Kate Meet her Idols.

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"Daniel, please have you seen my phone? I think I left it in your car yesterday. " Angel asked softly. She was so happy to call her happy to call Kate and inform her about her two idols. Moreover, she wanted to find out how her brother was doing. "Uhm baby, I think it might still be in the car. Why don't you take mine and call her with it? I will look for yours for you later on." Daniel answered whilst talked with his friends. "Uhm okay then..." Angel answered so unsure of herself. She took the phone from Daniel and dailed Kate number. Holding an expensive phone like Daniel's in her hand made her anxious. Angel excused herself and moved a little bit away from the men. "Hello.... Who's on the line?" Kate's voice came from the other end of the phone. "Kate... it's me Angel." Angel said with her sweet smile. "Oh my f*****g gracious girl, where the heck have you been? I've been calling your line since yesterday and Alex has been asking about your whereabouts. You know your brother can be a pain in the ass sometimes. But anyway tell me, why is your f*****g phone switched off? Where did your so called Daniel take you." Kate kept on with her nagging and questions without given Angel the chance to explain things to her. Her voice was so loud that even Daniel and his friends could hear what she was saying over the phone. Angel turned with a blush to face the four men who were also looking back at her. "Kate can you please allow me to speak now." Angel asked softly. Her voice is one thing Daniel loves about her. Her voice is always low and soft as if she doesn't know how to raise her voice or as if someone is stopping her from raising her voice. "Yes you can speak. But make sure you give me a f*****g good explanation. For f**k sake I was worried about you." Kate continued her nagging. Ace walked to Angel and took the phone from her hand before she could even register what was happening. "Hello.... this is Ace McCarthy speaking. " Ace said curly whilst the rest of his friends together with Angel just stared at him. "YOU WHAT?" Kate shouted so hard that Ace had to pull the phone from his ear. "Geez girl, relax. Like I was saying, I'm Ace McCarthy and I'm a friend of Daniel. I mean the fucker who got your friend pregnant. I heard you are one of my biggest fan, so I thought of meeting. Well if only you want to." Ace said with his smirk waiting for Angel to scream out loud. But he waited and waited for that scream which never came. Daniel and the rest started to laugh at him because his face was full of disappointment. He turned to Angel who gave him an apologetic smile. Ace was about to give the phone back to Angel when he heard the scream he was waiting for. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY? IS THAT YOU ACE? I MEAN IT'S REALLY YOU RIGHT? YPIR VOICE.... YOUR VPICE IS THE SAME..... OM MY f*****g GRACIOUS.... OH MY GOD... OH MY GOD!! WHAT SHOULD I DO!!" Kate kept on screaming to the very surprised of the men. Angel just had a huge grin on her face. She knew Kate was quite on the phone simply because she was accessing all the possibility of Ace being true. After Kate knowing Daniel was, there's no way she can the possibility of Ace being g true. Ace as a person who loves to be the center of attention immediately switched the call to face chat. Kate didn't pick up for the first time. She hurriedly put on some light make up and wear a decent dress before accepting the video call. "Hello.... uhm Kate?" Ace said with his charming smile making Kate rolled over her seat at her end. She kept on blushing and screaming. Her happiness of talking to Ace was priceless. Ace had met several fans with crazy character, but Kate was different. "So... are you going to stop screaming so that we can talk?" Ace asked her. Kate cleared her throat but still had her blush on. It's felt like everything was a dream to her. "Uhm... yeah, yeah. Uhm I'm K-Kate. Yeah I'm Kate. OH MY GOD I can't take this, it's so surreal. You super super and I mean supper handsome. And I just to tell you that I'm a huuugggee fan of yours." Kate kept bouncing in her seat. Ace smiled sweetly at her. " Well thank you for supporting me through my carrier. " Ace said to adding to Kate's misery of happiness. "No.. no ... I don't have any impact in your carrier. " Kate said and shook her hands vigorously. "Yes you Do , and I mean not only you but all of my fans. You know without you guys support, I wouldn't have gone far to where I am now. I always wanna day this to my fans. Thank you for being there for me." Ace said heartedly. Kate was moved to tears. She never thought the idol she has been worshipping is this cool. "Oh my God, I really love you Ace. I love your music, I love your movies and I love your personality. I love everything about you and seeing you... seeing... oh my gosh. " Kate didn't know what to day anymore, her emotions were everywhere. "Oh really? Do you love only Ace? I heard you also a big and a crazy fan of me?" Bright joined Ace on the video call. "AAAAAAHHHHHH... STHUT UP!! SHUT SHUT THE f**k UP!! NO WAY... NO WAY.." Kate literally had a heart attack when she saw Bright. "Chill baby girl, you are freaking out. I'm afraid you will be taking to the hospital before the driver can bring you here." Bright said seductively and winked at her. Kate nearly died over the phone. Both Ace and Bright smiled widely looking at their so called fan on the phone killing herself with happiness. Daniel and Xandef together with Angel also smiled listening to the conversation between the three. "Baby, why don't you go over and tell your friend to get ready. I will ask John to go and pick her up after you give him the direction." Daniel whispered to Angel's ear. His warm breath fanned Angel's ear sending a shiver to her veins. "Mmhhmn..." Angel moaned subconsciously. Alleys turned to her. She gasped at herself before running upstairs out of embarrassment. Daniel grinned widely as he followed her to the elevator leaving only Xandwr in the couch whilst the other two chatted with their fan. "Ah I forgot, tell her... I mean Angel's friend to get prepared, I will send John to go and bring her here. Since we are going to attend the so called family dinner, I think Angel will need someone she's very familiar with. Moreover, you know how those old two can behave sometimes. " Daniel informed his friends before he followed Angel with a s.irk on his face. "YOU will be moaning for me soon baby." he said as he also entered the elevator.

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