Chapter 16 two surprises

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Skyler POV I was having relaxing at the nail salon, we was heading out to go get something to eat, when a saw a woman in black, she threw something in my face something pain he as burning me all over my face, why would she do this, what did I do to her, I was in darkness now, how long has it been,I'm so confused, I hear Kris in Spice talking then the doctors, then the beeping of the machines, but she couldn't see anything, she knew she was awake, she couldn't see anything. She started to scream, Kris was startled jumping up from the chair, "Sky sky it's ok baby!"it's ok!" " You have bandages over your eyes, he turned screaming for the doctors Daisy and Kevin came rushing into the room, Daisy had a needle in her hand. This will calm her down. She put the needle in her arm. She started calming down, Daisy calmly started talking to her, "Skyler can you hear me sweety?" She nodded yes, we have bandages over your eyes there's some damage to your eye site but you will be fine," your a werewolf, so when your better you will be able to shift in you will heal faster," Skyler nodded, Daisy then looked at Kris "Alpha she will be fine," she's going to need rest," but everything will be fine," I'll take the bandages off in a few hours to check her eyes" then tomorrow she will be able to go home," "make sure she shifts, so she will be able to heal faster, she's a white wolf so she will get her eye site back," Kris nodded as he looked down at his mate, he knew he had to be strong for her, just then the door burst open Spice, Honey and Lilly came into the room, this time he didn't growl, there was no use his mother took care of Skyler like she was her own child, they formed a small circle around the bed, how is she Lily asked, Kris sighed, "she woke up screaming because she couldn't see, so Daisy came in gave her something to calm her down," Skyler was listening, "guys I'm right here," I'm awake" that gave a small laugh," Honey spoke "Do you remember anything what this b***h looked like at all?" Skyler nodded, "all I saw was black clothes and she had blonde hair, I didn't get a chance to see anything else due to having acid thrown in my face," they all looked at each other, and only said one word "bounty hunters," everyone actually growled including Skyler, they were famous throwing acid, But what they didn't know was Skyler was a faster healer and her powers would grow even stronger, but they actually did know, they wanted her powers to grow stronger. An hour later. Daisy came back into the room, with a pair of scissors in her hand with gauze, the girls moved away from the bed, to stand behind Kris, Daisy walked over to start unwrapping the bandages from her head, then she cut some it away, she took the gauze wiping some of it off her face that stuck. When she moved out of the way, there was a slight pause, "there's going to be some scarring,"but that will heal in time," "Skyler can you see anything at all?" She sighed, I can see blurry images, "Daisy smiled that's a start," once when your ready to shift you should do that a couple of times, your eye site will come back, just then Angel came through, may I Skyler,?" Yes if you want," angle came forward, "when the time comes when those bounty hunters come, leave the blonde b***h to me, I want her," they all knew that was Angel speaking, they knew that attitude, Kris spoke, Angel when they come," we will let you have her," " we promise, Angel nodded then went back into inside, she was angry for hurting Skyler, now it's time for her to hurt them, Skyler came back out, her vision was still blurry but she could make out shapes, "well that's different," they all turned back to her, Kris asked "what's different?" When she took my bandages off," "all I could see was blurry vision," "but when Angel came through and then went back in, I can see shapes now," it's weird but I can see your shapes now," they all looked at each other, Spice rendered when Skyler first came, Angel tried to break through only showing half her face in half Skyler's, she looked shocked for a second, then she thought of something, she mindlinked Angel making sure Skyler could hear, Spice: Angel it's my your Luna can you hear me?" Angel: yes Luna I can hear you" Spice: do you remember when you first tried to break through to Skyler,"you half day!e out, with half you half Skyler" Angel: yes I do remember" she caught on, "do you think it will work?" Spice: I don't know but we could always find out," but let's wait until we get home, we don't want to scare the doctors," Angel" I agree, End link Daisy came back in the room, you can get dress and go home now," I want to see you in three days,". To see how your vision is doing," Skyler got off the bed with the help of Kris, then Kris helped her get dress, then they left the hospital to go back home. Once home they set in the living room, Spice spoke up first, "Skyler do you really want to try this,?" She shurgged, what could it hurt," "if my vision doesn't came back on time," Angel could help" everyone nodded, alright Angel are you ready?" Skyler asked her, "Yes I'm ready," ok let's do this then," Skyler suddenly felt weird it felt like her face was burning the the bones started to break in make room, a few minutes later, half of Angel's face was there, her wolf eye was looking around. Then down at Skyler's hands, then she tried to talked but it came out as a howl, Skyler understood what she was going through, she saw her humans hands, it was different for her. Everyone looked on, then it was done, she went back inside forming Skyler's face once more, she blinked her eyes a few times, a look of shocked came over face, " what is it Skyler" Honey asked her, "I can actually see out of this eye, I can see all of y'all, and this could work, I can do this, Kris felt happy, and a few days we can go for a run and see how that affects your other eye, she nodded,cage didn't want to do to much at one time, she was excited, but she needed to calm down in get some rest, it seemed Kris knew this, he took her hand then turned to the group, I'm going to take her upstairs to rest. She doesn't need to over due it in one day" they all nodded they walked upstairs to there room, Kris turned her around holding her in his arms, "I wouldn't know what to do if you wouldn't had woken up" I love you Skyler," you are my whole world, leaning down on one knee, Skyler your the love of my life my soul mate, will you do my the honor and be my wife. He handed her a box with a diamond ring, Hope you like it sorry it's short
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