Difficult Decisions Part Two

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(Sienna’s POV) For someone who looks a double of his father, I was starting to see Hawk has more qualities like me than I had expected, his laughs and giggles are contagious as I tickled his rib cage to the point his legs were kicking. “Mommy stop!” Gosh this little one had my heart as he got onto his feet and stumbled over to hug my waist since I was sitting on the ground, he learned fast that’s one thing, must of got that from his father. “I love you mommy!” And just like that my heart melted as I wrapped my arm around him softly holding him close. “I love you too my little Hawk” A devilish smirk crossed my lips as I started tickling the little one all over again making him laugh until Mihawk came in to the room handing me a glass of wine. “here you go dear.” I took the glass realising it was my favourite wine but before I could thank my handsome swordsman, Hawk was pulling a confused face and started to reach for the glass. “No Hawk, you’re too young.” But Hawk wasn’t having it, he kept reaching for the glass and started to whine when I had a sip, something was wrong, Hawk never acted like this… what was going on? I started to frown as my throat became dry and scratchy, my nails clawed at my neck trying to make the itchiness go away which made Hawk start to cry catching my father’s attention. “What’s wrong with Sienna?” Shanks asked but I couldn’t respond my throat was burning that’s when I felt Mihawk’s arms wrap around me as the glass of wine slipped from my hands spilling onto the floor which Hawk started to point at. “Take Hawk somewhere else Shanks…” Breathing was becoming a struggle now, but as my head raced my eyes landed on the spilled wine… it must of been poisoned but… I looked up at Mihawk and saw a concerned look on his face while I started to feel cold and a suffocating feeling hangs over me… HE POISONED ME! “Hawkeyes what did you do?” “GO INTO ANOTHER ROOM” Unfortunately my father obeyed and took Hawk into another room as he cried and wailed - I could feel my heart slowly down before flinching softly at Mihawk’s fangs piercing my neck… that sneaky motherfucker… Before I knew it my eyes were too heavy and I fell limp in his arms… this is what I was so afraid of… death but it almost felt… peaceful. The feeling didn’t last long as I was suddenly breathing, my eyes opened looking at the clock… one hour I was gone for one hour! My eyes turned to Mihawk and all I felt was rage! I grabbed him and suddenly flung him across the room away from me, now he really over done it! He took the last thing I had! My humanity! “Sienna wait I can explain!” I was furious but what made me angrier was this overwhelming feeling of regret - WHY DO I FEEL REGRET! It never occurred to me that a bond would form between us - so this must be his feelings but I won’t let it deter me from what he’s done! “YOU POISONED ME!” I yelled at Mihawk put his hands up as if it would stop my fury, if anything it increased it cause he wouldn’t fight back! “Sienna I did it for a reason! Believe me darling I wouldn’t have gone against your words unless it was absolutely necessary!” “YOU TRICKED ME!!” I shouted back, my fury was boiling over but what I didn’t expect was for his tone to darken which took me by surprise “Tricked you? No I saved you!” I went silent… I could feel the control he has over me and it drove me nuts! I don’t want him to have control over me and he knew that! It’s one of the reasons I wanted to hang onto my humanity so badly. “The marines were targeting you! If they found you they’d do the same thing as they did to Ace! Hold you over our heads! It would be a m******e! And who knows you might of died like he did so I took away that fear for good! Now you don’t have to worry about dying cause now you’re just like me…” I suppose that was valid… but still it annoyed me that he couldn’t talk to me about this, I could have gone into hiding and now have to deal with this fate… My thoughts were interrupted when Shanks came back with a pouting Hawk. “He wants you…” My father handed Hawk back into my arms as I looked down at his cute face all I could see was Mihawk’s features. That’s when I noticed my senses were sharper now, I was too consumed by anger that I didn’t notice how much stronger, faster I am now even my senses were heightened. Hawk stared at my eyes as if trying to determine who I was… my features must of changed… I looked up at my father but all I saw was him giving Mihawk a death stare “Mommy!” I looked down to see Hawk smiling again and hugging me tightly making me smile. But what I didn’t expect were things to blow up between Shanks and Mihawk, they ended up arguing all night, the tension becoming thick as I put Hawk to bed but he didn’t seem to want me to leave, he had wrapped his whole hand around my finger And that’s when I heard the shouting getting louder. “WELL NOW WE DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT HER FEEDING ME AND HAWK SINCE SHE CAN HARDLY LOSE BLOOD ANYMORE” Yelled Mihawk which only got interrupted by Shanks “SO YOU TURNED HER FOR YOUR OWN GREEDY PLEASURES?!” “NO SHE WAS IN DANGER!!!” This was going to be a long night…
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