A father...

2529 Words

Samuel’s POV A father!!! These two words have torn me apart and have shaped who I truly am. I grew up hating the word Father, to me, being a father meant every horrible thing and ill-luck you can ever imagine. A father meant one who runs away from every family responsibility, one who hits his children and his wife, one who shags every skirt within his line of sight, a father meant every bad thing in my dictionary. But the word I so loathed more than anything in the world, the word I had promised myself I would never be, was the same word I would be in 7 months. I will be a father. I took another drag from my cigarette, watching the large circle of rings as I puffed them to the sky. After the baby comes, I am sure I wouldn’t have all the time in the world to smoke. “You’re becoming

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