Episode 3

944 Words
Peace's POV Peace paced round the small room she shared with Mrs Miller's daughter as though she would leave a hole . " See peace if you continue like this there is a possibility that you will leave a hole and the floor by the time you done". Mary said in her usual sarcastic manner. Peace knew what Mary said was right but she just couldn't help worrying. Okay she isn't a golddigger or something, she truly loves Ryan to the extent that even if he had nothing she was really ready to be with him. But for the deity that she really had her hopes on to have given her a false sign like she didn't matter was pissing her off, if when she first asked them for a sign and they didn't give any she would have just stopped all this her daydreaming. "Peace!!!!!! Are you sure that you are listening to me at all?". Mary asked just to be sure that she wasn't just making noise, so peace on the other side heard her clearly but she had nothing to say because it will always bring same result as usual she won't understand. "Well as you already know I am definitely not deaf. I heard you the first time", peace replied. She really didn't want to sound rude but still she was really in a bad mood now so what else do you expect from her . Mary had always been her friend even before her parents passed away. Peace looked at Mary although there were same age she never fails to remind her that she was few months older than her. Their mummies had been like a Long time friends like really good friends and they ended up inheriting it from them. Peace stopped in the front of the huge mirror standing at a corner of the room. She was what they would call gorgeous and attractive with her fresh clean innocent looking face. She combed her f fingers through her hair, it wasn't a long nor curly hair she had a short unpleasant looking hair that made her look like a poor guy. She had always wished she had a long hair so should put it in ponytail showing her very sexy long nice. She loved admiring herself always which isn't bad because people hardly do that. She turned her face slightly to take a look at her perfect long pointed nose, nose that she would always be proud of. She had always heard of girls going out of their was to go get there nose worked on, but she never had to about such because her nose was all they wanted. She placed a finger on her small full lips. She had always imagined Ryan's lips on them, most people said she had the body and a perfect face for being a star but the only problem was that she doesn't have any talents that could make her a star. She smiled as she recalled the one time that she had gone for a movie audition, she ended up been carried off stage because they said she was wasting their time. Thought she was poor and had nothing she sure knows that she is very attractive and special. That was the only reason that she didn't have to worry about how much strong her palm was. "She was confidence that she would surely work her way to the top and eventually to Ryan's heart . All she needed to keep going right now was another sign. She just closed her eyes and found herself being interviewed by different types of press. "So ma'am, what do you have to say to every young ladies out there?". The faceless reporter asked her. She smiled go the camera and the said. " Don't even think of giving up no matter what people says or think just hold up to your dream and work towards it". Mary rolled her eyes as she sees peace smiling at herself on the mirror with her eyes closed. She just didn't need to be told that the poor thing was daydreaming again. "What on earth are you dreaming of this time around? For heaven's sake stop all this rubbish please peace, you are in your middle twenties yet you behave like a teenage". " At your age the only boyfriend that you have ever had is the one you created inside that nothing head of yours , please just wake up and get a life". Mary said sounding upset. Peace rolled her eyes and said "You don't have to keep repeating that lines I have heard them for too much times already. Well so speaking of boyfriends, how is your boyfriend"?. " I know you are trying to change the type but i will let it pass since it's about my love, he is very very fine infact he is more than fine". Mary said smiling. " So guess what". Mary said with a very huge smile on her face making it so obviously that she was really desperate of letting the news out, but she needed peace's full attention before doing that. "Okay..... . Did he proposed?". She asked because she couldn't think of a more better reason that could make her think happy. "Silly girl. If he had proposed I won't let a sec pass by before call you to break the good news. Well my big baby just got employed into CEO Ryan's compannnnnnnnnny ". She said smiling as she waited to see peace reaction. "Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!, That's the sign I am waiting for". Peace said jumping happily as she hugs Mary.
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