
2049 Words
~ Damien’s POV ~ ‘Why are you doing this to yourself, Damien? Just accept it already that you are attracted to her, to your mate. You are not only hurting yourself but me also. Life is too long and you can’t remain lonely for too long’, exclaimed Zayden, my wolf. I am still looking at the wine glass which was now almost empty. I don’t understand why is he acting on a whim? Lonely? Who, me? Huh, don't make me laugh. I have too many women waiting for me in my mansion. If I want they will be ready to do anything just to see my face. ‘Stop spouting nonsense, you stupid wolf’, I said to myself while closing my eyes. He must be getting excited to finally found that girl. ‘Oh, then why did you kiss her? Don’t betray yourself, Damien. You know, we can lie to anyone, but not to ourselves.  You know the reason behind that very kiss and why you want to claim her as yours and also, the one who is acting weird is you not me.  So, the stupid one is you, Damien’, said my wolf while I clenched my glass in a tight grip.   Nonsense! People come and go from your lives and that’s not a big deal for me. So what, if I felt something for her? It was purely physical attraction and nothing more. “Damien, let me fill your glass. Look, there he is. Rowell Rochester, the next Alpha of our pack. Let me introduce him to you.  Wait, what the f**k is that annoying pest doing with Rowell?” Asserted the annoying old man while he was still filling my glass. I looked towards the direction where he was pointing out just a moment ago and my gaze fell on the woman standing next to that Rowell guy. ‘Mesmerising’, mumbled in a low voice while my eyes were fixated on that girl. I was mesmerised by her beauty. Her long hair, her beautiful eyes, her pink lips and that black dress, she looks so enticing right now.  I forgot to breathe for a moment there. Clothes really do make a man, but what is she doing here with a man. Why does my chest feel like it's tightening?  I don’t like the way they are standing against each other. Aren’t they standing too close to each other? What is this feeling? Why I am feeling so angry for no reason.   ‘Isn’t the answer quite simple? This feeling is called jealousy’, Zayden told me while a smirk appeared on my face. What did he just say?  Jealousy and why would I feel that way for a woman whom I just met today? Why did Ethan call that girl a pest?   The man named Rowell then started to head over to the dance floor with that woman. I for some reason hate it. Why is he touching her? “Hey, Ethan, who is the woman next to Rowell? I never saw her at any of the parties nor I have heard about her.  Tell me that woman’s name”, I asked Ethan in an irritated tone whilst gulping down the wine in one big gulp.   He replied to me with a grin on his face, “She is no one. No, she is just an annoying pest which I am raising for free.  I don’t know, why I am so generous to let trash like her life. She has not even awakened her powers, but see, I still didn’t throw her out of the pack.  She must have done some good work in past to get a father like me. Don’t you think so, Damien?”   This man is infuriating me. I glared at him and then asked him for the last time in a dominating and clear tone, “Name?”   Feeling that he might have engraved me, he quietly replied to me, “Aster. Her name is Aster. Now, will you please leave my tie?” Oh, I unconsciously grabbed him by his tie. I let go of him and after that, I looked towards the dance floor where Aster was dancing with that irritating man. ‘Aster, what an interesting name’, I mumbled to myself in a low voice while I started to head towards the dance floor. I then placed my hand on Rowell’s shoulder. “Can I have the next dance with this beautiful lady? Only if you don’t mind", I asked him while my eyes were only fixated on her.  Her eyes were now looking here and there and that’s kind of excite me even more. She must be feeling self-conscious right now.   The blockhead after giving me a useless warning gave me Aster. He said that I should be aware of those heels, but who is going to let her stand on the floor. After thinking that in my head, I lifted her in the air. She is so light. Is she malnourished? Do they not give her proper food? I can’t believe that I didn’t even need any energy to lift her in the air. “So, shall we start, Miss Aster?” I asked her while pulling her more closer to me. My breath was now fanning her face and I can feel all her curves.  Shit! If things will be like this then I won’t be able to stop myself anymore. I want her, but I can’t have her.   “It’s not fair. You know my name, but I am still unaware of your name”, she said to me while pouting a little. I really want to kiss those lips, but I have to control my urge right now. I then replied to her while looking straight into those emerald green eyes, “It’s Damien Tristen, the next Alpha of the blood moon pack.” “Oh, I didn’t know about that. I am sorry to cause you trouble before, Mr Damien”, she said to me while showing her one of her brightest smiles.  She looks so sad, but she is still smiling at me. Do I deserve this? I then twirl her around and then pulling her back again. She lost her balance and then fell on my chest. That must have hurt the tip of her nose. Her face is all red now. “Damien”, I said in a deep voice while she was looking at me with her innocent eyes. “What?”, she replied in a confused tone. “Just call me Damien. If you don’t then I might kiss you again here in front of all the people”, I told her with a smile on my face. “ No, please don’t,”, she replied while stuttering a little. I started to laugh and then said to her while tucking her hair behind her ear, “We need a little more practice. Why are you looking at me with such a puzzled expression on your face?”   “You warned me to stay away from you. Then why are you doing all of this?” She asked me with her eyes looking at me. That’s right. I asked her to stay away from me then why I am doing all of this? This is not what I want. Her eyes, it’s like they can see the hole in my soul.  I don’t want her to see through me. I don’t want that. ‘Are you sure, Damien? Just look at her. Isn’t she all you want? Don’t you want to make her yours? Don’t you want to claim her?  What if she falls for another guy rather than you? Are you ready for that?  Are you brave enough to see her in someone’s else arms? If you want you can save her from this cold place.  Only if you want. Come on, be a little more honest with you, will you?’, my wolf said to me while I was still in a daze.   No, I am not going to lose my mind over something like a useless thing as a mate. I don’t care if she will get into her man's embrace.  I won’t regret my decision to abandon her. I won’t take her as my mate. I then turned away from her while walking in the opposite direction of the dancing floor leaving her all alone at the stage, but the moment I turned around to look at her. She was looking at me with a dejected look in her eyes.   The moment I left her, Rowell came to take her away from the dance floor while giving her a glass of red wine.  Will she be able to handle her liquor? Again? Again, I am thinking about her. I need to get out of this place. I can’t stay here any longer. Else, I might do something which I’ll regret later.   Being the next Alpha comes with a lot of responsibilities and I don’t want to waste that time protecting someone else.  She is better off without me. After all, I am not fitted to be her mate and neither she is. I was heading towards the exit when someone clings to my arms. “Where are you going, Mr Damien? Don’t you want to enjoy your evening with a beautiful woman like me?” The annoying woman is back with more makeup on her face. Who told her that she is beautiful and exactly why the hell will I waste my time on the likes of her.   I then pushed the woman named Viola and after that, I wiped the place with my handkerchief where she was holding me. “Listen, this is the last time I am warning you so don’t you dare to cling to me. I won’t have a woman like you. Not even in your dreams.  So, get the f**k out of my way”, I said to her in a cold voice while holding her by her throat. Without saying anything further she gets out of my way.   I was now heading out of the mansion, but for the last time, I turned around to look at Aster. She looks quite drunk.  Maybe she is not used to drinking at all. Her face looks quite flushed. Rowell was now helping her to get away from the crowded place. They were now walking somewhere hand in hand. Why do I feel so angry? I don’t care if she stays with him or not. So, why do I want to kill Rowell to get her out of his arms?  No, this is the right thing to do. I was now out of the mansion. I did attend the part so I have completed my obligations.  They didn’t say that I have to attend it till the end. My work is done here. ‘Mark my words, Damien you will regret this one day. You will regret leaving her alone”, my wolf said to me while I was heading inside the passenger’s seat of my car. Regret? I don’t think so as from this day onwards I will not ever meet that woman. So, that means I have served all my ties with her from this day.  So, regretting is out of the question or that is what I thought at that time. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Author's Note  Show your love and support to the author by adding this book to your library  Thank you for reading :)      
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