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CHAPTER ONE –––––––– "UGH," ELLA GROANED and threw a plate toward Colin. Ella never reached her target, even though she practiced at it, and quite often. She had broken enough plates, after all, using Colin as target practice. However, she hoped that she would stop missing and hit him one of those days. The man wasn’t such a small target, after all. “Come on, baby! You have to understand,” Colin pleaded with his puppy eyes and an imploring gesture; he was a master at doing that. Ella rolled her eyes, although she felt like skinning him. He would always do that. He would leave her waiting for him like that and take off to be with one of his friends. She wanted to scream in frustration. In her book, the definition of a boyfriend was eons away from what he offered to her. Her sister had been right when she said that she had to lose Colin, and fast, before it was too late. Ella had to find something better soon. Otherwise, she wouldn't have any dishes left in her cupboard. Last week, she had finished off the beautiful dish set with little flowers painted around the rim, and she had loved that set. Ella had bought it during one of her exhausting trips through several antique shops, and she had worked hard to put her little hands on it. Then, she had broken all of them in only one evening like a stupid cow. It was harsh, but that was the truth. Huh! Well, enough was enough, and Colin could hang. She had better things to do than wait for him and practice her non-existent target skills. “You know what?” Ella put her fisted hands on her hips and confronted him. “I’ve just had enough. Go and play with the boys, Colin, and forget you’ve ever known me, jerk!” By the end of her tirade, Ella had been shouting at the top of her lungs. Colin cringed when her voice reached the highest note. Yep, she could yell just fine. Her lungs worked well, after all. So, she could scream. So what? Ella was sick and tired of Colin and his lame excuses. She felt like kicking herself, ashamed that she hadn’t woken up earlier and seen the truth. She had accepted Colin’s apologies far too often in the past, and now, she regretted her weakness and lack of judgment. At least, she preferred to think that her behaviour had been the result of temporary blindness and insanity, and she would be smarter in the future. Otherwise, the only thing left for her was to pull a bag over her head. She wouldn’t deserve anything else. Ella decided that it was high time she had cleared her head. So, that would be the day when she would reclaim her future and love life back. She needed to get out of the sick routine she had been wallowing in lately and grow a backbone. It wasn’t like she would get any younger. She was past her prime. That was what her grandma had said when they met last month. Ella would reach the big forty soon. It was just there, a few years away down the road. Ella needed to re-think her life. Stuck in that so-called relationship, she had stopped feeling anything. She wasn’t happy or even somewhat content, so she had to let go and look for greener pastures. She couldn’t do worse than Colin. “You can’t be serious, baby. Come on! You don’t want me to leave. You love me,” Colin said and smiled, opening his arms. Once upon the time, his smile made Ella shiver, but not anymore. She felt nothing, and that shocked her. Suddenly, awareness dawned in, a cold shower for her pride. She had already stopped having any feelings for Colin if she had ever had any. The man was just one more mistake to count in her life. Ella didn’t feel anything for him but anger, and anger didn’t qualify as a feeling. Besides, it wasn’t healthy to be angry all the time. After a year of missed dates and lonely evenings spent by herself in her apartment, waiting for Prince Charming to arrive on his white horse, she had nothing left for him. Yep, Prince Charming was tarnished, Ella mused, watching Colin pensively. Maybe she needed a regular guy, to play house with him and build a nuclear family, she thought. Nah, that wasn’t for her either, Ella reconsidered after just a few seconds. She needed sparks and excitement in her life, and she knew now that she wouldn't ever have that with Colin. Ella still remembered the last Christmas. Too embarrassed to call a friend or visit with family, she had spent both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day alone because he couldn’t make it. She knew what people would have said, and that they had offered tons of advice. And Colin had gone ice fishing. Or, at least, he had told her so, she frowned, remembering his words. Nevertheless, he wasn’t the man to go ice fishing, so she had had her doubts. A slave to comfort, Colin wouldn’t have spent time at under zero temperature, the wind howling through every c***k of a shabby hut. Ella could see him in a cozy cabin, fitted with a fireplace and a bar. He would pass the time with friends and a few bottles of wine anytime if the conditions were right. However, Colin wouldn’t enjoy staying in a rough shed, fishing in a hole dug in the ice. So, that was fishy enough to raise questions, and she hadn’t seen it at the time, damn it. Still, Ella had just gone along with his lies. God knows how many others Colin had fed her along the time. Now Ella knew that she had lost judgment completely for a time. Calm, very calm, as nothing had mattered anymore, Ella replied to him, “Yes, I’m serious, Colin. I want you to leave now, and I don’t want you to come back ever again." Colin's eyes measured her with irony, and the corners of his mouth turned up. Ella understood that the man didn't believe that she was serious. Her eyes narrowed to slits, and she looked straight into his eyes. She tilted her head with determination and held her chin high. "If you do, I’ll accuse you of stalking, and you won’t like the consequences, Colin. I can assure you,” Ella said with confidence. She worked as a paralegal, and she knew the law well. At his turn, Colin knew that Ella never changed her mind once she had made a decision. He had even chanced to hear Ella’s father saying that the woman was as stubborn as a mule. Ella might not have agreed with her father openly, but deep down, she knew he was right. She was his daughter, after all, and a mule would know a mule when they saw one. Besides, Ella's voice told Colin that she wasn't joking. That did widen his eyes, and that pushed Ella to give him a firmer nudge so that he would get out of her house. She went to the front door with measured steps and opened it. “Adios, muchacho,” she said in a sarcastic tone of voice. Colin stared at her with disbelief. He was still riveted to the same spot, unable to move. Ella’s right eyebrow went up, and she pointed toward the corridor to encourage him to move. “You know you’ll regret this, baby. You will, but I’ll wait for you to call when you get back to your senses. Because you will,” Colin said resignedly. He went out of the door, his shoulders hunched as if the entire world weighed on him. “Don’t stay glued to the phone, Colin,” Ella shouted after him. “I won’t call you. Once I close this door behind you, I’ll forget you have ever existed in this world.” ‘You weasel!’ “Your loss,” Colin shrugged with indifference, although he still couldn’t believe that she risked throwing him out of the door. The man had always been sure that he didn’t have to worry about the future of his relationship with Ella. He had thought that he had already bagged it, and Ella’s reaction had come as a huge surprise to him. Colin didn’t recognize that new Ella, but he knew the old one very well. Yes, she would throw dishes at him, and she would shout. He admitted that she had the lungs for that. However, he had never felt that he should worry about anything in their relationship, or that he had to work on it. Ella was a sure deal. At least, that was what he believed. The new woman he saw disconcerted him, especially because she was ready to cut off her ties to him. “Maybe,” she replied and shrugged with indifference. “But it's definitely yours, baby,” she continued, snapping her fingers. After that parting shot, Ella shut the door in his face. She locked it and also latched the chain, for good measure. Ella wasn’t afraid that Colin would come back. Still, she needed a final gesture, something symbolic, a final burial of their relationship. Ella was big on signs and symbols, after all.
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