Liam Kensworth

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Liam Kensworth is a successful businessman in United States Of America.. Liam is the 1st richest man in America and 3rd richest man in the world... a very young businessman and also single he never dated a woman... his parents died in an accident, no siblings so no relations... he always involved in his work... other than this there is no information about him.. no childhood pictures and no parents pictures before 3 years no one know what he was doing??? Before 3years he started a company named Liam skyway technology and after 3 years now its known as Liam skyway empire... now he is having many business and many branches all over the world...  He is a Greek god in appearance... women drool over him and dying to date him but he never speaks to women or never seen with any women in any ceremonies, parties or even in any public gatherings... so till now he is mystery to reveal and we hope he find his true love soon  - Chelsey Tristan  Liam POV Sebastian, come to my office now... (I kept the receiver down) May I come in sir... Come in... (My P.A came inside ) What the hell is going on Sebastian??? What the hell is this?? What the f*** is going on in the I.T department???  Sorry to interrupt you sir but what happened???? (He asked making my blood boil) See this magazine... I clearly told to the I.T department there must not be any news about me in any magazine but how did this magazine got all this information about me and what are they trying to do??? What secrets they are trying to reveal??? These are bull shit... I want the whole I.T department in the conference room now... (he turn to leave but I stopped him) Sebastian... Yes sir...??? I didn't really meant to shout at you... I know it hurt you when I shout at you but I am getting irritated with all these news... but you are my best friend Sebastian... you know situation and only you can understand my problems...     (I felt guilty for shouting at him because he is like my brother) Liam I know you don't  want to talk about your past it's a touché subject for you... so someone is trying to reveal it and it's a bad sign so we have stop it... don't worry no matter what.... I will always be with you... I am going to call everyone to the conference room, you come fast...   (he left giving a bro hug to me) (After sometime I went into the conference room and saw everyone waiting for me) Good morning everyone... Good morning sir... I know everyone read my news in the magazine and what did you guys find out... Sir... we found the culprit who gave your information to the reporters and she is the one who is collecting informations and digging about your past... so that they can bring you down and because before our company they were no.1... they can't defeat you in the business life so they are targeting your personal life... her name is Mrs. Helen Moganbony she is the brain of Morgan industries... That manipulative witch... she thinks after this I will leave then it's a no... Sebastian did you finished the work I gave you... Yes Sir I finished... we can strike now and they can't get away from this and it will be a great breakdown for them... Liam I am waiting for word just say yes and we will bring them down and we will show what Liam Kensworth can do if they cross us... Do it Sebastian now and it has to be viral... no one from that family should get away from this and I want to see that witch's face... from now my Revenge is on and hell for Moganbony's family... she should suffer and she should beg on her knees for my forgiveness and for what she did to me... no one get away after messing with Liam Kensworth...  Ok Liam and you will see the result with your eyes and peace for your soul... No Sebastian my soul will never feel peace not in this life... she crushed my soul beyond repair and till now I am having nightmares... I can't even have a peaceful sleep dude then how will I get peace in this life.... no one has suffered like me Sebastian they never erase from my memory and with that memory I will never get a peaceful and a happy life...  Liam you are a good person and you will get a peaceful life in future.. as a friend I pray to god for that...   (with that he left) Only if you know Sebastian....
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