Chapter 16

1035 Words
I played the compiled footage of the event yesterday. Then the healers and the other classes came and watched. Their reactions are hilarious. Some are ashamed of being killed, some are pumped in the battles and the rest are enjoying themselves.   After the footage is done the real fun begins. They began giving suggestions in the proper execution and all aspects. Battling, positioning, infiltrating, group distribution and dispersal and so much more aspects   The debate is on fire and no one is backing down. Then my top student suggested   "Master how about a simulation?" "By choosing the top three options and reenacting the event we can easily distinguished the best decision"   "I couldn't agree more but are they willing to help us?"   "Well Master I have some friends that battled hard”. "Me too I have many friends in the gunners."   "Okay I'll get Sarah the one with the water armor, Jane the sniper, Eve and Roxxy the shotguns and the tanks”.   "And I will ask my knights to participate as well" Draxx said.   "Draxx!" I was surprised. "Thank you so much”.   "Don't forget about us" Dr Edwin said   "Yeah, instead of the top tanks why not I lend you all of them" Sora said.   "My healers are happy to participate because the ladies didn't help as much as I thought. Better let them join and help healing the injured" Dr Edwin said   "That's settled then." "We are having a reenactment tomorrow noon."   "But Chris there are certain variables you need to consider." "The damage, stamina and other physical aspects will not be the same" Draxx said.   "It's okay with us we just want to know which plan is better”? "We love to know if our decisions are correct or not." "I do love to brag if all my plans are correct."   "Okay everyone let's eat and get ready for bed”.   "Yes Headmaster" Noon and the sun are on its peak. The assassins are all ready as they follow the commands of my Strategists.   "Okay our first scenario is infiltrating the enemy base without knowing there is a sniper”.   The first plan is to send the most agile group. By taking a route at the sides they will push through the lady’s territory, but the frontline of tanks and knights intercepted them.   Then a follow up command of throwing a barrage the frontline got them by surprised   "I see making them as a decoy to group the frontline into a trap." "Whoever voted for this has great thinking."   The second plan is sending the killers to make a path in the frontline. They manage to dodge the upcoming bullets and manages to take down the enemy frontline, but they are drained in the process.   "You see what's wrong here. You focused all your attention in penetrating the frontline." "The killer group is designed for the last entry to secure the win." "Whoever voted this plan is wrong."   Some Strategists are removed from the competition.   The third plan is to go at the roof like the assassins planned. By making a decoy entry, the three groups soar into the air. The gunners are all blinded, and the assassins landed with minimal casualties.   "Whoever voted for this plan worked but I liked the first one better." "You see in making an entry you must also have a back-up plan." "Don't relay everything to your ace. Remember a king is the greatest fighter in a kingdom. The king together with his elite guards are the final resort in terms of war."   "Now for scenario two. Finding the flag"   The first plan is too secure first the entry and exit points. Using a mirror to sight the upcoming threat and making proper counterattack. The assassins pulled it off like the last time upon taking the flag they get trapped.   So as the second and third plans the assassins all get trapped.   "You know what's wrong with your plan?" "You lack communication with your teammates. You didn't even bother to ask their current situation." "If you analyze the video correctly you will be noticed that they didn't capture any flag they saw"   "We noticed that Master we taught they are just looking for enemies and after their battle is done, they will grab them all."   "Have you ever seen a capture the flag with numerous flags set that looks exactly the same?"   "No" they shamefully replied.   "Because those flags are decoys" "All of you are out."   "We still have time Chris why not a couple more" Sora said.   "I would like to see how the assassins battle the top knights" Draxx said.   "And we still need more injured test subjects for the ladies" Dr Edwin said   "Okay, in this scenario your killers are surrounded with skilled knights using the remaining piece you have how are you going to capture the flag”?   The first plan is letting the lady assassins, a portion of the second-floor assassins fight against the top tank. With their number they pulled out a great fight against the tank, but they did not capture the flag. The killers manage to take down the top knights, but they are completely worn out.   "So, there is no chance of winning after all" I concluded.   "Agreed." "That tank is way too powerful against my assassins" Draxx said.   "Master what if that lady hasn't that armor at all." "Maybe the assassins have a shot at winning."   "So, what are the circumstances you figured out that would happen?"   "Well, the assassins on the second floor easily take down the tanks and knights without draining themselves”. "So, if a portion of those assassins battled the top knights, the killers will join in capturing the flag." "Yeah, but the killers will not be the one to approach because they will not even last a minute." "If we ordered the assassins to take down that tank and the killers are the ones to capture the flag maybe there is a chance" "But remember there are traps near the flag." "You're right and we don't know how many." "I think it's fine there are four killers by the way."   
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