Chapter 32

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Samantha and the tank are only a few steps from the barrier.   "Hey Sam" "What now?" The tank asked.   "Let's see" "How about rushing towards the barrier" "I know it is risky, but I think we can pull it off" Samantha proposed.   The tank stood up and leads the assault. They ran towards the barrier as fast as they can, but the sniper manages to shoot the tank in the chest. Samantha continued then summons her Sacred Gear. She pierced it to the barrier, eventually the barrier turned into ice then shatters.   It revealed the position of the sniper, so Samantha immediately launched an attack. She knocks her down then Samantha helped her ally.   "Rest here for a while I will go ahead and capture the flag" Samantha said.   She went on her way.   "I greet you for a job well done." "You are the first one to breach my barrier" the sorcerer said as he reveals himself.   Samantha uses her freezing field then make an attack. Then numerous rocks are thrown towards the charging Samantha. She manages to evade it all. She closes the gap and lands several hits. The sorcerer got out of balance then tripped. Samantha finishes him off, but the ground swallowed him.   "Sam someone is escaping with the flag" the tank shouted and tries following him.   Samantha immediately responded and it led them to the underground path. She uses her freezing field to slow the enemies down but still they manage to get away.   "Sam look blood" the tank noticed a trail of blood.   They followed the trail and they saw the Elite Strategist and the wounded sorcerer. Samantha launches an attack and delivers a finishing blow. She successfully captured the flag.   I announced that the Elites' team is out of the match. The battle between them and Tyrone's team subsided.   "Looks like the remaining group is Samantha’s." "Let's hurry to the Elites' territory maybe they are still there" Tyrone said.   They immediately went to the castle and searched the entire area, but they did not saw a single enemy. So, they went to Samantha's territory. From there they saw this barrier of light   "Don't looked at it directly or you'll get blinded" Mark warned.   They launch their assault and the barrier shined bright making it impossible to see. The gunner then fired numerous rounds of bullets, but the tank covers his allies. Sarah heals him as they march forward.   The gunner is out of ammo, Mark and the knight entered the barrier and the rest followed.   "Sam do you hear me." "The enemies are inside the barrier" Dean seems terrified as he contacted Samantha on the radio.   "We are on our way there." "We are taking an underground route towards our castle." "Don't let them reach our flag" Samantha answered back using the radio.   Tyrone's team successfully entered the castle then a ray of light blasted then luckily, they evaded it.   "Up there" Sarah pointed out the location.   Mark immediately rushes upstairs, and the target is at range. He throws a star directly at Dean, but a knife set it off course. Dean entered the room safely then the door is immediately sealed.   The sorcerer charges a ball of lighting and blasted the door open by doing so the gunner fired numerous rounds of bullets. The sorcerer is struck but Mark manages to assassinate the gunner.   They all entered the room while Sarah heals the wounded sorcerer. They did not waste a second and they successfully captured the flag.   I announced that the match is over.   "We're late" Samantha said.   "Sorry guys looks like we lost" Samantha said using a radio.   The event is over, and Tyrone's team won. As the match was set I immediately casted healing to somehow soothe the students. The healers immediately dispersed inside the battlefield and transport the injured ones to the infirmary.   I swope down to the ground to congratulate them all. I announced the winner and the current ranking. After that has done Aaron went down and assisted her daughter to the infirmary   “You seriously don’t need to assist me I am practically fine look” Samantha said as she jumps up and down.   “No! I saw your fight earlier so come one” Aaron said as she pulls his daughter to the infirmary.   “Let go of me I can walk by my own Father” Samantha seems feeling a quite shy around the others.   Then the crowd started gossiping about Aaron and Samantha. I am really getting bothered about the rude comments they are saying against Aaron and her daughter. I gave them all a vicious glare, but it seems it cannot get through them. Kids these days cannot understand a thought behind one is looks. The gossiping keeps on worsening.   “Will you stop that already!” I shouted.   The students were all startled and an awkward silence filled the vicinity.   “Who come here!” I said as I pointed out one of the students that initiated the rude comments.   He slowly walks forward. I do not know why but it seems the students treat him like an outcast. The student is shaking as he approaches me. I grabbed him in the collar then lightning struck our very location. If it was not for that I do not know what will happen next. I slowly let go of the student and I head straight to my office. As I pass by them, they avoid looking at me like I committed a hideous crime. Even Sora did not bother talking to me.   I entered my room and lie down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and reflected on what I have done. As I dug deep into my conscience, I start to realize that I really went too far back there. Now I am stuck to whether ask for forgiveness. I want to but there is a part of me that does not. It feels like something inside me is hindering my decision.   I started to overthink once more and slowly I am being consumed by twisted thoughts until I finally doze off. I woke up and it is awfully dark in my room just like my mind right now. I peeked out the window looks like no one is around maybe they are all in the cafeteria eating their supper. Then my tummy rumbled looks like I also need a bite to eat. I washed my face then I went to the cafeteria. As I approached the cafeteria, I can hear the students talking to each other. I slowly peeked, and I was able to hear their conversation.   
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