Chapter Three - Resisting

2036 Words
  Chapter Three -  Resisting   Izzy slumped down onto her bunk, her arms ached from climbing the ladder of doom so many times, and she was totally drained. After completing the task another twice, she was getting the hang of it, and for all his faults, Cigs had been nothing but supportive of her efforts. Izzy let out a small huff, the last thing she needed was him being so nice to her, it made keeping him at arm’s length so much more difficult. Turning round in her bunk, she wondered where Kyla had got to, then could hear soft moans from the room next door and did not have to wonder any more. Izzy giggled to herself, well at least Kyla was getting some, it had been so long since Izzy had embarked on any s****l relationship, she had the distinct thought she would have healed up. The door to her room opened softly, as she looked up Cigs was stood a mischievous smirk on his face, his finger on his lips, indicating she was to be quiet, as he motioned to her to follow him. Izzy looked at him quickly, damn he was dressed in just a pair of navy joggers and a white t-shirt, his muscles on his arms bulging, the array of tattoos, making him look even more sexy, and given the live sound track next door, Izzy really had to fight her primal desire to moan herself as she checked him out. “Come on” Cigs whispered to her. Izzy got up, wondering what was going on, as she exited her room, she saw Tank outside Kermit’s room, he was trying not to chuckle, and looked like his naughty kids, rather than Head instructor, Ex SF Soldier.  Cigs was silently chuckling, then Tank banged on the door, as Cigs and he began grunting loudly  and shouting “Oh Kyla” Izzy started to giggle, and soon joined in “Ahh, ahhh, ahhh KERMIT” she shouted, as the three of them giggled like school children. “f**k OFF YOU BUNCH OF BASTARDS” Kermit’s voice bellowed through the door, as Izzy Tank and Cigs stood full on laughing. “Come on, lets get some hot chocolate, before lights out” Cigs grinned at Izzy. As he watched Izzy laughing, she looked so carefree, so childlike, and so damn beautiful.  Cigs could not stop his mind going to the place he did not want it to go, imagining that the noises were him and her, what it would be like to be able to make her moan softly with more than that one kiss they had shared, nearly a year ago, before she had turned into full super b***h mode. “Come on” Tank laughed His voice bringing Cigs back from his lustful thoughts, as he followed Tank and Izzy into the small mess room that was reserved for the instructors. “They are going to kill us” Izzy laughed as she poured everyone some hot chocolate. “Yeah, but it was too good an opportunity to miss” Tanks laughed. Cigs chuckled as Izzy passed him the mug of delicious chocolate goodness. His little finger gently brushed with hers, he was unsure if it was by accident or design, but the fireworks that shot through his body from the small ministration went straight to his groin, and it became very evident in his joggers. “f**k” he groaned under his breath, hoping that Izzy did not notice it. Cig’s hope was in vain, as Izzy felt the tingles from the accidental touch, she automatically looked down over to try and compose herself, only to find her eye’s fixing on the growing bulge in Cigs joggers. She froze slightly, damn he looked well gifted in that area, she thought to herself, and the unmistakable heat of her own arousal built up in her core. “Oi you two, stop perving at each other” Tank started to laugh. Both Izzy and Cigs gave an uncomfortable cough and walked to the table to take a seat. A few moments later, Kermit and Kyla walked into the room. Izzy felt sorry for her friend her cheeks were bright pink and she was not making eye contact with anyone around the table. “Tell me, why are you my best friend again?” Kyla whispered to Izzy clearly mortified. “Because only your true friends can do s**t like this, because we all love each other” Izzy smiled at Kyla, feeling slightly guilty that she was so embarrassed “Hey, I am only jealous, f*****g years since I got some” Izzy grinned. “Years, I thought you and Cigs did the deed” Kyla whispered, looking puzzled “Nope stopped it before we did” Izzy shrugged. Kyla rolled her eyes and started to giggle slightly “Explains a lot” she whispered back nudging Izzy’s arm with her elbow. “So, before we bunk down, what have you two fuckers organised for tomorrow” Tank smiled Izzy could not help to let out a small giggle as Kyla bowed her head once more. “Well, given this is second time around for the contestants, Kyla came up with a great plan, let them have a false sense of security, come into the barn, without anything happening, then pull them out before they are unpacked, and do a stinger till one of them VW’s” Kermit smiled “Yeah, but most of them are winners, or only withdrew because of injury, so probably won’t VW” Izzy said “No, some of them the production team chose because they had proved popular in their series, and so we have a couple of them that are just a rabble of s**t” Tank said with a shrug “Cool, so what’s the bet’s folks” Cigs asked with a laugh “Bets?” Kyla asked “Yeah, we have a competition, who can get the most armbands in the first few days” Kermit laughed “I bet Tank wins that one hands down” Izzy smiled “Nope, Kermit, every f*****g series” Tank laughed. “Okay, so Kermit to get the first” Kyla smiled proudly at her fiancé “I think I will get at least two out tomorrow” Cigs said with a shrug “Hey, what about me and Kyla, I reckon we can be total bad ass bitches and get some of the men to withdraw” Izzy said, with determination Everyone chuckled around the table, “let the games commence” Tank said.   