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All the way to Hui-Jun condo, Hui-Jun not saying much words. His conversation with Gyeong-Su pretty much heat him up and overtake all his thought. They arrive at Hui-Jun condo, Hui-Jun get out from the car immediately without checking his surrounding as usual, Ji-A look at him confuse. Hui-Jun open her door, “Oppa what if someone take our picture again?” Ji-A worry and look her surrounding. “I don’t care...they can take so many picture of us as they want” said Hui-Jun pull Ji-A hand and hold her hand walking to the entrance door. “So can we walk together at Itaewon and have a date?” ask Ji-A. Hui-Jun nod and smile, “Kissing too??” Ji-A ask again. Hui-Jun stop and plant a kiss at her lip, “I can kiss you whenever I want, wherever I want..” he smirked. “You are really weird today but I love it..” Ji-A smile and walk happily. Arrive at Hui-Jun place, Ji-A placed all the container into the fridge while Hui-Jun go change and checking his message. He see Ji-A busy at his kitchen, he smile loving the scenery in front of him where Ji-A busy re-arranging his fridge and throw away the expired stuff, put label on every container so he will eat those. “How come he keep this...look at this mold..aigoo” Ji-A mumbling while keep checking on each stuff on the fridge. Suddenly Hui-Jun hug her.. “Oppa I think I just clean your fridge last 2 week but how come it’s a mess again..” said Ji-A. “That’s why I think you should move in here..” said Hui-Jun resting his chin on Ji-A shoulder. “I told you I’m a high maintenance..also I’m too hard to handle..” said Ji-A. “I will earn a lot of money then to keep you here” said Hui-Jun. “If I move in here you will always leave me alone..don’t mad if I turn this place into party venue” said Ji-A. “Do it...as long as you stay” said Hui-Jun. Ji-A turn and face him, “What happen? You sound so gloomy you were fine back at the dinner..” said Ji-A. Hui-Jun lift her and put her on the kitchen table, “Did you scare so much back then when the reporters look out for you?” ask Hui-Jun. “Why?” Ji-A don’t understand why suddenly Hui-Jun brought up the incident. “I just want to know” said Hui-Jun, “Did you scare a lot?” “Because I’m not prepared for that.. they were shouting and clicking their camera right in front of my face, while another one keep asking about you, about us... I was so panicked. Ahjumma brought me to the kitchen and hide me inside. I don’t want to hear anything so I close my ears and keep praying that they will gone soon. Until Gyeong-Su oppa touch my hand...” Ji-A remembering the night. Hui-Jun look at her, he can imagine her situation back then. He hug her, “I’m sorry..” he said. “Why...it’s not your fault..” Ji-A rubbing his back. “I’m sorry...” said Hui-Jun again. Ji-A smile..”Yes... I forgive you oppa..” she look at him. “Don’t send me home tonight..” said Ji-A. Hui-Jun not answering but he lean to kiss her. It's a gentle kiss at first but then it change into passionately kiss and Hui-Jun never get enough of it. He trace her neck, and his hand pull up her shirt. “Even when it will be getting harder to be with me, please stay...please stay with me...don’t ever leave again..” Hui-Jun keep kissing her. “I’m stuck with you remember?” said Ji-A. Hui-Jun lift her and carry her to the bedroom.   The next morning Hui-Jun wake up and feel his left side is empty. He is searching with his hand but touch nothing beside bed sheet and pillow. He open his eyes and look Ji-A already wake up and leave him alone in this bed. He heard some noise from outside bedroom, someone making juice and grill something. Hui-Jun walk to the kitchen with eyes half close. “Why you even wake up so early...let’s go back to bed..” Hui-Jun still sleepy. But it seems Ji-A is not listening, she is busy cooking her eggs while dancing and humming with earphone plug in her both ears. Hui-Jun sit at the kitchen bar stall, and watch her. “I wish my morning always be like this..” he really enjoy the view. He took the coffee and keep his eyes on her. “OH MY GOD!!” Ji-A jump whe she turn and find Hui-Jun there smiling at her. “Since when you’re here??” Ji-A plating her eggs into her and his plate. She cook eggs, sausages, ham and making tomato salad for their breakfast. She also juice the apples for them. She learn to cook all of that before. “Ji-A ah..” Hui-Jun look at her. “Hem?” reply Ji-A keep eating her breakfast. “What did you say to Gyeong-Su when he confessed?” Hui-Jun keep looking at her. Ji-A shocked to hear tha question, she choked and keep coughing, she grab her juice, “How did you know that?” Ji-A try to calm her self, “There’s no way oppa will tell you he’s not that kind of man..” “Is that important?” ask Hui-Jun, “Tell me..what did you