Chapter 5

1126 Words
I got all confused. I did not know that the one I just threw over is their Elite. I quickly pull him up and remove the dust. Then an unusual thing happened it kneel down then the rest followed him "Teach us Master" they all said I was flattered but I turned them down "I would love too but I am not the one that you need at this moment. For now, train hard and someday you will be able to fight beside me" I slowly turned my back and walked away.  I head straight to the office and check what the two are up to. Upon entering I saw these lists of names and some were crossed out "What are you both up to?" I asked with a clueless reaction "Well you said to assign someone to those roles, and it seems we are having a tough time picking" Sora said "I have a suggestion why not you both take over some roles. For example, Draxx has the capability to command an army of assassins and as for you Sora you have a Sacred Gear that looks like armor so why not take the Tank role?" I suggested "You are right Chris why didn't I thought of that" Draxx said as he slaps his forehead "For now I will take on the Marksmen and the Strategist. The rest of the role you find some that suites it okay" I suggested "Well we do have some great doctors and nurses will they be a great instructors" Sora asked "It is better to have someone teach instead of nothing. There is no harm in trying" I said "And I can teach the knights about using melee weapons and hand to hand combat" Draxx proposed "It seems we are all set up. Now time to tell everyone about this matter" We immediately head to the academy's ground and ordered the group practicing calling all students A group of students came one after the other. After some time, I thought that was almost enough and I started talking. "Listen up and stand still, I don't want any of you blabbering while I am talking" I said as I slam my hands against the podium The students seemed terrified upon my approach. Then I just laugh "Sorry guys I didn't want to scare you or anything but as a student trained for combat, you're easily startled no wonder you aren't sent to respond yet" "Now tell me, does anyone of you just recruited here? Kindly raise your hand" I said as I raise my right hand Then almost all of them are recruit "Hey guys don't tell me you forced them to do this?" I whispered Draxx and Sora then bow down and looks ashamed "No wonder they are like these. They are all afraid to be sent" I kept that in mind "Okay for all of the willing students to participate in training follow Miss Sora and Sir Draxx for briefing" "And for the remaining I want to have a word with you" "Don't come along with your buddies if you think you are not ready for training. We need wholehearted individuals that has the capabilities to withstand all trials and not some half bake clowns" "Now move!" I informed with authority The students that they formed two groups. Some immediately went to the willing side while the rest are asking their companions and the rest are just sitting ducks. After some time, I thought they all made up their minds "Okay for all of the willing participants kindly follow Miss Sora and Sir Draxx. Separate the ladies from the gentle man" They went on their way and I walked towards the entire crowd. I asked them one by one their reasons why they are here in the academy. Their answers give me mixed emotions. Some of them are forced, some are tricked, some just followed their friends and relatives while the rest are only plain clueless I went back to the stage and grabbed the microphone "I heard all your reasons now time to hear mine. I want to establish a military school where students can unleash their true potential not only for war but for being an individual" "We are here to guide you and help you make the right decisions. It maybe be tough, but I know you can withstand them all" "Now you are with me" I raised my hand Surprisingly they raised theirs too as a sign of approval. I shed tears upon seeing them accept the challenge "Now let's go" I waved my hand as a sign to follow me We all went to the briefing area.   With my large crowd of students, we went to check the briefing area and it seems these big of a crowd is not going to squeeze in   "Okay sorry but we must head back" I felt ashamed suddenly.   They all laughed at me then tried to cheer me up. We are all back to our places.   "Well then let us start the briefing shall we. You may all sit down if you like." "In this institution you are going to choose from six roles" "Knight, they have great combat skills in close hand combat. Sir Draxx will be your instructor in using a melee weapon of your choice, but I much prefer a sword." "Marksman, they have great aim delivering blows from a distance. I will be your instructor in using long range weapons like a g*n or bow." "Tank, they are the tough and strong one capable of enduring any blows. Miss Sora will be your instructor." "Assassin, they are agile and capable of one hit blow. Sir Draxx will be your instructor." "Strategist, they are the one that makes the command. Every move must be appointed to him or her. Words coming from this role is an order. I will be the instructor." "Lastly the Healers, they are special units that do not engage in battle instead they act as a support for wounded allies. But some healers are capable of fighting in the main battlefield. The doctors and nurses will be your instructor." "Those are your choices, but I recommend what your heart beats and not what others want for you. You have free will to use it. Oh, I almost forgot don't choose because you wanted the instructor believe me you don't know what you are up against." "I will give you up to tomorrow to submit a letter of your chosen role. Now you can all take a rest" I said.   I turned at my side and saw Sora, Draxx and the willing participants all staring at me. With lightning-fast speed, I went to them. I just wanted to show off.   
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