Chapter Two - Spoiled

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Clara never felt so lucky in her entire life, she was never spoiled like this with her parents, though she wasn’t complaining about what her parents offered her before while they were still alive.   She was beyond happy and content with her life together with her parents, but she feels so spoiled with how her aunt is treating her right now.   “Oh dear please don’t be shy, get more food, what else do you want? Waiter please?” her aunt gracefully raised her hands while calling some waiter.   They’re eating at a fancy restaurant right now that’s filled with people that look like all they talk about is business.   Clara isn’t full yet because this is a high-class restaurant that serves dishes without rice, all of them looked so rare and expensive, but they only serve a few of them. Who gets full on this? She thought.   “N-No aunty, I’m fine, you bought me so much already,” Clara still felt bad, her aunt and she have been to many fancy malls and boutiques today to buy her so many things that she knew she couldn’t afford even if she worked her butt off.   “Nonsense dear, that’s not half of what I spend every single day,” her aunt gloated, so Clara just smiled at her. She couldn’t understand the life of rich people. How much does she spend every single day?   Clara wanted to ask, but she kept her mouth shut afraid that her aunt might judge her way of thinking, or worse, her aunt might get offended.   “I’m truly grateful, plus I have never tasted such fine steak,” Clara gleamed while trying to eat formally, she was taught by her parents to eat like this if they ever eat at a fancy restaurant someday, which didn’t happen.   She was grateful because she used that skill perfectly here, “Oh yes dear! My steak is one of the best around the city,” her aunt winked at her as she took a sip from her glass of wine.   “Finish up there because we’re going home at your new house to let you get settled,” her aunt gave her a small smile, so Clara reflected on it as she finished her food.   They talked about it a while ago while shopping, Clara was surprised that her aunt was willing to take her despite all the troubles she caused her including how she accidentally broke an ancient vase while they’re roaming around a boutique, it wasn’t her fault, her aunt wasn’t just looking at their way and she took the blame herself.   Luckily, Clara thought her aunt was nice enough to forgive her because Serene told her that she could buy that again from her friend.   Though she was surprised when her aunt informed her that her things in her small apartment were already packed and are already in her aunty’s house. Clara still couldn’t believe how fast money works.   After they ate, it was already near sunset, the vast colorful sky is a combination of pink salmon and red-orange clouds, it looks breathtaking no matter where Clara looks.   “Dear, are you always pacing out like this?” her aunt asked in an irritating tone, so she flinched before bowing her head to apologize.   “I’m sorry, it’s just that, I couldn’t help but admire the skies, it’s just so breathtaking,” she heaved a deep long sigh because she was super relaxed, so her aunt just shook her head at her.   “I see, well let’s get you settled, I’m so excited to tour you around my house!” Her aunt sounded thrilled, so she just smiled before escorting her towards the car.   It was a while until they arrived at a huge mansion. Clara couldn’t speak because of what she saw before her.   A huge manor came to greet them after they got out of the Ferrari, a lot of maids and butlers in their black and white uniforms were waiting for them at the main door while they’re all lined up on each side of the balcony. Clara was beyond astonished that she’s seeing this in real life.   Her aunt grabbed Clara’s arm to pull her closer to her as they started walking towards the main huge door.   The maids and butlers bowed after they took the last flight of stairs before the main door, “Good evening madame’s,” they greeted, so Clara felt so important for a moment. ‘Is this for real?’ Clara didn’t know what she should do so she just smiled at them.   “Good evening,” she greeted, but her aunt immediately raised her hand so those people scattered away from them.   “You don’t have to greet them, dear, it’s their job to greet us,” her aunt sounded like she’s scolding her, so Clara just nodded unconsciously because she’s confused why does those maids' job is to just greet them?   Clara shook her head before watching the one butler that looks like her aunt trusts a lot because even if all the maids and butlers have left, he remained standing near the door and opened the huge door for them while bowing his head. Even his uniform is different from every maid and butler that she has seen a while ago.   “Good evening, Serene,” the man greeted in a low voice that surprised Clara, he’s calling her aunt in without ma’am or something! Clara was even more surprised when Serene just smiled at him. ‘Are they that close?’ she thought.   “Welcome to my house dear,” Clara’s attention was immediately diverted to the interior design of the manor, she couldn’t count how many diamonds were displayed were seen in the living room.   The chandelier that serves as the light at the whole place overwhelmed her as it made the whole place look like it was a palace. A lot of expensive and rare furniture was to be seen that Clara’s afraid that she might break.   “W-Wow, you live here aunty?” Clara knew it was a stupid question to ask, her aunt just welcomed her after all, but she still did.   Her aunty chuckled like she was so pleased with her reaction, “Yes dear and this is not only my house, I have plenty that you should see someday,” her aunt sounded excited, but Clara’s attention was focused on the furniture that is familiar to her.   “Come on, let’s tour you around,” her aunt invited, so Clara immediately joined her as they started roaming around the first floor.   There was a huge shiny kitchen where you could cook, bake, and make whatever food you want, there’s also a separated dining room that looks like it was prepared for royalties.   After that, they went to the yard where a big Olympic pool is located, there’s a small jacuzzi where you could relax if you don’t want it cold.   Clara’s aunty sounded like she was a real estate manager while she’s explaining how this house was built, she was so thrilled at the tour that they were having.   They’re about to climb upstairs on the second floor when they’re both interrupted by the ringing of her aunt’s phone.   “One-moment dear,” her aunt fished out her phone on her Chanel bag before walking away from her, Clara stayed on the flight of the stairs while looking at herself in the mirror she saw near the stairs.   