Chapter Nine - Breaking again

1272 Words
Asher’s P.O.V Callie had fallen asleep on the sofa, her front now against my own… nothing unusual there. The girl falls asleep all the time. I had missed her these last couple of weeks. I know that was my own fault, I made sure she knew that. One thing she never had to know was I couldn’t get our night together out my damn head. No matter how much I tried. If that wasn’t bad enough when I was having s*x with Kate all I could think was this feels nowhere near as good or as passionate as it did with Callie in that one night. I know it is wrong and makes me a complete asshole but I couldn’t help myself. It has been a while since I have had hot s*x the way I did with Callie. I found myself wanting to do it again…again I know that was wrong of me and I know I should not be thinking that way AT ALL. I sighed, running my hands through my hair and feeling like the worst husband and best friend in the world. I looked down at her, she was fast asleep next to me. I found my eyes trailing over every inch of her face before moving down, doing the same to her body especially the curves of her hips and her ass. I found myself letting out a slight grunt, my length stirring in my jeans. s**t! I was getting turned on by only looking at her. I don’t know why up until a couple of weeks ago I never realised how sexy she was. Yes, I knew she was beautiful. No one can deny that with her beautiful blonde hair, piercing green eyes and a smile that would make any man weak…that was clear but seeing her as sexy? That was something I never even thought about. The thought of it seeming wrong to me but now here she was lying next to me in the same way she has many times. Now,  all I can think about is what is underneath those clothes of her. I was not falling for her, that I know for sure but my desire towards her…my want in a s****l way? That was there and getting stronger with every second I was laying there looking at her. She slowly opens her eyes, making me pull my eyes away from her body quickly before she realised what I was doing. She looked up at me, giving me a cute, tired smile, running her hands through her blonde slightly messy hair. “How long was I out?” she asked “About an hour,” I muttered out.  “You alright Ash?” Callie asked, looking at me seeming a little concerned.  I had to come up with something quick and believable cause she can see right through me. She can usually work out when I am lying or hiding something, so had to play this right before I made things awkward between us again. This was hard to do when all I could think about was how much I wanted to reach in and kiss her. “Yeah fine. Tired.” I smiled “Wanna go to bed then?” she asked,  The mention of bed…her bed brought those flashbacks again. Maybe this was a bad idea me staying here tonight. I can’t exactly tell her I have changed my mind, that will make her ask too many questions and I don’t wanna explain the reasons why to her. “Yeah, sure thing,” I said She nodded, pulling away from me. I found myself letting out a loud breath that I never realised I was holding in. A distance now between us making things a little easier. She jumped to her feet, extending her hand to me. I hesitated for a moment, eventually taking her hand with mine, Callie helping pull me to my feet. As she pulled me up I stumbled a little, Callie stopping me but it caused our bodies to be close…too close. Her body pressed hard against mine. A silence fell between us. The two of us looking at each other. I found my eyes going to her lips before looking back at her eyes again. I could hear her breathing, it was uneven like mine. It made me wonder was she thinking the same way I was. Did she want it to happen again? She was quick to pull away from, clearing her throat as she did before turning away, heading through to her bedroom. I groaned frustrated before following behind her. I arrived in the bedroom to be met with her stripping down to get into her PJS. I licked my lips as I watched her…her back to me, giving me a good view of her ass and bare thighs. She must have sensed me looking at her cause she looked over her shoulder at me. I swear I saw a hint of a smirk on her lips. I bit down on my lip as her eyes met mine again. I clenched my fists…my jaw too, trying to stop myself from going over to her, grabbing her hips, pushing her down on the bed and having my way with her again. She slowly turned around to face me, in nothing but her underwear. I licked my lips again as I eyed her bra-cladded breasts…bare stomach and hips. I had the strong urge to run my hands, lips and tongue all over her body. As I stood there, staring and thinking all these things I felt my length harden, thankful I choose lose fitting jeans tonight. If I wore my tight ones then she would see exactly what I am thinking. “Asher?” she breathed out It came out as more of a panting sound, making me pull my eyes away from her body and looking at her eyes again. “Hmm?” was all I managed to get out “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked “Like what?” I asked trying to play dumb. “Like you want me, Asher.” She replied And before I could think before I spoke.  “Cause I do.” Were the words that came out of mouth? “What?” she asked taken back? “You heard me. Cause I do want you that is why Bambi.” I breathed out.  I know I am probably gonna regret saying that to her. She will probably tell me to get out at any moment.  “But you said it Asher…one night,” she whispered “That was the plan, plans change,” I said.  I was not sure if being this honest with her was a good or a bad thing.  “But Kate Asher.” She said Right now? Kate was the last thing on my mind. The only thing on my mind was how sexy my best friend standing in front of me in her underwear was. How much I want her, thinking about all the things I wanted to do to her.  “What about her? She isn't here.” I said “Callie I f*****g can’t get that night out of my head no matter how hard I try.” I added.  “Same.” She said looking at me, tugging her lower lip between her teeth.  And that was all I needed…that was all I needed to lose any control I had left. I made my way over to her, grabbing her hips and pulling her body into mine and crashing my lips against her, making us both groan loudly. I don’t think this is sensible doing this again but right now I was not caring. Her lips felt too good against mine for me to be worrying about anything else. It looks like what us only meant to be one night, was soon gonna become two.    
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