where to next?

710 Words
"Kelly.. I .. he.. he tried to rape me.." I sobbed. "the alpha.. he .. he was drunk and tried to rape me.. I got to the door.. he tripped.. he tripped and hit his head when he fell.. oh no.. they.. they are going to k..ki..kill me. what do I do?"  I couldn't control my self. tears were streaming down my face and Kelly just stared at me. she started to move around the practice, opening different draws and containers. I watched her still unable to control my crying. she grabbed a bag and started to throw different things into it. she flew with so much purpose I didn't notice she was even on the phone until I heard her. "yes.. as soon as possible. Jamie I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important.. yes I know. ok the two of us.. yes I understand, ok bye" she came back to me with two bags filled to the brim with clothes. she threw a shirt at me and told me to throw it over the top of the one I had on. "what are you doing?" I asked as stupidly as I could.. nothing was sinking in. I was numb. I was shaking, I was ready to wash my body and get his smell off me. "ok, you need to stop right now!" I didn't know she could be this strong. I stopped sobbing and looked at her with tear filled eyes.  "we are leaving. you and me, right now. but I need you to stop crying and get your s**t together or we will never make it passed the packs boundaries alive... do you understand me Ashley? we need to run.. lets go." she pulled at my arm.. it took longer than it should have for what she was saying to make sense to me. "your helping me?" I asked bewildered  "not if we get caught by staying here. move" she grabbed me again and this time I followed her. she took me to the back room and shifted the mat on the floor. "get in and stay quite" she told me and I followed her instructions. she came into the darkness after me and I the light that was there slowly disappeared as she closed the hatch above us. I heard a lock click and she flicked on her torch. the tunnel was long and dark and Kelly seemed to know exactly how to move in here. we travelled for a while. I couldn't be more terrified about what had happened and what was happening. we took a break and she Kelly sat next to me. "right. you need to help from here on out ok. you carry this bag and I will take the other. we need to keep moving so make sure you take an apple out and eat it. I have called a friend of mine and he is going to help us get out of here and into .. the pack he is in." the pause didn't worry me.. what worried me is that I didn't know where we would go to next. Kelly rose and I followed her, still not able to say much. I felt so light headed I couldn't think, couldn't talk and really didn't want to eat this apple. the thought of food made me want to gag. that's when we heard it. an ear splitting howl carried its way through the tunnel and made its way to us.  "he is alive... oh my goddess. he is going to find me. us.." I clarified "he will kill us both.. we need to move faster." I hurried Kelly along now. she seemed to be more that happy to get through this tunnel as much as I wanted too. soon after we heard him howl we made it to the end of the tunnel and slowly climbed out to find a truck waiting for us.  "its ok" she reassured me " he is here to help us. we need to go." she grabbed my arm and pushed me into the back of the truck. again the door closed and we found ourselves in darkness. it was not long before I drifted into sleep but found no relief in my dreams either.
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