Book 3 Chapter Two

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The days leading up to Isabella's eighteenth birthday were filled with the two Luna's rushing around sorting out last minute details for her party, the two Alphas soon making themselves scarce after being forced into many hours of discussing the colour co-ordination of the helium balloons for the table displays. Lounging in the pack house common room, Riley and Isabella were watching horror films, Isabella laying with her head in Riley's lap as he fed her popcorn out of the huge bowl beside him. A shadow fell over them as the silhouette of one of Isabella's friends crept over the back of the sofa. 'Hey Courtney' said Isabella giving her a small wave, sitting up and moving over so the young girl could join them on the sofa. Courtney ignored the space next to Isabella, and moved around the back of the sofa squeezing herself in next to Riley, lifting the popcorn onto her lap as she fluttered her eyelashes at the handsome Alpha. Isabella rolled her eyes, 'Riles, you remember Courtney?' she asked motioning toward her as the red head held out her hand with a seductive grin. 'Hey baby girl' Riley said with a sultry look as he took her hand, raising it to his lips making Courtney giggle as she stared at him lustfully. Clearing her throat, Isabella looked forcefully at her best mate 'Well as it looks like you two would like to get to know each other, i'll go upstairs' she said standing up, giving the two a knowing smile. 'OK bye!' replied Courtney at the same time as Riley replied, 'No, don't leave, we were watching a movie' Waving her hand Isabella grinned down at them, 'you can finish watching it with Courtney, i'll see you later on' before turning on her heel and walking out as Courtney started to hand feed Riley the popcorn. Laughing to herself, Isabella headed for the stairs, taking them two at a time back to her room where she shoved on a CD and dragged out her school work, throwing the text books on her bed before walking into the bathroom for a quick shower. Stepping out fifteen minutes later, Isabella hummed along to the music blaring through the door from her stereo as she wrapped her hair in a towel and pulled on her bathrobe, checking herself in the mirror before stepping back into her room. Letting out a scream of surprise she clutched her chest as Riley grinned up at her from her bed, his hands behind his head as he lounged back comfortably against her pillows. 'What the f**k Riles' she shouted, 'You nearly gave me a heart attack, I thought you were downstairs with Courtney watching the film' 'I came here to spend time with you not one of your mates' he pouted, 'what, you don't want me here now?' he asked feigning hurt. 'Oh shut up you i***t, you know I do' Isabella growled back, heading over to her dresser to dig out some clothes before making her way back to the bathroom to get dressed, shutting the door behind her. 'Oh and just so you know' came Riley's voice through the door, 'I don't think you're going to win many fights screaming like a little girl every time something happens, future Alpha' he teased. Opening the door again, Isabella stuck her head round the corner, keeping her half dressed body hidden as she flipped him the bird, before shutting the door again as he chuckled to himself. Stepping out again, Isabella was dressed in a pair of short blue jeans shorts that showed off her long tanned legs and a lilac crop top, her hair pulled up into a loose ponytail that left her hair swinging down her back. Looking up, Riley's eyes widened slightly, mouth opening as he watched her bound across the room and drop onto the bed covers next to him, ignoring her school books as they slipped to the floor. Leaning over him she grabbed the remote for her TV from the night stand before settling down and snuggling into his arm, flicking on the film channel and lazily scrolling through for something to watch. Finding a comedy, they settled down to watch, the silence occasionally being broken by Isabella's laughter, half way through she sat up and fixed her steely glare onto Riley who looked up confused, 'OK buster, whats up' she asked hands on her hips 'Nothing' Riley replied, his perplexed expression deepening. 'Nuh uh, don't give me that Riles, you have been acting weird since the film started, whats going on?' Isabella demanded, nudging him with her knee as he broke into a small smile. 'Nothing Bella, it's just, you're going to be eighteen in like three days man, what if you find your mate on your birthday?' he asked worried, 'he might not approve of you having me as a best mate, what if he tells you to dump me?' Isabella flipped her ponytail over her shoulder before grabbing Riley's strong hand in her small one, 'Riley Davies, if my mate, whoever he is does not accept you as part of my life, well he can just f**k right off' she growled, 'you and me, we come as a package deal, and if your mate doesn't like me? well i'll just kick her ass till she does' she added shrugging as Riley burst out laughing. 'What if my mate is the strongest female warrior of our pack?' he asked playfully. Pulling a face Isabella cringed, 'you better hope not! she's like thirty years old! she's ancient! if she's your mate, you better start running now' she giggled, throwing herself down beside him and curling back up to watch the film. Just as the end credits rolled a soft tap came from the door, 'come in' yelled Isabella not moving from her spot next to Riley. The door opened to reveal her father Aaron, 'Princess, I have bad . . . what the hell are you wearing!' he roared suddenly causing them both to jump. Looking down confused Isabella replied, 'um clothes?' 'Those are not clothes young lady! That's little more than a g string and bralette' Aaron grumbled, glaring at the pair, 'Riley is with you! You don't dress like that round boys!' Rolling her eyes at her father Isabella retorted, 'Daddy! it's not some boy, it's Riley! we used to get in the bath together! he doesn't look at me like that!' 'Not the point princess! and you were four years old when you did that, you are both adults now!' Aaron huffed angrily. 'What is going on?' came Charity's voice as she appeared in the doorway, Chloe behind her, 'Have you told them the bad news?' she asked simply. Looking at her as if she was crazy, Aaron replied, 'Have you seen what your daughter is wearing??' gesturing toward Isabella. Looking over at her daughter, Charity smiled, 'Yes, you look lovely Bella Boo' she winked as Aaron's face started to turn purple. Laying a calming hand on her husband Charity whispered, 'the news babe?' His anger receding Aaron grumbled, 'Riley has to go home' 'What' yelled Isabella jumping to her feet, Riley beside her as they both started to protest. Holding up her hand, Charity smiled sadly, 'It seems that a group of Rogues decided to chance a raid on the pack house whilst Chloe and James were here with us, i'm afraid they need to go back and check on their members, that means Riley needs to go too' 'But mum! it's my birthday! Riley and I have never ever spent our birthdays apart and this is my big one, the one where I could find my mate' Isabella pleaded. 'Sorry Bella Boo but as the future Alpha, Riley has to return with his father to protect the pack' Charity replied, her eyes filled with compassion for her heartbroken daughter. 'Aunt Charity is right Bella' Riley said, as he slipped his arm around her waist comfortingly, 'It's my duty to make sure my pack is safe, you'd do the same thing if it was the other way around' he said coaxingly, 'plus it's only a few months to my birthday so i'll see you then anyway' he cajoled. Nodding sadly, Isabella returned his hug, 'I know, ok, i'll help you pack' she said straightening herself up, 'go find those rogues and kick their asses for stealing you away before my big day' she growled as Riley laughed. 'I will give them an extra ass kicking just from you babe' he grinned as he hugged her tight. Pulling away, Isabella grabbed his hand, dragging him past their parents and down the hall to his room to start packing. 'Bless them' muttered Chloe, 'I think Riley was really anxious to find out who was Bella's mate' she said with a small smile that Charity returned with a smile of her own.
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