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CHAPTER VII. At the Manor house.—Fred's amours.—Sarah and Mary.—What drink and money does.—My second virgin.—My first whore.— Double fucking.—Gamahucking.—Minette.—A belly up and down. One aunt as said lived in H...shire, a widow; her son, my cousin Fred, was preparing for the Army. I wanted a change, and went by advice to stay there. Fred was a year older than me, wild and baudy to the day of his death, he talked from boyhood incessantly about women. I had not seen him for some time, and he told me of his amours, asking me about mine. I let him know all, without disclosing names; he told me in nearly the words, that it was "a lie," for he had heard my mother say, that I was the steadiest young fellow possible, and she could trust me anywhere. This, coupled with my quiet look, and the

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