Chapter 32

1348 Words
There were people everywhere. They were frightened, panicked, crushed into the smaller space of the lowest level and they were in her way. Iasa had almost bounded her way down the second link-stair and found it delightfully free of dawdling team members to slow her down again. As much as that had pleased her, it also meant they were close to or inside the evac bay by now. >“You’ve got incoming,”“Tell me they’re not already with you.”“No one here but us pirates.”“Be serious,”“Cross should be with you any minute and he’s not alone. Elba and Diagno are with him.”“I think you’re wrong there.”“Those subordinate bastards are here, but Cross isn’t with them.”“What? Elba and Diagno are in the evac bay?”“No. They’re skulking around outside, thinking they’re being so very stealthy. Saw them the moment they turned up. I guess that means they don’t trust poor old faithful Hornwood any more.”“Four of them is too much for you,”“Won’t be four of them. Blist says Cross is bringing the last of the scientists, but I’ve already seen at least one outside the access corridor with the others. So he’s going to come in alone, try to figure me out and then rely on his old bestie to back him up. That’s two against one. Even odds.”“Don’t underestimate them.”“I’m touched you’re so worried about me.”“Cross is coming your way. Full kit,”“They’re all coming. Right now.”“The story unfolds,”“Plans within plans. Friends to enemies. Allegiance sold for life or money is still just a transaction that favours the highest bidder.”“And so they come to me”< he droned. Iasa felt her temper snap. If he wasn’t going to help he was just another hindrance. If he was so keen on dying she would give him the gift of death herself. She pushed herself upright from where she’d been leaning and stepped forward. A man, directly in front of her didn’t have the chance to turn before she gripped his head in her gloved hands and spun it with a loud c***k. His body dropped at her feet. Nearby a woman screamed. Iasa swung to her right, hammering a fist into the open mouth to silence it and feeling teeth break against her knuckles. There was a moment of pain, but the anger bubbling inside washed it away and she moved forward again. Shouts echoed around her as more people turned from their pleas at the evac bay door to see what was happening. Iasa kicked another man in the groin, leaning forward as he doubled over to slam an elbow down on the back of his head and send him face down to the floor. Screams added to the sounds of confusion. Someone stepped forward, whether to challenge her or not was unclear. Iasa didn’t care. She kicked down hard on his trailing leg, connecting with the knee cap and feeling the satisfying c***k as she heard it. He screamed, falling awkwardly. Iasa caught his head by thinning hair and tilted it back to deliver a vicious palm strike to the base of his nose. He jerked in her grip and his mouth fell slack as blood gushed from his nostrils. People started to push to get away from her. The unknown terror they had been trying to escape now replaced by a very real, very close threat. Iasa saw Cross’ face everywhere she looked. She lashed out. Again and again. Here a broken arm, twisted until he screamed in pain. There a leg shattered with a kick or an elbow so he dropped to the floor to crawl away in fear. She killed him. Over and over, letting the rage wash through her, directing her strikes to end his life with a snapped neck, broken spine, crushed skull. Inside, a small part of her tried to be heard, calling for focus, for a return to the mission and the danger of failure the real Cross presented. She didn’t listen. It was a small voice, quiet, insistent, but as good as nothing against the howling, cackling beast that revelled in her s*******r. Panic filled the crowd and it broke up, people fleeing in every direction away from her. She followed unhurriedly. Iasa left the thoughts of her mission behind, lost utterly as she was in the unadulterated bliss of killing.
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