the beginning

391 Words
There was this house at the end of my street that no one went near. Now there were many stories going around the town. But the one I remembered best is about a wealthy family that used to live there. Usual father, mother, son, daughter. Apparently they were a happy loving family. Until the son turned eighteen, he started acting possessive towards his sister. He never let her go out with her friends and would get angry when she had male friends. She started resenting him. One night his parents started accusing him of being inappropriate towards him. He was starting to get angry saying that he loved her and that they wouldn't understand. The yelling went back and forth until he lashed out and stabbed his parents. When he had stopped and his head cleared he had realized what he had done. Then he had heard a gasp and noticed that a maid witnessed what he had done. He quickly took after her and stabbed her too. He then proceeded to kill the entire staff. His sister heard the whole commotion and when she seen her brother standing there she became inconsolable. "Now we can be together, no one can tear us apart." He said caressing her face. "You're insane, I never loved you. I will never love you." She said as she grabbed the knife and stabbed herself. She died in his arms. No one knows what happened to him after that. Rumors were that he was still there after having a spell cast upon him for immortality, he died and his ghost roams the house not able to leave, he ran away leaving everything there. Us kids were told never to go anywhere near the house or the gates. But being kids we never listened, we would dare each other to go and knock on the door but no one ever made it past the gate saying that they felt a presence warning them off. On my eighteenth birthday I had a party, dancing, drinking, games, the usual. Towards the end of the night we were playing 'truth or dare' it came to my turn and I chose dare. I don't know who dared me but it was too go and knock on the door of the house. Now I wasn't scared of the house and never believed the stories. maybe I should have...

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