Chapter 2

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My friend went home the next day. When I woke Cameron was still there. Sleeping on my couch. It took awhile to calm him down. Figure out what the hell was going on here. But we still could not figure it out. We stayed up half the night trying to figure it out. How had he gotten here? Why was he here?? I walk quietly over to the kitchen. I was hungry. I tried not to wake him up. "Linda?" he calls out to me after he yawns. He was sitting up now on the couch. He had take his shirt off before he went to bed. He had messy long hair hanging in his eyes. He looked like a young adorable Morten Harket. They could be twins. "Jayla!" I remind him. "I am sorry.... this is throwing me through a loop. You are not Linda. Not my Linda. Seeing as you are not mine...where is Linda?" he questions me again. I hand him a cup of coffee as I bring mine with me to. I sit on the couch beside him. "Cameron, look. You are not real" I try to tell him. "Linda she is not real" I warn him. "But it seems real to me. That was my life. I met her. She was magic" he tells me sadly. "All I remember is the comic. From the music video after I went to the concert. I made a wish that all of it could be real. That I could meet you. Not Morten. The you in the comic" I say softly. "You wished me here then?" he says softly. Looking thoughtful. I nod. "I guess I had" I sigh. "What other way can it be explained?" "Then you are meant for me" he declares. "I am not meant for anyone" I laugh as I move away from him. "But we are! You wished me here. You are lonely. I am. We are meant to be" he declares. "I think there is a reason for you being here. But not that reason" I chuckle. "You are in denial" he laughs. "This is our second chance. For my happiness. For you to have it. I can make you happy" "I am sure you can. We need to get to know each other. Think. I mean really think on this. What if you are sent back to where ever it is you came from if you did get together with me?" I ask him. He looks deep in thought. "I could not bare that" he says softly. "I would never want to break your heart" Because of the way it was written he thought he was meant for me. To be with me. That we were soul mates. But if he was meant to be here then got out in the real world he would see there are more beautiful women out there than me. He would not stay with me for to long. They all left me. They always did. I never was enough. "What is wrong?" he asks me. He studies my expression. "Nothing" I sigh. I get out my iPad. I show him the music video he was based in. ♫♪ְֱ ♥ ♫♪ְֱ "This woman here she is my mother. She was the girl. Who you think is Linda. They only made up names to sell that comic at the concert. That is why you thought my name is Linda. My mother, her real name is Tonya. She was in this video with the singer Morten. That guy there that looks like you" I point to the screen. He says nothing as he watches it all. After the video was done playing he sits there not saying a word. He gets up then walks over to the window. Looking out it. I feel badly for him. I did not know how long he was going to be here. Nothing made sense to him right now. I walk over to him. "You can stay as long as you like. Until you have to go back to where ever you are going back" I say softly. "I am not real??" he mutters softly. "I will disappear. I am nothing. A no one" he mutters. "Hey" I say softly as I touch his arm gently. He looks over at me. "You are not nothing. This is pretty magical. For you to be here for me. If you are for that reason" ♫♪ְֱ ♥ ♫♪ְֱ He nods. "I am not sure what is going on either. But as long as I am here...I want to really live. Can you show me the world out there before I have to go?" he wonders softly. "I can do that" I agree. "One thing I hope is that if I do go back then I never have to forget you Jayla" he remarks to me. His eyes gaze into mine. My heart beats faster. "I will never forget you either Cameron. You are not a nothing or a no one. You can be my friend" I promise him. "We will figure all this out together okay?" He nods. I pull him in my arms. I felt compelled to. I felt so badly for him. He felt so real. So alive. My arms steal around him. I wished him here?? I did hate to be alone. But to wish an imaginary man to be here with me? It worked?? He holds me close to him. So real.... how could he feel so good being there in my embrace? "I feel real. All these feelings are not turning off Jayla. You are so beautiful. Any man is lucky to have you when I do leave you. I hope he takes care of you. Never takes you for granted. I am sorry you had to wish for a figment who is nothing. Someone who...." I stop him from say another word. I kiss him again. His lips fall to mine. At least while he was here I can enjoy a romantic adventure with Cameron. Have a man to spend time with. Be happy for a change. His lips mesh with mine. He groans softly as his hand touches my cheek as we kiss. ♫♪ְֱ ♥ ♫♪ְֱ "You feel so real. You are real to me" I say softly after the kiss. He smiles at me. "While I am here can you teach me what real love is?" he wonders. "seeing as I never had a love before" My heart thumps faster. I nod. "We can share that together. While you are here with me" I promise. He grins. "I would love that Jayla. I promise while I am here I will never break your heart" he reminds me with a promise of love. He touches my cheek as he gazes into my eyes. I find myself wishing he was real. And that he would not have to leave. I could not have dreamt up a sexier man if I tried. This was the best wish to ever come true. ♫♪ְֱ ♥ ♫♪ְֱ ♥♫♪ְֱ ♥ ♫♪ְֱ ♥ ♫♪ְֱ ♥ ♫♪ְֱ ♥♫♪ְֱ ♥ ♫♪ְֱ
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