We meet again

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  Tony opened the box, removed one of the phones and gave it a deep look. Z- Series. He could not deny the peculiarity of the shape, and glass it was made up of. He had never seen any phone as beautiful as this.  He glanced round, making sure he was alone in the room, he put it in his pocket and covered the empty pack. He put the empty pack under the phones and closed the box. He carried it, lit a stick of cigarette and went out of the room. He was tall, broad shouldered with a thick short neck which carried his round clean shaven head. His eyebrows were bushy and curved. His nose was thick, flat but bulbous at the end. The cigarette was stuck between his wide. Thick and dark lips as he inhaled smoke and walked quickly. “Forty-nine.” Tony said as he entered another room. There were over six men in the room including Rik and Filer. The man who seemed to be the boss was fat, short with fat short hands. His thin moustache joined his short beards. He wore multicolored stripped silk shirt with a big, golden chain round his neck. His fingers were adorned with rings and bracelets for men. This was Fat Dog, a local mobster who specialized in robbery, stolen properties, and car theft. “They said fifty!” Fat Dog asked with his words a bit muffled, “We did not count it.” Rik said. “We had to kill out colleague.” “What? You did what?” Fat Dog asked. “He came in while we were picking it. There was nothing we could do. We had to clean the mess and the only way was to kill him. We could not think of counting it, plus the box was locked. “ Fat Dog made a mental calculation. He was going to sell each of ten thousand dollars. That was the bargain. He was expecting five hundred thousand dollars but it seemed ten thousand dollars was out. “I am not concerned about you killing anyone. I am concerned about you killing someone that will lead the police straight to you before they come for me. You guys don’t look like smooth murderers.” “Maybe you forget that we are trained security men.” Filer said. Fat Dog raised his eye brows. “I think I missed that part.” He said. “So what is the price?” “Three thousand for each.” Rik said. Fat Dog laughed. “Who the hell do you think will but the phones from me like that? These are phones not in the market. I am only risking my money to buy it. I may never get a buyer.” He lied. He was given two hundred thousand dollars upfront. He was contracted by a mysterious lady who told him where the phones were. He used his underworld expertise to contact Rik who brought Filer in. “I will pay twenty thousand.” Fat Dog said. “What?” Rik exclaimed “After what we have been through?” “Whatever you have been through does not affect the value of the phones. Have you asked yourself who is going to buy them apart from me?” “We are selling for one hundred thousand dollars and nothing less.” Rik said. Fat Dog glared at Rik before he shrugged. “Get another buyer.” He said. Filer eyed Rik. He felt they should sell it for twenty thousand and just leave. They could not take them back and who was going to buy them? “Sure.” Rik said, got up and collected the box from Tony. Fat Dog studied Rik’s eyes and said, “Okay, I will pay.” After all, he was selling them for five hundred thousand dollars. Even if he gets nothing after the two hundred thousand he was given, he still made one hundred thousand dollars. Filer could not believe his ears. One hundred thousand dollars! That was big money. His share would be fifty thousand dollars. He wished he was alone and had all of the money to himself. What if  Rik miraculously falls dead? Or…someone helped make him die. No! That was a bad idea. He was thinking of killing Rik for money. That was wrong. Wrong? They killed their colleague already for the money. The line has been crossed. Would it matter if there was just one more death? Just one and the matter is settled? Killing Rik was not a bad idea. He began to nurse the sinister. Fat Dog counted the money and handed it over to Rik who recounted it. “Fair deal.” Rik said got in his feet. “It was a nice transaction. Filer, we got to move.” Filer got up and nodded at Fat Dog. They left the building and walked down the street. “How did you that? I was angry that you did not accept the twenty thousand dollars.” Filer said. “Your obstinacy paid off.” “I knew he was lying. He is going to sell it for higher price. What does he take us for? Who would