Loving Blue in Red States | Birmingham Alabama | Anne Hagan-6

539 Words

ASLYN SAT IN A MOLDED plastic chair cooling her heels in the booking area at the city jail. The numbing agent had worn off and her lip throbbed. Her whole face did. She didn’t see Izzy anywhere. If her girlfriend had been brought in at all, she’d already been booked or released. She resolved to call her first. ‘If this is anything like TV,’ she thought, ‘I get to make a phone call. She can call her dad for me. He’ll know what to do.’ She was fingerprinted, booked and moved into holding without ever being given the opportunity to call anyone. The heavy wire mesh sided cell held only steel benches, bolted to the floor, along both sides and across the back. Three women were already present in the cell, each on a bench. Aslyn looked around hesitantly, not sure what to do as the barred door

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