Chapter Eleven - Hot shower s*x

1453 Words
Asher’s P.O.V I woke, taking a second to remember where I remember what happened between Callie and I. The difference this time? I never felt the need to rush away like that first time since we were both sober and well we sort of agreed to be friends with benefits. Did I feel guilty? Of course, I did, I was cheating on my wife. Will that stop me? Probably not. Maybe that makes me an asshole but I am not exactly happily married but that doesn’t mean I wanna leave her. Maybe that makes me a selfish bastard but I need an escape from it all somewhere and what better way than the person who has been my best friend for a long time? I rolled over, going to reach for her but she wasn’t there. Where did she go? Maybe she regretted it when she woke up. I really hope not. I pulled myself out of Callie's bed, finding my boxers and pulling them on. I ran my fingers through my messy hair yawning before went looking for her. The closer I got to the kitchen I smelt food, she must be there. I headed towards the kitchen to find her sitting at the table sipping coffee, reading the paper in a pair of panties and my tee...fuck! She looks good. I groaned to myself, feeling myself twitch in my boxers at the sight of her. I licked my lips as my eyes trailed over her bare legs. She really was too damn sexy for her own good. “Once you are done being a perv there is a plate in the grill for you should still be warm.” She smirked looking up at me for a moment “and fresh coffee too.” She added.  “Thanks.” I chuckled I grabbed the plate from the grill and a coffee...  “I will have one too.” She said holding her cup out for me.  That woman drinks too much coffee I am telling you. I laughed, shaking my head but did as she asked. “Thanks,” she said smiling widely at me.  I joined her at the table, a comfortable silence falls between us as I ate and she read her paper. “What you getting up to today? Is she not due back?” she asked.  “Nope, she text me, saying she is staying another day will be back tomorrow instead.” I shrugged.  I see Callie rolling her eyes, knowing what my wife can be like. She always disappears for longer than first planned. Makes me wonder if she is seeing someone? And to be honest, if she was I don’t think it would bother me as much as it I can’t talk since I am having s*x with Callie. “So my plans for today are annoying you,” I said smugly “Oh is that so?” She said c*****g her brow at me “Yup. What you wanna do?” I asked.  I wanted to do something exciting, enjoy my day off and not only by doing nothing. “I don’t mind whatever you fancy.” She smiled Whatever I fancy? Well, in that case, I fancy doing her again. I looked at her, smirking and she knew exactly what I was thinking. “And I don’t mean that.” She giggled.  I petted my lip at her, giving her my best puppy dog eyes. What did she expect me to say? “Why not?” I asked “Cause I actually wanna do something, rather than just each other.” She said shaking her head at me.  I guess she had a point. I don’t want our relationship to be all about s*x now. Our friendship and time together are more important. “We could see who is off go out for lunch then maybe hit the beach or something?” I suggested.  I knew how much she loved the beach especially the ocean and the sun. It was a scorching day today. Callie nodded, smiling at my suggestion, clearly happy with it. The only downfall of that plan? Callie will be in a bikini which is gonna make it harder for me to stay hide the fact that we are sleeping together. I am sure I can manage...hopefully. Callie and I grabbed our phones trying our friends, a few of them were off which meant there will be a group of five of us going down. “Better get organised since we need to leave in an hour.” Callie said getting to her feet “I am gonna jump in a quick shower.” She said heading off the bathroom.  I was tempted to follow her, not sure if she would appreciate that cause she hasn’t mentioned last night at all. I don't know how she is feeling about it. I decided to let her be. I finished off my breakfast, heading through to Callie’s room until she was out the shower so I could jump in after her. I passed by the bathroom, stopping at the door, pacing a little trying to decide if I should go in or not. Then again usually when one of us is in the shower, the other sits in the bathroom and talks to them, something we have done for years. In the end, I decided to go in. “You took your time?” She laughed peeking her head out the shower door. “I was eating my breakfast which was delicious by the way, thank you,” I said.  She nodded, getting back to her shower, singing away to herself. I had the strong urge to go in and join her. “You coming in?” She said like she read my mind “Yes,” I said coming across a little more excited than I was meant too.  I slipped my boxers off, stepping into the shower with her. As soon as I did my back was getting pressed against the wall. Callie’s body pressing against mine and her lips falling over mine, kissing me. I growled into the kiss, grabbing her ass in my hands and holding her against me. My hard-on pressing between her legs. She whimpered against my lips. I think she may be a little horny and with the way she was kissing me, I was now too. I took a hold of her hips, flipping us around and her back soon getting pressed against the wet, tiled wall behind her. Our lips parted for only a second but soon found their way back to each other. I was quick to lifting her off the floor, her legs coming tightly around my waist...her fingers grabbing my hair roughly. I bend my knees slightly before pushing my hips forward quickly and entering her fast and hard.  “Yes!” She called out as her head fell back in pleasure. I started pounding into her. Her movements soon meeting my own as we f****d hard against the shower wall, her nails clawing down my back, leaving her marks of pleasure on my skin once again. I held her from underneath with one hand, leaning the other against the shower wall for more leverage...too steady myself better. She gripped onto the top of the shower door and was soon sliding up and down on top on me...hard and fast. The woman could use that body in ways I never knew was possible but damn it felt good.  “f**k, yes keep doing it like that,” I growled gripping both her hips, Callie taking me deeper inside every time she slid back down on top of me. “Asher!” She called out her, her voice echoing through the bathroom.  I never thought I would enjoy my name this much coming from her lips. From there it went hard and fast. The two of us f*****g each other like it was the last time we would be doing it and soon enough I felt her inside walls clench around. My name falling as a scream from her lips as she shook against me violently, spilling herself all over me and clinging to me and it never took long until my body started doing the same, spilling deep inside of her. My own orgasm shook my every nerve. The two of us sinking to the shower floor as our bodies became complete limp and weak. She fell against the wall and I fell against her body. “f*****g hell Callie what are you trying to do me?” I said through my heavy panting.  “Not trying anything...succeeding, made you c*m and orgasm didn’t I, so that is not trying.” She said and I knew she was smirking.  “You are so dirty do you know that?” I chuckled as I reached in kissing. “Yes, I have been told that a few times. And I love it.” She laughed.  It took us some time but we eventually got our energy back, getting off the shower floor and actually getting showered and ready to head out. I think my best friend is my new addiction.
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