Chapter 19

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Tiny was turning out to be more of a problem than she’d anticipated. Iasa had already been forced to run a semi-circular part of the outer corridor around the labs twice and she was quickly losing patience. The robot was following her heat trail. The damn thing wouldn’t give up until it found the source, a piece of programming she could thank Hornwood for installing. At first, she’d found it amusing to watch Cross and one of the science team running for their lives. But the novelty had worn off when she realised their route had left Tiny effectively guarding the section of the level that held both the trans-terminal and link-stair entrance. That was a problem. She couldn’t decide if their success in eluding Tiny was good or bad for her. On the one hand, if it had caught them she would have been down one member of the science team, which was less than optimal. On the other though, if Tiny had managed to kill Cross it would have saved her the bother. >“Update,”“Half the team is here. Cross is bringing down two more and stopping to pick up the last.”“Who’s with you?”“Just Blist. I sent Elba and Diagno up to the loading bay. Figured you’d deal with them on your way through.”“You’re f*****g useless,”“And your robot is holding me up.”“Tiny won’t be any trouble.”“He’s only after the virus. You’re in a suit right? Just pass him by and come join us. We’re set for a real party down here.”“You’re sure about that? Tiny I mean,”“Sure. Well, probably. Life’s for living, take a chance.”“Probably?”“I gave him the signature. If he detects the virus his protocol is to wipe it out, with maximum force.”“So I’m stuck up here with a practically indestructible bot, following the routines of a homicidal psychopath, which may or may not attempt to brutally dismember me. And you’re telling me to take a chance?”“What’s life without a little risk?”“Longer,”< she sent and cut the link. Hornwood was a gamble. Having him on the team had always been a double-edged sword and using him in this was no less so. The man could get things done, would do things that others, no matter how hardened, would always turn away from. If it was the dirtiest of jobs that needed doing, then you needed to find the dirtiest of souls to do it. That was Hornwood. Iasa dropped low to the floor where the smoke was thinnest and scanned for the slow-moving bulk of Tiny. The robot was closing gradually, still following the traces her body left in the air. She couldn’t keep playing this game for long. Her suit had a limited supply of air and there were still things she needed to do. Taking the chance Hornwood suggested wasn’t an option, but it was time for a gamble. Iasa crouched, testing her footing on the smooth floor and readying herself. She calculated her run; judging distances and speeds with a practised eye. The trans-terminal was the best option for reaching the lower decks with speed, but the doors were too wide and too slow to close. Get stuck in that space with Tiny charging and she was dead. The link-stair, following in Cross' footsteps, was the only way. It was a longer run from where she crouched, but it carried the advantage of forcing Tiny to turn through one-hundred-and-eighty degrees before following. The bio-suit hampered her movement and slowed her down. Every second she could glean would count. Iasa rocked back and forth on her heels for a second, steeling herself to break. Tiny was close, the red lights still searching from on high and she knew her time was up. Iasa sprang to her feet, hearing the roaring whir of the robot as it spotted her through the fog. Her legs pumped rhythmically, hands cutting the air with rigid, outstretched fingers. She leapt through the broken wall separating the labs from the main corridor and sprinted for the stair. It occurred to her Cross might still be inside, but that was a chance she would have to take. Facing off against one surprised and unsuspecting team member, no matter how highly trained, was vastly favourable to taking on Tiny. The door loomed ahead, the sounds of Tiny’s pursuit grew behind. Iasa burst through the link-stair door and leapt the first flight of steps as, behind her, Tiny raged at the escape of a second prize.
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