Chapter Three: Zack

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I was pissed off even before I heard what our mission was based on, the mere thought of working with Zack made me sick to the stomach. It was going to be a very sick day eventually but right then, I thought of what could be so difficult the league of light would call on its two best teams, it must have been a really difficult and impossible situation for the league to call us to do it and damn was I right, the league had found what was termed the hideout of the deathsquad and we have been called upon in hopes that we would gather intel and watch their actions from a safe distance, we were told to not engage and if we were spotted, we were to abandon the mission immediately. We nodded as a sign of understanding and then, Zack deemed it fit to piss me off, he was praised for finding out the hideout and he bowed and with a smirk, he said to us, “it was easy, some people just have problems failing”. I knew he was talking to me, after all, I was the one tasked with finding the hideout and I had failed countless times, it was just impossible to find them, I was told you don’t find them, they find you and that’s just how it goes. If that was true, then, this was a trap but I was failing to realise just how wrong I was, this mission was going to be worse than a trap. We were told to not engage, since we would meet our parents who had for no reason murdered people we all loved and to that, we also nodded as a sign of understanding. I was however not going with the flow of this mission, something just felt wrong, I told our technician this mission was obviously a trap, using the message they sent to me as a reference, they had told me to stop trying to find them because they’d find me, I explained how this could all go wrong, they were obviously more powerful than us, and this time, they’d be prepared, it’d simply be suicide. I was stopped from going further in my explanation, Zack laughed hysterically at my opinion, he called me a weak fool, he asked me to stop being a coward and be a legend, he told me I was being so weak and useless as always, I felt like beating him up but I didn’t want to be put on probation, besides, Zack would obviously win the argument, it was just always like that. I gave up and then, our technician gave us the permission to embark on the mission to spy on the deathsquad’s lair. I asked him who was going to lead the mission and after giving me a scornful look, he said to me, “isn’t it obvious, son of the butcher”. I was very angry for two reasons, the first was because he’d just referred to me using my father’s nickname, my father was called the butcher, the reason for that was rather simple, if you heard my father assassinated someone, the sights were always gory, it was something you’d see in a horror movie, my dad was a murderous maniac and he killed just like that, a murderous maniac. The second reason was because our technician had obviously just conceded the mission to Zack’s lead, and that was something I was not very happy about. He left and I said to everyone, its settled then, I’m leading this mission but they all disagreed, according to them, our technician had meant Zack would lead the mission, I was angry at them because I knew they were right, they were all against me leading the mission. I then asked them to give me a reason why Zack was suitable to lead the teams on the mission and I was also attacked with facts, they reminded me he was older and more experienced, he had never failed a mission, which was something I could not boast of, he had more awards and so many reasons. I was pissed off at his team and angry at Elizabeth for taking his side and not mine, I was her team mate, I had saved her life so many times and this was her loyalty? She was such a simp. Jordan who had had just enough of us arguing just told us to settle it the old way, through battle, Zack was against this because he knew he was no match for me, you see, Zack had no special powers, but he could heal himself and he could do it very fast, his healing was something you could call regenerating, you could take his head off and in a few minutes, he’d be perfectly fine. That was what made him so unbeatable but the rules favoured me, the first to fall was the loser and it was obvious he’d fall to me, I was the worst possible opponent for him, I couldn’t be harmed and I could hit very hard, he could only hope for a lucky shot at me. Zack was obviously not in the mood to have his ass whooped, especially not in front of his ladies, he immediately disagreed but I knew just what to say to him, I said to him, “I knew it, you’re just a weak p***y, you can’t even fight someone you’re five years older than, couldn’t be me for real, p***y nigga”. That did the trick, he told me to get ready to taste defeat and then, he made his signature fighting style, Apollo, or whatever he calls it. We begun fighting and after trading a few blows, he got weary, his bones had broken a couple of times but it had healed almost immediately. He then feigned a move to the left but instead, he went to the right but I was prepared for him, I dragged him back and broke his back before throwing him to the ground, handing him his defeat and getting the right to lead the team on this mission, he got up and muttered a curse to himself, what was done was done tho, it was now time to go on the mission, we took the jet out and got to the coordinates safely, the mere fact that we had encountered no obstacles to this point made me wary but there was nothing I could do about it. I and Zack decided to go scouting first, in case something went wrong on the first lookout, Elizabeth had wanted to follow him but I had forbidden her from doing that, she was to lead the rest of the crew on the jet, I and Zack went close enough to see but far enough to not be noticed when we got there, we decided to set up camp and after a while, I got worried, I hadn’t seen Zack in about five minutes and he never told me anything about going somewhere, I wondered, where was Zack????????????????
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