Chapter 39

1221 Words
“What kind of monster is this?” “Haven’t seen one of you before” Draxx said The demons started attacking Draxx “Temper! Temper!” Draxx said as he wags his finger The demon enraged “Die you mortal!” the demon shouted “Wow you can talk! That is an improvement” “Well then, come dance with me” Draxx being cocky With lightning-fast speed, Draxx landed several elemental hits but looks like it didn’t budge at all. Draxx immediately withdrew “Deym this is one tough demon” “Might as well increase it up a notch” Draxx said to himself Draxx’s sacred gear started emitting bolts of lightning. He charges in and starts attacking the demon in rapid succession. After several attacks Draxx noticed something. “What it’s anti magic?” Draxx uncovered Draxx stepped back but the demon chased him down. Draxx was too quick for the demon “Stop running!” the demon shouted “Stop huh? Easy for you to say” Draxx murmured Draxx using his speed to make a hit and run somehow pisses the demon off “Enough!” the demon rages and his body started burning “What the hell!” Draxx felt intimidated The demon charges in and it was fast, Draxx did not expected it but he manages to block the attack “Burn!” the demon said in a boastful manner The demon’s sword ignited Draxx’s daggers because of that Draxx let go of his weapon. He stepped back “Ahhh!” Draxx said as he stared at his burnt hands Draxx lately noticed that the demon charges in. He was completely off guard but thanks to his speed he manages to take minimal damage. Just a cut in his right arm. Draxx burst away. He hold his arm as he felt excruciating pain The demon licks his blade to wipe the blood off “Tasty, I want more” the demon said The demon charges in and made multiple attacks but Draxx keeps evading them all “Stop moving!” the demon seems pissed “Come on Draxx think!” “You can end this ugly bastard” Draxx said to himself As the demon keeps on attacking Draxx, he finally came up with a plan. Draxx tried luring the demon near his daggers “That’s it just a little bit closer” Draxx said to himself The demon stopped attacking and stick its sword into the ground. It gave Draxx a smirk “I thought you’re brighter than that” “Do you think that simple approach is enough to mislead me?” the demon being too cocky “What! No!” Draxx raised his voice The demon then pulled out his sword then charges straight at Draxx once more “Darn it” Draxx is getting pissed Their battle continues. As Draxx used his extreme speed he’s getting weaker and weaker “No! Body do not fail me now” Draxx said to himself Draxx seems to be getting worn out “What now mortal? Are you at your limit?” “Shame, I was just only getting started” the demon said as he pouts “Well then might as finish you off” the demon said as he charges in with full force Draxx closes his eyes as he accepts his fate. The demon was about to slice him in half but someone blocked the attack and pushed the demon away “Interesting” “Tell me who are you?” the demon asked “It’s no of your business!” a woman shouted “That voice” Draxx said as he opens his eyes “You’re one feisty lady” “You should be the one coined wrath” the demon said “Sora be careful it is no ordinary demon” Draxx informed “I know I haven’t seen a demon talking before” “And its attack somehow pierces through my armor but don’t worry it’s nothing” Sora seems tough Sora snaps her fingers then rain started pouring “Go get your gear” Sora ordered “This rain” Draxx said as he slowly replenished his energy back Draxx didn’t was a second and he immediately went to grab his daggers. The demon tried intercepting Draxx, but Sora was there “Ah” Sora said as she pushed the demon backwards “Tell me demon do you have a name?” Sora asked directly “Yes I do have a title, and no one ever lasted half an hour knowing it.” “Care to know?” the demon asked.   “If you are going to tell it just spill it already” Sora seems pissed The demon started giggling. With a forceful stomp on the ground, it pounces directly at Sora. Sora tried intercepting it with a punch, but it manages to shift direction. The demon was able to restrain Sora “Let go of her” Draxx shouted With a flap of its wings Draxx was sent flying “Draxx! No!” Sora shouted “Don’t worry about him he’s fine” the demon said “You fiend!” Sora seems furious “I am no fiend; I am a demon” “I am known as Satan the demon lord of the fifth hell” “And as for you, young maiden I want you to become mine. Surrender yourself to me and I shall give you all your earthly desires” the demon said it spins Sora around Satan hold Sora as if they were dancing. Sora tried resisting but Satan’s grasp is too tight “Such a waste. With an elegant beauty like yours would end up dying right?” Satan said “Bastard!” Draxx shouted as he charges in “Took you long enough” as Satan glances at Draxx Draxx made a series of attacks but Satan evades it as if they were dancing. With a flap of Satan’s wings Draxx was sent flying again “Stop resisting, you know you can’t match my strength darling” Satan said with a human voice “What did you just told me!” Sora seems upset “Why darling? Don’t you want to be addressed that way?” Satan said as he is about to kiss Sora “No!” Draxx shouted like roaring thunder and lightning started to cover his body He then charges in and strike Satan. Satan pulls Sora and uses her as a shield “Come at me!” Satan shouted. As Draxx unlocked a new power he immediately charges in   “Come at me!” Satan shouted.   Satan used Sora as a shield but Draxx just burst even faster.   “Die!” Draxx shouted.   At the last second Satan pushes Sora towards Draxx. Draxx somehow evades it but a follow up attack sends him to the ground.   “Any last words before I end your life mortal?” Satan asked.   Draxx holds Satan’s sword and tried to stand up.   
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