence on the other side of the line. “I still think it’s a bad idea, but I know if you set your mind to something, you won’t be able to stop until it’s done, but do you have to take Jem with you” “Yeah she kind of insisted, she’s 25 Jules. I can’t make her choices anymore, not that I ever did, plus I am looking forward to spending some time with her, my little girl.” “She’s 25 Hunt not so little anymore.” “Yeah I know. I’ll call you when we get to Lakehurst” 2 hours later, the packing was done and the car was packed and ready to go. We got into the car and started to drive off. Jem switched on the radio, she turned toward me and stared at me. “So what are we in for? Tell me about Lakehurst” “How many times do I have to tell you this story?” “Just this last time, please Hunt”. She never got into the habit of calling me Dad, but that was okay. I loved her from the moment I saw her. “Okay, so let me start at the beginning.”
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