The Beginning

1049 Words
ANGEL POV Life has never been good with me. It's more than torturing every blessed day. Being an orphan is one of the most thing I never wished for anyone because my story is the worst of all. My name is Angel and I don't even know who named me that. I'm 18 of age. I grew up in the orphanage with my younger brother Alex. He's actually not my biological brother. Meaning we don't share the same blood. We met at the orphanage and choose to become siblings since the first day. He's actually 14 years of age. We ran away from the orphanage a year ago because we couldn't continue living in that hell. Yes we are orphans without a family, but at least they should have had a little bit of sympathy for us. But that would have only been our wish which was never fulfilled. I and my brother Alex came to the big city in search for work. Though they never treated us well at Orphanage , but they at least made us schooled. So what I'm trying to say is that, I'm actually a high school graduate from the orphanage. Looking for work in the city was harder than we had thought. But first of all, we had to look for a place for shelter first. With no money or whatsoever, we slept on the street for several days until we met Auntie Grace and her husband who took us to their house in the slums and gave us shelter. They were more than good people to us. They themselves were extremely poor, but they still choose to help us. I decided to look for a job to help them out. They were too old enough to go out every day to look for food for us. I tried doing several works, though they didn't pay me much, but it was good enough for my new family. Alex also wanted to work and support us, but I couldn't let him do it because he's always feeling sick and his body is quite weak. I actually don't know what was wrong with his body or why he always feel sick, but I was determined to gather some money and take him to the hospital and that's what I did. who would have thought that his sickness was far worse than our poverty. The results of his sickness throw me off the bar. I never thought I would be made to face this extremely difficult as if I've not suffered enough. The doctor told me my brother sickness is a type of disease that attacks the lymph ( lymphoma ). Gosh as if that wasn't enough, he said we needed to have a surgery as soon as possible or else I might lose him. Tears formed in my eyes. Where in the God's Name will I get money for the surgery. Everything seems to turn against me. For God sake I'm only 18 years old. Not to mention how malnourished I looked. I'm too slim for my age. I just looked like a fifteen or sixteen years old girl. With the little money that I saved from working here and there, I was able to admit Alex to the hospital for the meantime. Now it's was left with the main issue, which is the money for the surgery. I tried looking for extra jobs to do and trust me it was never easy. Auntie Grace and her husband wanted to help but I knew they had nothing for themselves. It's was extremely difficult and hard for me. I finally came in front of a club or I should say a bar. I didn't care what goes on in it, all I needed was a job to save my younger brother. With that mindset in me, I went inside and asked for a job. Thankfully and with my young age and beautiful face, I was hired. Though the payment was not quite enough, but they told me if I serve the customer well, some might even reward me or get me a proper job and that was even a hope for me. It's been almost two weeks I started working here in the club and I'm really adjusting to this work. True to their word, some customers really give me extra money for myself whiles others try to flirt with me but Kate was always there to help me. Kate is a friend I got when I started working in the club. She's 20 years of age but she look young like me. You won't believe it when she fight, she's really a strong person and I'm glad for the first time I had someone to call a friend. The VIP room called for my service . "Hey Angel, I tell you what, try your best in that room because only the richest people are in there. You never know, maybe you future success is in there." Kate said to me and winked . I just laughed and shook my head. Kate is really an energizing girl. She always know how to lighten my mood. I knocked on the door before entering. The room was just wow. I have been called to this room several times but I still can't get used to how beautiful it is. It's a VIP room indeed. I walked in to start serving when I felt an eye was on me. I mean someone was watching my every move. I became anxious and nearly broke a glass. I lifted my head to have a look at the person watching me and I wished I didn't. As soon as I raised my head, my eyes met with a pair of green eyes staring intently at me. The funny thing is that, I got lost in those eyes. They were really beautiful. Not to talk about the owner of those eyes. He was extremely handsome. Gosh. He just sat there with his leg crossed while looking at me. I averted my eyes and continue serving. I don't know why but his intent stare was doing something to me. I turned to leave after I finished serving him, but not until some two men stopped me at the door. What could be their problem?
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