Chapter six the move

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Sky moved closer in Kris arms she never felt so much comfort, she could smell his scent, her eyes fluttered open,she noticed he was still a sleep,smirking she knew she wanted him, but how could she tell him, well she thought to herself, here's looking at you kid, she got up, and straddled him, His eyes shot open, "Skyler what are you doing?" "Trying to wake you up so I can to take advantage of you," he chuckled, "you can't take advantage of someone that's willing," she grinned then leaned down to kiss him, he pushed her off gently to get on top of her, he asked her ,"are you sure about this,?" "When we mate we mark each other," so if your," before he could finish his sentence she pushed her lips to his kissing him deeply, thee tongue's fighting for dominance, his hand slowly went underneath her shirt, squeezing he breast, his fingers playing with her n*****s. He broke the kiss, to slide down her body, to take off her shorts, she watched him, when her shorts was off he got between her legs, "I'm going to prepare you, "prepare me for what, but before anything else happened, he stick his head between her legs, he found her clit. He sucked on it, he stuck one finger inside of her. He could hear her moans, he looked up at her, I'm going to put in another finger, when he did, she gasp, he knew she was ready, but he wanted to make sure she was, "are you ready?" She pulled him on top of her. "smirking, "well that answers that question," he pulled his boxers off getting between her legs again. She saw what he had, she wondered how he would put that thing inside of her, but he answered that question when he put the tip inside of her. She gasp, he teased her just a little, then moved further in her, then kept going, he thanked the goddess his room was sound proof, she screamed as he pushed himself all the way inside of her. He kept going as she felt something dripping down on her leg. She was no more a virgin, her nails dug into his back, he growled loving the feel of her nails digging into him, her cannies came out, so did his, as they kept going, they marked each other. They let go at the same time blood dripped down his chin onto sky's face. As he looked down at her. He slid out of her, pulled a condom out f his night stand out it on and slid back inside of her, I'm about to c*m sky c*m with me. He kept going, harder and faster, he could hear her moans calling out his name, he moaned once twice three times before he started to c*m, he collapsed on her breathing hard, she held him close to her, "that was amazing* Kris smiled, "yes it was," my future Luna," Skyler looked confused, "what is a Luna?" "Kris set up in bed, "a Luna is one that cares for the pack, like my mom does," she makes sure everyone of us is ok, and feels like family," "when there are Luna meetings, she has to go and find out what's going on," ",or if dad needs to be put in his place she does it," they both started laughing, So a Luna is like the alpha," but she has her own stuff to take care of" "am I right?" Skyler asked, "correct you are right," sky nodded, so if I'm a future Luna," that means your the future alpha?" Kris nodded once more "correct again love," sky smiled once more, "you said you wanted to talked aboutke moving in your room," "Kris smirked, "yep that way you can take advantage of me anytime you want, they both started laughing, Kris looked at her putting some of her hair behind her ear, "yes I want you to move into my room," "were mated now," "and we had marked each other," I want you by my side Skyler," she nodded and spoke, "Do you have room for all my stuff" I have a lot" he grinned, "have you seen the size of my room?" She realized she hasn't she set up in bed looking around, Angel finally spoke, girl his room could fit a house in here," "I know Angel," there was a huge flat screen TV mounted on the wall, with all kinds of game systems below it, three dressers and a huge walk in closet, she looked to the side in there was a few windows she could look out of, but this one had a patio, were you can just sit and relax, she got out of bed walked over to a door to open it, wow she whispered, this bathroom was a lot bigger then hers a tub with water jets on the side a actual jacuzzi in the middle of the bathroom, a huge shower, and at the other end the toilet, then the marble sink was beautiful, she looked back at him, "did you have all this in?" hoping you would find your mate one day?" He nodded yes, then spoke, "I wanted to make sure everything was perfect and enough room so she could move her stuff here," "So do you like it?" She grinned, "of course I do, I'll need help moving all my stuff in here," "he got excited, "of course we can go now and do it, I'll mind link my mother," he stood up mind-linking his mom, "mom you awake," "of course honey what's going on?" "Can you and dad and a few others help sky move her