Chapter Twelve

1222 Words

Suppressing Desires Silver woke up to the feel of the softest plush against her skin and a familiar scent wafting up her nose. She flipped her eyes open and squealed with joy when they landed on her teddy. He had fulfilled his promise, and had brought her teddy to her. She felt so happy just seeing the old used to be white bear. When did he bring it in and place it in her grasp though? She knew that she had fallen into a deep sleep due to the exhaustion of the last couple of days so maybe while she had been asleep, he had slipped it into her hands. She laughed gently at her assumption knowing that it was all false. Rodriguez never stepped a foot in the maid quarters. If he needed anything he sent for it, so he probably had Maria deliver it. Yes, that made more sense. She plopped her pl

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