
210 Words
Hello! First if all, I would like to thank you for stumbling across my story. It's not perfect by any means, but I can guarantee that it's entertaining. When it comes to writing, you can break any rule other than 'do not be boring.' Why is that? Because anything else is an easy fix. If your story is boring, chances are... You're going to have to start from scratch.  About me My name is Kylie! I live in Oklahoma, and before you ask, NO! I do not have an accent. I'm twenty-One years old, with two kids. They're both boys; Zayden and Braxton. Zayden is my first born. He was born on December 6th, 2018. Braxton was born on July 29th, 2020. When I'm not taking care of my kids, I'm reading or writing.  I hope that you'll enjoy my story. There might be some errors, but i do edit my work frequently. I'm human, I do miss things from time to time.  Warning - Profanity - Verbal abuse - Strong scenes - Descriptive s****l scenes - Betrayal - Heart break - Forced Marriage I think that covers all of all of the warnings, and I'm pretty sure that i covered everything that I wanted to achieve here. Thank you!
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