stuff in my room," "oh and why is that,?" Did y'all mate and mark each other yet,?" "Yes we did this morning," "alright then we will be right up," A few minutes later with them showered in dress and everyone in sky's room, alright you two take her dresser, Spice pointed at Buzz and Kris, and then you two she points at two pack memebers breeze and Hope, get her vanity set, and chair,all her makeup and accessories," they all nodded, sky and I will get the clothes out of the closest and don't for get your electronics and there chargers," "and everything that comes with them,", we will rearrange Kris room to make you feel at home," sky nodded, she hoped she can be as good a Luna one day like Spice, everyone was in Kris room now, Spice told Buzz and Kris to put the dresser down in the corner on the right. Then told breeze and Hope to put the vanity by the closest with the full length mirror, sky put all her shampoo and stuff in the bathroom, then came out, then hung all her clothes on the right in the walk in closet, she didn't realize how much stuff she had until now, but she forgot one more thing, she ran to her old bedroom and took a picture from the wall, she ran back into the the other room, she placed the photo on the wall, Spice looked at it, with everyone else, Buzz spoke first, "I remember your dad " your dad and your mother, he was talking about the couple in the photo sky looked at the brown hair tall man with brown eyes sitting on a couch with her mother she had brown hair brown eyes as well, they looked so happy together. They never knew why sky had pink eyes, she was born that way, her father knew she had powers just didn't know what kind, Skyler didn't realize she was crying until she felt the tears on her face, she cleaned them off then turned around, "I'm sorry," "I just miss them so much," Spice hugged her, "of course you do," you lived them very much," sky nodded, Kris walked over to sky, "you want to go into town?" "I know a good icecream shop," "it's called dairy Queen," "she nodded then said "heck yeah I love me some Dairy Queen!" They all laughed and then Kris and Skyler left to get some ice cream, Virgil drove, as they set in the back seat Kris begain to talk, We need to get you trained up so when the bounty hunter or Rouges come you can fight them with us," "hmm what are rouges," "rouges are wolves that decided they didn't need a pack to live they are disloyal," nasty things, that live in the woods and sometimes form there own pack of rouges that kill and try to take our women and kill there children," Skyler was in shock, who could live like that hurting people in there children, Virgil spoke up, I'll help you Skyler," I'll help you tame your powers, "so you can learn to control them,. She nodded and said "thank you" I'm going to need all the help I can get." They finally got to dairy Queen they went through the drive through, Virgil got the butter Scotch double dip cone, sky got the vanilla double dipp and Kris got the butter finger milkshake,"hey someone's got to be the odd ball" everyone laughed, they drove past a tattoo shop, hey let's stop I want to get a tattoo, sky looked at Kris, "all our pack members get them," sky nodded as Virgil parked the SUV, they got out and went inside, they look at all the samples and decided on a wolf howling at the moon, "it's perfect for the our golden moon pack," sky nodded once more, they all set in rooms and waited to get tattooed, once done they guts told them how to take care of it, wrapped them up and paid the people, Angel spoke up, "you do know this things is forever right," "yes I know Angel it's fine it's just one tattoo," "if you say so," "shut up Angel," her wolf only laughed, sky set back in the set, when they got home they ate dinner and watched a meeting movie in the living room, pet cemetery, Kris cut off the lights in had sky's legs on him, while they watched. When the movie was over. Sky shivered, "are you cold," she chuckled," "no it was just the movie, I wouldn't want a family member coming back to life just to kill me," Kris laughed ,"it's just a movie." Come on let's get some sleep, your training starts tomorrow," she nodded they both walked upstairs to bed, she put her a new pair of night shorts in shirt on, and got into bed, Kris got into bed with just his boxers on, they both laid in bed talking about tomorrow training, they both fell a sleep an hour later. Unknown POV "Well did you see anything yet," Rouge "no not yet," "What's taking so long" Rouge "I don't know sir" I can't do anything," if they see me," "there kill me or lock me up, then I won't be any good of I'm dead" or locked away," "Fine" but find out something or I'll out someone else on it," Call ended, The rouge didn't know what to do, he really didn't want to do this, but he promised this hunter he would, gave his word, he shook his head and went back to his family,
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