
1816 Words

YILEYNA I awoke with a start, jolting upright in bed. I scanned the room frantically. Alone. I was alone. My heart was pounding, and once again, the nightmare of the night my parents were killed was replaying in my mind. I ran my trembling hand through my hair, closing my eyes as the emotions that I tried to control hit me full force. Focus Yileyna, it's ok. It’s going to be ok… No, it wasn’t ok… They died saving me and were marked as traitors. They were not traitors! I had to prove their innocence! I had to… Goddess… I wrapped my arms around my legs, burying my head in my knees. Focus. Breathe… What time was it? Where was Theon? Was he still not back? ‘They’re dead.’ Theon’s words from that night rang in my head, I felt the crushing agony in my chest break its restraint and

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