believe that Fat dog would risk his money to buy something that has no potential buyer. I guess he paid us from an upfront payment. “So what is next? Where is the money?” “Relax dude, we should leave this place and get comfort zone.” Filer sent his hand into his pocket and closed his palms on the butt of his gun, slowly moving it to grab it. “Comfort zone is where I get my share.” “Okay.” Rik said and put his hand in his pocket. Filer who was expecting money saw a muzzle pointing at him instead. “I need to see your hands in the air.” Rik warned. “Hey” Filer tried to force a chuckle. “Are you kidding me?” “We fuc*ing killed our man and the bullet will be traced to you, don’t you get it?” “Do you plan to kill me too?” Filer asked. “I am going fat away from here and fifty won’t do. Your hands in the air now!” Filer brought out his hand but with another idea. He removed his gun and squeezed the trigger. Rik saw this and squeezed the trigger almost at the same time Filer did. Bullets travelled in opposite directions, and both lodged into the body of its target. Rik felt the pain as the bullet pierced through his stomach. It seemed his intestines were cut. He saw Filer hold his chest as she sagged. What did they do? If they both died, who would spend the money? Damn! Greed! It was at that time he saw a blurry image of someone who appeared on the scene. The man was tall, sturdy with long dark hair. “Where are the phones?” The man asked. “We sold them.” Rik managed to say. “Save my life.” “Tell me who you sold them to.” “I am dying.’ “I said tell me who you sold them to before I can render any help.” “Fat Dog…he is in there.” The man, Teks who was in Zasho’s body looked at the building. “Please save my life.” Riks begged. Teks glanced at Filer who was gasping for breath. “Do not be greedy or self-centered. You are not the only one whose life needs to be saved. You both need that!” Bang! Bang! Bang! Teks killed both men, got up, with his dangerous eyes on the building, he moved. *****     Fat Joe was on a call when he heard the gunshots. He paused, looked at his men and nodded at them. “I heard gunshots.” He said. “Let me check it out. I will be there with the box and make sure my money is ready.’ “Okay.” A lady said from the other end. “What the hell was that?” Fat Dog asked. “Mikado has gone to check it out.” “Get the box and let’s move.” Fat Joe said. “Where is Tony?” “I guess he is inside.” Fat dog carried the box, opened the door and moved back immediately to allow Mikado’s body fall down. Someone killed him. “s**t!” Fat Dog exclaimed. Teks came in with a smile on his face. “I need that box now.” He said. “Fu*K you!” Fat Dog spat and went for his gun. Teks was faster than all of them combined. It took just three seconds to get them all dead. Zuyx appeared with a big smile on his face. He grabbed the box, opened it and saw the phones. He closed it back, feeling very excited. “Come on, let’s leave. We got another spill, I can feel the power.” “I heard something.” Teks said and looked round. He paused, listening. The sound had a definite rhythm and he could hears pulses. Heartbeat. There was someone alive there. “There is someone here.” Teks said. “Yeah but I was too excited to notice. Kill him and let’s go.” Tony who was hiding and watching heard this and made a dashing move out of the room, jumped out through the window and fell down. He ignored the pains, got on his feet and began to run. Teks ran after him, stopped a few yards away and fired two shots at him. Tony screamed before he fell down to the ground. Teks watch him roll on the floor before he took a very dicey step. He sprang up, using his last energy, he ran and jumped, grabbed a truck that was driving by and climbed it. Teks aimed at him, fired two bullets. The first bullet hit tony in the back while the second bullet pierced into in back head. He dropped his body on the truck before he rolled and fell down. “Teks, we must leave now!” Zuyx said. “Did you get him?” “Yes.” “He is the least of our worries. Let us leave.” Teks joined Zuyx. They went out; passed through the back road to the spot Teks parked his car. Teks opened the car, got under the wheel. Zuyx was about to enter the car when he heard someone say, “hello Zuyx Zirux.” Zuyx turned to see Sherryx standing with Dinbux by her side. “It has been over five hundred years.” Dinbux said. “We meet on Earth.” ******          

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