A Planned Journey

1996 Words

THEON I caught her before she collapsed, looking into her beautiful face, as flawless as ever even when in pain… The urge to brush back her blonde locks was strong, but I simply lifted her into my arms as Nikolai stepped forward. "As Beta, you should handle the evidence, I’ll take her." He said with that face of his, you want to punch him every time you see it. "As an Epsilon ranked guard, you should learn when to keep your mouth shut before I have to do it for you." I looked him square in the eye. ‘After what you attempted… you should be worried about your position, because when I become Beta, you are a goner.’ His eyes flashed as I spoke the latter through the link. ‘My family is far too powerful for me to be stripped of my rank for something you have no proof of. Besides, she is th

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