No One Wants Me

1672 Words
~ Aster's POV ~ Why can’t anyone leave me alone? I just want to have a nice sleep, but yet my stepmother is banging the door so loudly that if I will not open the door then she will eventually break it.  I then get out of my bed with a heavy heart. Ouch, my body is still aching because of everything. Well, I must say thank you to that person for saving me.  Only because of his encouraging words, I was able to fight Samuel. Umm, I am still not sure that if I should disturb him or not as he warned me to stay away from him.  I don’t know why he suddenly started to kiss me and then he pushed me away like it never happened. I didn’t know that a kiss can also make you feel so good.  It was so passionate that I got goosebumps all over my body.   It was the first time that someone kissed me and it was one of the best experiences of my pathetic life. I always saw Viola kissing several unknown guys, but that only disgusted me. “Aster, if you don’t open the door in one minute then I will call your father and you know what will happen after that, right?  So, if you don’t want to get disciplined by your father then open the door this instant and that’s an order”, yelled my stepmother while she was still banging my door.   For her I am just an eyesore, she is the one who never took care of me as a mother, she is the one who always mocked me for my ugly appearance, she is the one whose love I always yearned. Lucia McCarthy, my stepmother.  In the past, I tried my best to win her love. I tried every possible thing to get a mother’s affection. I did everything that she ordered me to do, but in the end, she always pushed me away with a hateful gaze saying that no one will ever want me. Not even my mate.   I got to know about the feeling of ‘jealousy’ when I saw how much father and mother love Viola. Well, why won’t they, she has already awakened her powers and she will soon be the Luna of our pack.  Life is hilarious. On one hand, my half-sister has everything and on the other hand, I don’t even get proper food. One who has all the riches at her feet and on the other side, I don’t even have proper clothes to wear. No one loves me and no one wants me. The void in my heart is increasing day by day.   No one cares for me when I cry and no one will care for me when I’ll die. I don’t even know the meaning of being loved. I only get to know about this concept when I watched how much Viola is pampered by our parents. ‘Our’, I mumbled in a low voice. Huh, what a funny thing to say, Aster. The moment I opened the door of my room, I received a tight slap on my right cheek from my stepmother. “Ahh", a painful voice escaped my mouth.  My cheeks are now burning and the pain is seriously unbearable. She must have scratched me by her fingernails, which she usually do.   “Where were you? I was screaming for such a long time. Why didn’t you open the door? Do you want me to lock you in the basement without the food, water and light?  I don’t understand why is Ethan still keeping you in our house. It’s better to throw you out from here as you are just useless trash who is eating a free meal every day.  Tell me, why didn’t you clean my and Viola rooms? Do you need a personal invitation for that? Go and clean all the rooms and also help Viola to get ready for the party.  I want her to look the best for today’s party.  Today’s a really important day for my daughter. She is going to be the next Luna.  So, if anything went wrong then you will be l the one to be blamed and if that happens I will make you regret being born”, she said to me in a cold voice while looking at me with a dead look on her face.   I am not scared of darkness anymore. Instead, I am scared of the people who live in the bright lights. I only lowered my head in front of her while my cheeks were still stinging with pain.  I don’t want to get slapped again. Let’s just nod to whatever she is saying right now. I am so tired that her next sentences were going from my one ear to others.  I don’t care whatever she is asking for me to do, I will just complete all the orders that she is giving me and then I’ll sleep just like a baby.   “Don’t you dare to miss anything? One mistake and you know what I am capable of doing”, she warned me before going out of my room.  Finally, some peace. I don’t understand exactly why does everyone hate me? Now, all I have to do is help Viola get ready for this party and then my work will be finished. “Alright, you can do this, Aster", I motivated myself and then I started to head towards Viola’s room. Her room is quite spacious and beautiful, unlike mine. Unlike me, she has numerous beautiful dresses. Viola never wears the same dress twice. On the other hand, my clothes are just rags compared to hers. I was now standing in front of her room. “Viola, can I enter your room? Lady Lucia asked me to help you in getting ready”, I asked her while knocking on the door. She then replied to me that I can enter her room. I then twisted the knob of the door and then I started to walk inside the room while my eyes were fixated on the floor.  The reason was quite simple for that. As Viola hates my emerald green eyes so she has ordered me to always look downward and to never show my eyes to anyone.  She said that my eyes colour is disgusting just like my appearance. So I try my best to never show my eyes to anyone as I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. But that man said that my eyes were beautiful. He may have said those words to cheer up my mood. There is zero possibility for anyone to find me beautiful. “Can you walk fast? I don’t have the entire day to get ready. Do my hairstyle and my makeup. If I don’t look the best at the party then I assure you that I will make your life a living hell and don’t you dare to pull my hair. Comb them carefully”, Viola ordered me in a stern voice whilst she was sitting in front of the mirror.   Well, I am sure that I won’t mess at this as I always did her makeover for every party and she does stand out at the whole party.  Her beautiful brown hair are shiny and even her skin is flawless.  No doubt, she is the belle of the pack. After I did her makeover and her hair styling. I helped her with getting dressed. Viola is going to wear a deep cut, green lacy backless dress.   She is looking just like some princess. I am sure that at today’s party she will find her prince charming, unlike me. “Clean all the mess and keep all my dresses carefully in the closet.  If I find that any of my dresses are ruined because of you then I will cut that long hair of yours”, she glared at me while warning me in a cold voice.   After that, she started to walk out of the room. All of her dressed were scattered on the bed. While I was managing her clothes, my gaze fell on one of the dresses. It was quite beautiful. It was a black, off-shoulder lace gown.  The work on the gown of quite peculiar. It was simple yet beautiful. Without my knowledge, I was running my hand over the gown. Should I wear it for five minutes? I want to see how I will look in a gown for once in my life.  I never dared to go against my family, but it’s not like I am ruining it. Just for five minutes. I think that will be enough and then I will immediately put it back in the closet.   I then started to do wear the gown with a smile on my face. After that, I looked into the mirror. It was looking quite good on me too. Is this seriously me?  I was now sliding my fingers on the mirror with an incomprehensible expression on my face. “I think you will look more beautiful if you let your hair down”, whispered an unknown man in my ears in a husky voice. I then immediately turned around to look at the person with wide eyes. What's exactly happening right now?  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Author's Note  Show your love and support to the author by adding this book to your library  Thank you for reading  :)  
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