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When I finally came to, I was riding in the black SUV. I was still woozy, and my vision was blurry. I could tell it was my stalker driving just by looking at the driver. He had found me and seemed to panic more than I did. He was driving quickly and swerving in and out of traffic like he was in hot pursuit. I could see buildings pass us by and was trying to figure out where we were headed. When he noticed I was awake, he slowed down the SUV a little and tried to get his breathing under control. “I wasn’t going to hurt you, Baby. You never should have jumped out of this car. Now look at you,” he said. He was pointing out that my arm was bleeding, and I had a few lacerations on my body. “I was only trying to protect you from things your father decided to keep from you. I was only going to keep you for a few hours.” “Where are we going now? Surely, you’re not going to keep me from a hospital,” I replied, my voice shaky. “Of course not; I’m taking you to the hospital now. How cruel do you think I am?” “You don’t want me to answer that.” After what he had just done, I found him extremely cruel. To take me out of my home the way he did and to shoot Ryan. I was beyond pissed at him. “Why did you take me? I was being nice to you.” “Your father’s partner was striking the house tonight, and he wouldn’t let you out of your room. He even managed to trick Ozzy into staying in your room for the night.” “What do you mean? What partner?” He wasn’t making any sense to me at all. I thought he had been MIA, but apparently, he was still watching me. “From what I understand, your father has two partners that he works with. One works with him on drugs, the other with guns.” I nodded, confused. I already knew my father had these partners, so why was he making a big deal about it? “Well, some drugs went missing, and now your father’s partner, Dagon, I believe his name is, is after your father. He was planning to hit your dad’s house this morning. I saw them scoping the place out, and I even saw messages between your father and him confirming it. I didn’t want you to be in the middle of it. But I also didn’t expect you to jump out of the car to try and run from me.” “What did you expect me to do? Just go with you like it was no big deal.” I was unsure if I should believe what he was saying. Yes, my father made enemies, but I didn’t think he would endanger Ozzy and me. “With how close we had gotten, I was expecting you just to stay calm and give me a chance to explain things,” he replied sadly. He looked hurt that I would think so lowly of him, but what was I supposed to believe after everything I had been through with him? “Are we almost to the hospital? My arm is starting to hurt.” “Yes, we are almost there. Since people don’t know where you are, I will message them and let them know that I dropped you off. I wish I could stay with you, but I can’t get caught. You clearly still do not trust me enough.” I didn’t want to tell him that I had trusted him not to hurt me until Owen got into my head with the real story about his mother. It made me panic, and I got frightened. Before the story, I was ready for him to take me, and I went into it knowing that he wouldn’t hurt me. But with that story, I just couldn’t help but be on the defense. I didn’t want to tell him my thoughts because if I did, I was afraid he would continue trying to take me whenever he wanted to spend time together. I turned my head away and concentrated on my breathing. My whole body ached. I was bleeding from a few areas. Mostly my arm, but there were cuts and scrapes up and down my legs and arms, along with a gash on my back. I hadn’t seen it, but there had to be something there with how painful my back was. When we got to the hospital, my stalker pulled up to the front door. It was still nighttime, so no one was outside. He looked over at me lovingly. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I pulled my head back and glared at him. “I’m so sorry this happened to you, Baby,” he said, sounding hurt. “I didn’t want this. I wish I could stay, but you won’t be alone long.” I nodded my head and went to get out. He pulled me back down for a second to look at me. He smiled and then let me up. ‘I love you,’ I heard him say as I exited the SUV. The car sat so high that I almost fell when leaving it. I turned around to talk to him. “I hate this car of yours,” I said, turning back around and walking away. “I can work on that,” he called after me so I could hear. I didn’t spare him another glance and limped into the hospital. One of the nurses looked at me and instantly came over to see if I was alright. “Dear Lord, what happened,” she asked, concerned. “I jumped out of a moving car to escape my stalker.” She looked confused, like she thought I was lying, but I nodded. “I’m not lying,” I added. “Okay, well, let’s get you back into a room so a doctor can look at you.” I nodded again and went to get checked in. I was placed in a room, and the nurses took some blood like always. I was never sure what they tested for, but they always seemed to need blood from me and anyone else who came in. Finally, a doctor came in, but I was happier to see the man trailing him into the room. It was Dean. “Dean, I got to jump out of a moving car just like in the movies,” I said excitedly, trying to make a joke. He looked sad. “The movies don’t show you all the wounds after you jump, though,” he replied, looking down at my arm. “Did you jump into a rose bush or something? You have scratches all over yourself, including your face,” he added, pulling me into a tight hug. He accidentally bumped my arm, hurting it pretty severely. The doctor broke up our reunion and started looking me over. He had me move every part of my body, including my arm. Nothing seemed to be majorly hurt. I needed stitches for the gash on my back and a few cuts that were pretty deep on my face. I had to be taken into the back room, where they were going to reset my arm and put it in a cast because it was out of place. I was scared, but thankfully, they allowed Dean into the room with me. They didn’t usually allow this, but Dean got special treatment for being Head Detective. He showed them his badge and said I was part of an open investigation. They put me to sleep. It was getting pretty intense. I was taken back into my room while they waited for me to wake up. Dean had fallen asleep during this time, and when I woke up, I reached over and shook his hand a bit to wake him.
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