Chapter 30

1183 Words
The terminal doors ground open and the noise of the crowd hit him. Dalton saw frightened faces turned towards him. These people might not know what was going on in the higher levels of the station, but they were wary enough to consider anything new a threat. >“I’m here,”“I’ve got the last scientist.”“How is she?”“Heavy.”“We need the access corridor opened,”“The others can’t wait out here. What’s left of the crew is ready to riot.”“And they’ll never make it in to back us in time if Hornwood’s gone bad,”“There’s a space just inside the door they can wait in. I’m coming now.”< The last few stragglers of the crowd stood aside as Dalton reached the others. “What happened to Doctor Jutteridge?” Ardley asked, looking down on the unconscious woman with concern. Dalton ignored the question, pulling her heavy form close to the wall. “Blist’s coming. There’s somewhere inside you can wait until we know Hornwood’s state,” he said to Elba. She nodded in reply, still scanning the crowd warily. They’d moved back a little, but the space between them and the guns of the LSS was too tight for anyone’s comfort. Dalton took a closer look at Bramely. The man looked dazed, probably concussed from his bumpy journey down to the evac bay. “Let’s get inside,” he said as Blist’s face appeared on the other side of the door and it hissed open. The crowd surged forward and Dalton span, levelling his rifle meaningfully. Those closest shied away, but the pressure from behind kept them moving forward. “Get them inside!” He yelled. “Back. Get back!” He roared at the closest faces. He risked a glance over his shoulder to see Blist helping Bramely and Ardley into the corridor while Diagno dragged Jutteridge. Elba was at his shoulder, mirroring his movements and together they both stepped backwards over the threshold. Blist hit the door’s control panel and it slid closed, a moment later angry, shouting people slammed against it. “Time to go,” she said. Dalton nodded. “What happened to Doctor Jutteridge?” Ardley repeated. “Was she like this when you found her?” “And how the hell is she so fat?” Diagno added through panting breaths. “She didn’t want to leave. I had to persuade her,” Dalton said with a straight face. “She can be somewhat stubborn. A little tiresome at times—” Ardley stopped, apparently noticing the red swelling of the woman’s chin now he had a proper chance to look at her. “You hit her?” He looked up and Dalton couldn’t decide if his expression was one of horror or gleeful disbelief. “Very diplomatic,” Elba chipped in. “I’m sure she’s fine,” Blist said. “But if we don’t get off the station we’ll all be dead and none of this will matter. It’s time to go find out which side Hornwood is playing for.” She looked directly at Dalton and he nodded. “Wait here. If things go wrong you’ll hear us. If he’s still on our side of crazy I’ll come get you. You two bring her,” he directed the last sentence at Bramley and Ardley, gesturing to the form of Jutteridge now lying peacefully on the floor. Without another word, Dalton lifted his rifle in both hands and shared a last look with Blist. Maybe Hornwood was his usual, unpredictable self and everything so far had been nothing more than coincidence. Maybe he wasn’t and they’d have to take him out. Either way, it was time to know for sure. He took a step forward and stopped dead. Ahead, silhouetted in the open doors to the evac bay, was Hornwood. His face was in shadow, but his stance was casual as he leaned across the space. “I’m so glad to see you all!” He said in slow, sarcastic tones. “I’ve been looking forward to this more than you could ever know. Let’s all have a little fun shall we?” Before Dalton could reply, Hornwood whipped an arm around from behind his back and tossed something small and metallic into the corridor. It bounced with an all-too-familiar sound. “Grenade!” Blist shouted. Dalton threw himself back, his body turning to protect the following scientists as a blinding flash and deafening explosion filled the corridor.  
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