The alarm clock on Izzy’s phone started to play Gangnam Style, as she woke from a rather peaceful sleep all things considered. “What the heck Izzy!” Kyla moaned, turning over in her bunk “Got to get an early mess, and shower, heading out to that f*****g tower most of the day with Cigs, to make sure I don’t f**k up the demo tomorrow” Izzy sighed. “Yeah, I get that, but Gangnam style, really, to wake you up!” Kyla shook her head “Hey sexy lady” Izzy sung loudly laughing as Kyla pulled the pillow over her head. Still laughing, and leaving her phone playing the song on repeat, Izzy grabbed her towel and wash kit, along with some clean cloths, and headed out to the showers. As she looked at the open air showers and toilets, she groaned, thinking to herself that she had not missed the dribble of tepid water, in the cold Scottish air. The showers were like traps, a stone wall at the back and the other two were just metal small walls painted in dark green, where if you looked over the side you would be able to see in great detail the person next to you. The metal door was almost like a cowboy saloon, and only hid the mid body from the cameras that filmed the show. The toilets were exactly the same, there was zero privacy in this place. After soaping herself down and rinsing off Izzy dried herself and put on a clean pair of leggings, black boy short pants, and black sports bra with a warm sweatshirt, before heading back to the instructors mess, for some good old slop that passed for porridge in this place. As she walked in, Cigs was already halfway through his breakfast. “Here, I heard you head for the showers so got yours for you” Cigs offered, pointing to the mess tin full of porridge, and the mug of hot steaming tea. Izzy nodded, and smiled “Thanks” she muttered, before sitting down to eat “I would say it tastes good, but you know, it still tastes like shite” Izzy laughed “Yeah, well, we get better evening meals than the contestants, but breakfast and lunch is rat pack crap” Cigs shrugged. “Just us at the tower today, but to be honest you had it down last night so just a couple of goes, then we can head back and prepare for them all arriving” Cigs said, looking for something to talk about. “Yeah, I wonder how Stan is doing?” Izzy shrugged Cig’s stiffened, he could not help but feel the pang of jealousy that hit him, f**k he had been good friends with Stan, even after the show, but he always seemed to be in the way with Izzy, and no matter what anyone told him, he believed he was after her, and there was more than friendship going on between the pair of them. That annoyed him, after all he had trusted Stan when he told him he was developing feelings for Izzy back when this had all begun.  Still, he had more than a few days to get his own back, because until Stan is outed as the mole, he was under the mercy of Cigs, and he was going to make his life hell on earth. Was that petty? damn right it was, but Cigs could not care a less. Cigs never answered, he did not want to upset the equilibrium he had found with Izzy yesterday, so just gave her a small smile “Ready” he asked and led her out the door. Cigs watched on with pride, as Izzy scaled the rope ladder, without hesitation, she clipped her safety line from the ladder to the rope, pulling on it looking like she had done it most of her life, and really professional, then standing on the ledge, arms stretched out wide, and without any hesitation walked over the edge, and waited for Cigs command. “GO” Cigs shouted, as she scaled that wall like she had done it her whole life, completely trusting in him to brake in time, making the perfect landing. “f*****g Epic, Izzy, not a squeal to be heard” Cigs grinned at her Izzy smiled and without thinking grabbed him for a hug, as she jumped up and down in glee at mastering the task. Cigs could not stop chuckling at her. “That’s my girl, knew you would rock it like a pro” He grinned. As their eyes met, Cigs had to resist the urge that was taking over him to kiss her soft pouty lips, made even more difficult as he saw Izzy look at his own lips repeatedly, but he knew that would not be wise, he could not let her in again, and so with an awkward pat on the back, he turned away and gathered up the Equipment. “Best head back to the barn” He groaned not wanting to dwell on the intense moment that had lust happened between them. “erm, yeah” Izzy shrugged, kicking herself for even contemplating placing her lips on Cigs, after all, she knew only two well, they would never be able to go there, he would soon lose interest if he got what he wanted, and Izzy would be left once again broken hearted, and battling with her demons of addiction to numb the pain, it just was not worth the risk. 
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