say..” “Why do you want to know?” Ji-A ask carefully. “Just to make sure that I have you completely..” said Hui-Jun. “Eeeyy that is really childish...” “That’s fine call me childish, but answer me..” Ji-A sigh and look at him, she can’t win this battle if Hui-Jun already give her that look, “All this time growing up with him I never thought of him other than someone like Jae-Hwan oppa...I never seen him as a man. When he confessed I didn’t said anything because the situation back there was awfull also for me... I just leave him without answer anything and hide from him for some time. I was a mess back then.” “When is that?” “When what?” Ji-A put each egg on their plates. “He confessed..” Hui-Jun keep staring at her. “You really have to know all the details??” “Yes..” “Jeezzz..... it was the night after the Gala, after I left your car, he turned out waited for me at home.” “My head was full of you that time, and I was shocked also to hear that confession from Gyeong-Su oppa. But then the more I think of it the more I realize that what Jae-Hwan oppa told about me was true..” Ji-A cotinue. “What is that?” Hui-Jun keep on asking feeding his curiousity. “That I was a selfish one. The situation happen between us that time I was only think about how I feel...what I want...without thinking that you also made the effort for me...for us... but I only thought that I fought alone. Then I loose you. The thing with Gyeong-Su oppa, I neglect the fact that he’s been holding his feeling for me for years..but when he gathered all of his courage to say it to me, instead giving him a propper answer I was run and hide from him...” “Was he looking for you after that?” another question from Hui-Jun. “Nope... he really leave me thinking. And I finally met him the day before I went to Morocco, I told him that I cannot accept his feeling, let’s stay like we are before I said..” “And he?” “He hugged me and say thank you...” “Hugged you?!!” Hui-Jun drop his fork. “Ya... you’re the one asking for this..beside why suddenly this conversation is happening. Oppa I can’t even describe myself without you. Having you again in my life is the best thing I’ve ever achieve this year..and I’m not planning to quit..” Ji-A trying to save herself. Hui-Jun look at her, he stand up then walk back to his room. “Iisshh I thought he’s going to kiss me after I gave him a sweet speech like that... beside what happen with that jealousy...it’s still so early thou..” Ji-A shook her head. “Wait..who’s the one telling him about this?? Hyeon-U... no... no... he keep a secret like he keep his bank account tight.... aishh that crazy girl... it must be her..” Ji-A stab her sausages while picturing Mi-Yeon face. Not long Hui-Jun come back and he approaching Ji-A, he stand behind her and show her a beautiful necklace, “I bought this before we broke up last time..I was at Macau and when I shop with the crews I found this jewellery place. And the necklace instantly catch my eyes. I pictured that it will look good on your neck then I bought it. But then something worst happen between us, since then this necklace stay silent in my drawer.” Hui-Jun put on the necklace on Ji-A’s neck. “This is pretty..” Ji-A look at the necklace with gold butterfly and crystals. “You’re prettier..” said Hui-Jun, “Make sure that Gyeong-Su see this everytime you meet him, and make sure he know I give this for you..” add Hui-Jun. “Waah Park Hui-Jun I never knew that you are this awful when you’re jealous..” Ji-A laugh. “I love you....too much..” Hui-Jun kiss her. “I am easily jealous so don’t get close to another man...hate all the paramedic that come...never get drunk in a company dinner if your colleague ask you to drink...” said Hui-Jun. “I know... I will give them all a cold look everytime I meet them..” Ji-A laugh. “Stop fangirlings into EXO and 2PM... I saw your video watching EXO from Dong-Hyeok phone and I really amazed you can scream like that...” said Hui-Jun. “Heol...why do I get lots of NO this morning....” Ji-A can’t stand with too many Hui-Jun’s rules so early in the morning. “That’s why... I am a very possesive man, so you have to bear with it..” Hui-Jun bury his face on Ji-A shoulder. