Dead by Sunset II

1252 Words
Hell. It was starting to get busy. All of the Demons had been deployed into the living world to stop any and all souls from attempting to run from the Angels. Angels collect the souls of those who have come to terms with death, while Demons collected the souls of those who try to cheat death. All of the Demons were deployed, all of them seeking a hunt. All left for the Living World except for one. Roaming the barren landscapes of Hell, was a single figure. He had long white hair that was messy and reached past his waist. He wore a black sweater and black shorts. He was just minding his own business, not particularly caring much about the ongoing hunt which every other Demon was craving. Instead, he chose to approach the decrepit town the Demons called a society. Grafitti, destroyed property, drugs, blood on the floor and so much more. He approached his own shack, the only time of the year where he could get any kind of peace and quiet in Hell. Only when every other Demon was off being savages in the Living World. So he lay on his bed, just staring out the window. In the distance, were the lands where the Condemned get punished. Screaming, cries and begging could be heard from where he was. He sighed and lay on his bed to relax. Just when he was beginning to relax, he felt a chill up his spine, the signal that there was a runaway soul. He doubted he needed to get involved, seeing as the other Demons were already roaming the Living World. But when the feeling persisted, he let out a long sigh. He picked up his blades and a gemstone which he wore as a necklace. He stepped forward and extended his hand. His surroundings changed instantly. He was in the Living World. In his hands, was the face of a Soul who was obviously trying to run away. He glanced around but no other Demon was in sight. He unsheathed his blade and cut through the soul of the recently deceased human, sending him straight to the Judgement Hall where he would most likely be condemned to Hell for attempting to run away. His only thought was what kind of Angel managed to let such a soul outrun them? "It seems we meet again!" Called a voice from the side. The Demon was standing in the middle of the street, humans walking right past him. He sheathed his sword, looking in the general direction of the voice to see a lady in all white leaning against a lampost. She had dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin, but wore all white. The Demon himself had white hair, white eyes and pale skin but wore all black. "How did that soul escape?" The Demon asked. "Well, a bit of technicality, you know?" She shrugged. "It's the only way to get you to come out of Hell once in a while, like, seriously, get out of Hell, man." He turned around to leave. "Wait, hold on," She called out. He paused, turning around with a frown. "We rarely get to see each other and all, since we're coincidentally both here, why don't we go on a date?" She suggested. "Just the both of us, hm?" "Coincidentally?" He asked. She put her hands up in mock surrender. He continued, "You intentionally allowed a soul to run free. That is against protocol, and should that soul have gotten away, you would have been punished severely." "Punished? By who?" She countered. "Creation?" The Demon said nothing in response. She laughed, waving it off, telling him, "Please, Creation wouldn't care if a soul or two got lost. Why would he? I mean, you've met him, right?" "The Judges of the Dead may have a word," The Demon said. She laughed, pushing him lightly. "Please, they're so overworked I can't imagine it! I would hate to have their job!" She was about half a head taller than the Demon. She propped an elbow onto his left shoulder, asking, "So, about that date..." "We are not dating," He argued, shifting the angel's arm away. "But, we could always start now." He sighed, starting to walk away. The scenery around him changed back to the one of Hell. He thought he had peace and quiet until he heard her voice again. She commented, "Dang, I haven't been here in some time! This place really went to the dumps, huh? Like, how do y'all live like this?" "How did you get in?" He demanded. She folded her arms. "What? You didn't hear the news of a Demon rising up to Heaven? Whose spot did you think you took when you came here to be a Demon?" She grinned, pointing at herself. "That's right! Mine!" The Angel started scanning the room, observing every corner of it and dedicating it to memory. "But yeah, I took your spot as an Angel up in Heaven. Let me say, crazy job if you ask me." She propped her hands on her hips, continuing, "Did you know I'm not allowed to just zap them into the Judgement Hall? I'm supposed to... how did they phrase it? Right, 'soothe them and calm them down' before basically zapping them into the Judgement Hall, insane, right?" She reached out to touch the Demon's bed. "Don't touch my bed," He told her. She retracted her hand. She tapped her necklace of the golden wing aside to reveal the same dark purple necklace the Demon wore around his neck. She then told him, "Yeah, I got the keys to both Heaven and Hell." She picked up the same golden necklace which resided on the table by the bed. She grinned, "And so do you." "Get out of Hell before the other Demons notice," The Demon warned. "Oh my! This feels like a forbidden relationship, huh?" She said enthusiastically as the Demons attempted to forcefully send her out of Hell. He grabbed her shoulder and she immediately grabbed his entire arm to bring him closer. They both appeared in the Living World, just in a much different environment than previous. "So, the date?" She asked. "We're not dating," He countered. "We could always start," She suggested, not letting go. "How about we list things we like about each other? Sounds fun, right? I'll go first!" She was leaning extremely close to the Demon's face. "I like your face," She commented. "It's really pretty and cute. You look just like a doll I want to hug all night long and strangle to death. I want to hold your face close and watch the expressions show in your eyes~" He managed to free his arm when the Angel finally decided to let go. She then grabbed his face and pulled him close, kissing him on the cheek to send him off. He wiped his cheek, stumbling away from her. She laughed loudly and proudly, telling him, "How was that? Make you feel something?" Right before the Demon could return to Hell, she told him, "Love you! See you soon, yeah?" He returned to his shack in Hell, just staring at the wall, wondering if he should have just let that soul get away. Next time there is a rampant soul, he would have to check if that Angel was nearby first. He collapsed on his bed, forever haunted by the fact that the Angel he was trying to avoid had access to Hell.
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