Chapter 2

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Milton was on his way to AP English with JJ, his minder/protector, walking next to him. English was the only class he shared with Steve. Milton knew he needed to talk to Steve, reassure him that, as far as Milton was concerned, they were still cool. He didn’t know if he dare use the term “friends” although Milton hoped they were. They’d had such a great time the day before. Milton had gotten to see the playful and fun-loving side of the big guy, and he liked it…a lot. Steve’s face grew even more handsome when he smiled, and the two of them had done a lot of smiling that day. “I can get to class on my own,” Milton said, trying not to let his frustration at JJ’s actions get to him. “I’m going this direction anyway.” JJ shrugged and treated Milton to one of his winning smiles. “Liar. You have AP Chemistry before lunch, you told me that the other week. And the chem lab is thataway.” Milton pointed in the opposite direction. JJ had the good grace to look sheepish. Then his expression rallied. “Ah, but I’m such a good student the teacher lets me off if I’m a few minutes late.” Milton shook his head and continued walking. A few moments later Milton said, “It’s just up ahead, I’m sure I can manage from here.” “Okay, sorry. I know I’m overdoing it; Maggie told me as much earlier.” JJ stopped walking. “See you at lunch?” Milton waved his agreement and carried on walking. It seemed the talk he’d had with Maggie about how he needed to stand up for himself had gotten through, and she’d passed this on to JJ, who, when Milton turned in at the door of the classroom, was still looking in his direction. JJ smirked, shook his head, and turned to walk away. Going into the classroom, Milton scanned the faces of the students and was surprised not to see Steve. They didn’t have assigned seating, so Milton chose a double desk near the front, hoping to catch Steve’s eye when he came in, or to grab a quick word with him after class. But Steve snuck into the classroom just before the warning bell and took a seat in the front row, not making eye contact with Milton. The lesson seemed to go on and on. Milton felt guilty for not paying full attention, because Mr. Grayson was great and brought the subject alive. “Mr. Morrison,” the teacher said at one point, “would you agree with the hypothesis that Jane Eyre was only able to capture Rochester because he’d been emasculated.” “Huh?” Steve, who had been slumped in his chair for most of the lesson, sat up. “A witty response, but not quite up to your usual standard,” Mr. Grayson smiled. “Anyone else care to discuss this?” A girl on Milton’s row raised her hand and gave an answer that Milton didn’t hear. He was too focused on Steve, who had rested his head on top of his folded arms. When the bell finally sounded, Milton made to get up and rush to Steve, but the baseball player had shot to his feet and was at the door before the bell had stopped ringing. “A pity you did not employ your quick reactions during the class, Mr. Morrison.” “Sorry, sir,” Steve said before exiting. Milton sighed. He knew he wouldn’t get a chance to speak with the guy during lunch. Steve always sat with his fellow jocks, an area of the lunchroom that was unofficially off limits to the likes of Milton. * * * * By Wednesday afternoon Steve felt about as low as he could ever remember. Why didn’t JJ understand? Steve couldn’t let anyone know he was gay. He might get kicked off the baseball team. His folks would find out and start asking awkward questions. He knew they weren’t homophobic, but they were snobs, and that was even worse. As it was, they’d already mapped his life out, and being gay, living with another man, just wouldn’t figure in their carefully plotted script for their only son. After high school he’d go to Harvard like his father, then on to somewhere else—the plans kept changing—for his MBA. He’d get a job with his dad’s bank, and somewhere along the way they’d find the “perfect girl” for him, one who came from a “good family.” “Got a minute?” Maggie asked before Steve had a chance to bolt from the computer class they shared. “Uh, I guess.” Steve shrugged. Since the incident on Monday, relations between JJ and himself were strained, and Steve had assumed Maggie would follow her boyfriend’s lead. He should have known Maggie would set her own course. “Want to grab a coffee or something at New Venus?” “What about JJ?” “He doesn’t like New Venus.” She smirked. “Anyway, I told him I was washing my hair after school so he would have to do without me for once.” Steve smiled. Maggie sure had JJ wrapped around her little finger.
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