She looks extremely different from the expensive things that she was wearing, she was so overwhelmed with it that she couldn’t even recognize herself.   Clara thought that she has to get used to it because her aunt mentioned that she should stay with her, at least until Clara finds a decent job where she could get enough money to buy herself a house.   Even though she knew her aunt was rich, Clara couldn’t bring herself to ask her that much because she also wants to be independent like her mom before she found her father.   “Clara dear, I have to go, there’s some business I have to take care of, do you mind if I just show you to your room?” Serene asked while looking at her phone.   Clara immediately nodded, “No worries aunty, thank you,” she smiled as they started walking on some wide hallways and stopped in a white door room with a golden handle.   “This is your room, dear, if you need something, ring the bell near the bedside table, and the maids will knock at your door,” Serene informed her niece while continuously checking on her phone before leaving her.   “Y-Yes, I will, thank you, aunty, take care,” she yelled so that her aunt could hear her and was about to enter the white door when her aunt came back to grab her wrists.   “You’re still single and a virgin aren’t you?”   That question surprised Clara as she blushed. She never was in a relationship before because she focused on finishing her studies first. She wondered for a moment why her aunt asked that kind of question, but she just shook her head.   “Y-Yes, I’ve never been in a relationship aunt,” Clara shyly admitted, so her aunt raised her eyebrows at her.   “Great to hear,” her aunt sweetly smiled before bidding her goodbye and left her dumbfounded before she entered her room.   It was quiet after she closed the door behind her back, she stared at the floor and saw all of the paper bags containing the expensive things that her aunt bought for her there.   She wondered how it arrived here, but those maids and butlers probably moved this out of the car and moved it there for her. She even saw her things at her apartment inside of a huge suitcase near the queen-sized bed that she didn’t know where it came from.   Her aunt probably must’ve bought it to carry all of her clothes here in her manor, she happily rummaged through her things and took off her clothes to change into a comfortable one.   After she slipped into her oversized shirt and shorts, she felt relieved because the fancy dress and accessories were starting to itch.   Girls at her age might start to unbox everything inside those paper bags, but Clara chose to roam around her new room.   There’s a queen-sized bed that is red, black, and white combined with the shades of the curtains that are aesthetically pleasing among her eyes even if it’s not her favorite color. Clara thought that this might be her aunt’s favorite color.   She stared at the white bedside table where a small cactus plant was placed together with the golden bell. Her aunt wasn’t kidding about the bell, she slightly chuckled thinking that she’ll use it. She stared at the top of the ceiling and saw a black hanging light that serves as her light inside this room.   There’s also a bathroom with a heart-shaped bathtub, a huge walk-in closet where she has to put her clothes inside if she’s going to settle.   She happily roamed around that huge room until she ended up on a small terrace where she freely embraced the cold breeze of the night as the moon and stars were like waving at her from the vast navy-blue skies.   Clara knew that living here wouldn’t be as bad as she thought that it would be, she was expecting her aunt to be a clean-freak or even someone who’s so bothered about commoners that don't have the same riches as they are.   But her aunt’s different, she’s nicer than what Clara expected her to be and spoiled her the entire day.   “Mom, Dad, I found a nice relative that I’ll probably be living with until I get a decent job, I can’t stay here for too long because that would be so embarrassing,” Clara stared at the vast night skies while resting her elbows at the edge of the railings.    “I miss you two so much, please watch over me well okay?” Clara almost teared up as she found herself talking to her dead parents again.   They both died in an accident, their car lost brakes and ended up smashing themselves on some trees and died because of the impact.   Her parents were such wonderful people. Clara thought that they didn’t deserve what happened to them.   Before she could dwell more into it, a ring of her phone inside her room interrupted her train of thoughts so she immediately ran over there to check who it was.   “Julie! How are you?” Clara smiled after she placed the phone in her ears, it's her best friend that never left her side through ups and downs.   [Girl! Where are you?! They said you have moved out of this apartment!] Her best friend sounded like she was panicking, so Clara gasped remembering she forgot to inform her friend.   “Oh crap! I forgot to tell you! I met with someone today,” Clara started narrating everything that has happened to her today and her best friend remained quiet on the other line.   [How could you keep quiet about this?! Do you know how worried I was?!] her friend exclaimed, so Clara pulled her phone away from her for a moment because she thought Julie might break her eardrums.   Clara bit her lip as she tried to calm her down, “I already said I’m sorry, okay? How about I’ll meet up with you tomorrow?” Clara suggested, so her friend just sighed on the other line. Clara knew she successfully made her friend not bug her the whole night.   [You’re going to fulfill that alright?! And by the way, you mentioned Serene Crayford, right? Damn, she’s a freaking billionaire! I didn’t know you were such a celebrity!] Clara laughed when she heard Julie say that, she’s exaggerating again.   “Don’t be silly, I’m not a celebrity just a niece,” Clara stated before sneezing, so Julie just laughed at her.   [You mean her pretty niece! Just be careful okay? I heard that Serene is ruthless to her people and is very mean,] her friend warned her, so Clara just scoffed.   “Really? Where did you hear that? She seemed sweet,” Clara defended her aunt’s name, who seemed oblivious about her aunt’s real intentions.   Julie just created a fart noise because she knew she couldn’t change her friend’s mind, [Fine, fine, whatever you say, just don’t forget about tomorrow okay?] Julie reminded Clara.   “Yeah, I won’t forget, see you tomorrow,” Clara beamed before tapping the red button on her phone, she stared at the night sky once more before surrendering to her bed.   To be continued…
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