1. Carmen's Point Of View

1384 Words
Another tour of Afghanistan over with thankfully and I have been travelling on this train for hours, locked away in my own thoughts as I stared out of the window at the passing countryside. We had finished our debrief and a short parade just in time to catch our train home. I had been promoted from a Private to a Lance Corporal, with my friend, Sophie, getting promoted from Corporal to Sargent. These promotions made Sophie the leader of our squad putting me as the second in command. My promotion was unexpected but Lucas, Sonja and Sophie all seemed proud that I got it. Thinking about Sophie, I can hear her and Sonja flirting with each other in the seats opposite me. I really hope those two realise how perfect they are for each other, they seem made for each other, like they were always meant just for each other. Soulmates, I guess. I continued gazing out of the window, half listening to the conversations happening at our table, while thinking about finally being back home after four months away. We were travelling in our full Army uniform because we had only been dismissed for our month on leave a few hours prior, leaving us no time to change before catching our train. I was travelling with my older brother, Lucas. Sophie and Sonja had decided to join us on this trip as we were going to be celebrating my twenty-first birthday. I was excited to return home and celebrate my birthday with my twin brother as I had missed our twentieth last year, but, I was also disappointed because I would be returning to active duty on the fourth of September, just two days after our birthday. We had all been given some brief details about where and what our next assignment was going to be and there was more of a danger risk to this particular mission than any of our previous ones. I felt a weight on my shoulders as I thought back to my earlier conversation with the group. Sophie and Sonja had served for longer than myself and Lucas and had suggested that we would feel more at ease if we 'set our affairs in order'. In other words, they thought we should take out a life insurance policy due to our high risk jobs and write a will so that our family would be looked after should we perish while on active duty. The thought of not returning home with my brother or to my family was enough to put me in a s**t mood for the journey, but, I understood that these precautions were going to be necessary. I let out a sorrowful sigh as a voice broke me from my thoughts. "You excited to be going home Rodriguez?" Sonja asked. "Yes!" Both me and my brother, Lucas, answered her at the same time. I looked at him sat next to me and let out a small chuckle. "Are you two sure you want to spend this month off with us? What about your families?" Lucas asked the girls. "Well, it's the twenty-first birthday of the baby of our Army family! We wouldn't miss it for the world!" Sophie replied. "Plus, we discussed it with our families anyway, mine are off on some world cruise and Sonja's are away on business." I sighed again following Sophie calling me a baby. In reality I was the youngest member of our squad, the 'baby' of our Army family. "Our little girl is gunna be all grown up!" Sonja cooed, pinching my cheeks. I glared at her and she let go of me sensing that I wasn't in a good mood. "I bet you're looking forward to seeing Sammantha again, hey Carmen?" Lucas said in a sing song voice, causing me to blush. "Who's Sammantha?" Sonja asked, smirking as she noticed my flushed face. "She's the girl that Carmen-" Lucas was cut off as I put my hand over his mouth. "She is just my best friend. We've been friends since we were four, we've never had an argument or fallen out over anything. We are practically family." I told the girls while releasing Lucas. "Yeah, but, you've also been all googly eyed and in love with her since your were like, sixteen!" Lucas blurted out, laughing as I hid my face in my hands. I should have known he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to embarrass me and stay quiet. I mentally slapped myself as I sat glaring at Lucas while he was busy telling the girls about how he thought I was just too scared to tell Sammantha how I felt. Little did he know, that was only part of the reason that I hadn't told her. "So, why don't you tell her how you feel while we are here for the month?" Sophie asked as I glanced up at her. "Firstly, it's not like she feels the same way about me. I mean, we are just friends for christ sake. And secondly, why would anyone wanna date me when I have such a high risk job? Just two hours ago we were discussing writing our wills and getting life insurance in case we f*****g die on our next tour! This is why I don't want to tell her and why I generally don't do relationships! Now I'm done talking about this and if you lot know what's good for you, you'll keep your f*****g mouths shut about it too!" I replied, coldly. "I'm gunna get some shut eye, we should be there in an hour or two." With that I turned to the window and closed my eyes, ignoring the slack jawed response to my outburst. My thoughts drifted to Sammantha. I had spoken to her briefly on the phone after I had received the details of my leave and our next mission and I had lied to her, told her that it would be an easy one. It was the same lie that Lucas had told our mum and brother. God, I've miss Sammantha these past four months, I probably wouldn't get to see her for days because of her job. She will most likely be kept busy. My heart sank thinking about not seeing Sammantha, even if I couldn't tell her how I felt and wouldn't get a chance to be in a relationship with her, she was still my best friend. With the things that were coming up for me in the next few months I really needed my best friend to lean on. I must have dozed off at some point as I became aware that someone was shaking me back into consciousness. "Carm, we're home sis." Lucas spoke, softly. We all stood up and gathered our bags, making our way carefully to the doors as the train slowed down, pulling itself to a stop into the station. We waited for the train doors to open as we placed our berets back on our heads before stepping off onto the platform. I took a deep shaky breath as I stepped off the train last. We only made it a few steps before Lucas dropped his bags and ran towards our mum, brother and their friends Kate and Jay. I picked his bags up and made my way over to them. I dropped his bags at his feet as he pulled me to him by placing his arm over my shoulder. "And this little shining star won't tell you her news, so I'm gunna do it! This little beaut, right here, got promoted to Lance Corporal and is now second in command of our squad! You should have seen her face when it was announced! She turned bright red!" Lucas laughed as I got pulled into hugs and everyone gave me their congratulations. I was only half paying attention to them as I was looking past their shoulders, scanning the crowds for that one familiar face that I was desperate to see. Sammantha. My eyes landed on her and my heart skipped several beats as she stood a short distance behind everyone, waiting for our welcome back to be done. I eagerly got myself out of Antonio's grip and dropped my bags to the floor as I started jogging my way over to her.
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