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»   “Don’t forget the bouquet!!” Ji-Yeon shout while she also busy holding So-Mi veil, “Wait up, you don’t have to walk too fast..” Ji-Yeon tell So-Mi to slow down. “Are we going to a marathon race or to a wedding, I still can’t understand why you have to walk so fast..” Ji-A try to catch her breath. They were on their way to the chapel where So-Mi and Jae-Hwan will have their wedding ceremony. But they are late now, everyone already there but they late because So-Mi ask them to make a stop first at the coffee shop they passed from the bridal, she wants a chocolate mousse with pudding on it. “Eonnie you are weird, why on earth you have to have chocolate mousse on day like this... chocolate mousse will still be available for you tomorrow, but your wedding only will happen today..” Ji-A keep up with Ji-Yeon and So-Mi steps, other thing she hates the most is running. “Jae-Hwan will kill me because we’re late..” Ji-Yeon checking her phone and Ryeo-Uk already call her for 15 times. “I need the chocolate, I am nervous that I feel I will faint anytime now..” said So-Mi. “DON’T DO THAT!!!” Ji-Yeon and Ji-A shouts at the same time. “Look we’re close... hurry up” So-Mi point her finger to the chapel in front of them. “Eonnie I really never thought that she has this strength, she walk very fast from the parking lot...” Ji-A keep mumbling to Ji-Yeon. “I think that wedding dress give her the super power..” said Ji-Yeon. So-Mi laugh hearing the Baek’s sister complaining. They reach the chapel where Jae-Dok and Ryeo-Uk wait for them, “Where the hell have you been?? I’ve been calling the bridal for many times and they said all of already gone since hour ago. The priest already waiting for 15 minutes!!” Jae-Dok yell at Ji-Yeon and Ji-A. “I want chocolate mousse because I feel I will faint today!!” Ji-A shout back at her father. “Iiissshhh crazy girl, you’re not the one who’s going to marry, why on earth you feel you’re going to faint..” Jae-Dok shook his head. So-Mi and Ji-Yeon laugh hearing Ji-A saying on behalf of So-Mi. So-Mi send a heart sign with her finger to Ji-A. “Let’s go inside now..” Ryeo-Uk see Kyu-Min already signal him to come inside. “Look at me..” Ji-Yeon said to Ji-A, she then fixed some fallen hair on Ji-A forehead, “Yippeo... You’re so pretty today...” Ji-Yeon smile. “I know..” Ji-A smile. Ji-Yeon and Ji-A are So-Mi bridemaids, they wear baby pink dress with goddess cut design on both dress. The Baek’s sister look very pretty today. Jae-Dok proudly walk So-Mi entering the aisle, while Jae-Hwan already wait with Gyeong-Su as his bestman. The music is played, then the MC announce, “The bride will entering the room, ladies and gentlemen please stand up” All the guests instantly stand up and look amazed at the bride and her maids. Mi-Na spotted waiting for them at the front row with Jae-Hwan grandparents. While Beom-Seok, Hui-Jun and Gi-Gwang also at the front row looking at them. Ji-A look at Hui-Jun, while Hui-Jun really amazed by her look today. He and Beom-Seok just arrive from Hongkong today, his movie filming already started and he has break until tomorrow night, before he back to Hongkong to resume filming. It’s been 2 weeks already they’re apart, so Ji-A miss him so much. Slowly So-Mi approaching, Jae-Hwan bewitched by her look, he always bewitched by her. Mi-Na and Ji-Yeon only need 1 month so this wedding happening. And they’re really make it beautiful. Beom-Seok can’t hold his tears, he is so happy to see his noona living her dream and has a loving man and family beside her now. Now Jae-Dok hand So-Mi to Jae-Hwan, and the ceremony begin. Jae-Hwan say his vow, “From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one with whom I wanted to share my life. Your beauty, hear and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honoring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. With this ring I give you my solemn vow.” He then put the rings into So-Mi hand. Then So-Mi took another ring, and say her vow, “With this ring I give you me as your wife, with all that I have, all that I am, all that I will ever be, is yours. Forever.” She smile and put the ring into Jae-Hwan finger. The bride and groom are dancing their first dance as husband and wife. So-Mi was cried badly when she and Jae-Hwan bow in front of Jae-Dok and Mi-Na, she keep saying “thank you for having me” over and over. Then the band play the song “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye, the song they always love when they’re little, Ji-A and Ji-Yeon come at front dancing, holding Jae-Hwan hand, they're dancing the dance they used to dance while they’re little. Then Jae-Hwan grab So-Mi hand to join, not long Gyeong-Su join the dance company, everyone laugh and clapping seeing the dork dance they perform. Ji-A look at Hui-Jun then she approach him and drag him along to join. The twin, Hyeon-U, Bora, Mi-Yeon and Dong-Hyeok join the crowd also. Everyone laugh and entertained by  the dance. Gyeong-Su feel someone is watching him, he look around and he found Nabi is standing near the bar watching at him. She raise her champagne glass when Gyeong-Su spot her. Gyeong-Su smile and approaching her. “So you’re here too?” ask Gyeong-Su “What kind a friend you are who even not offering going together... you know I was invited too by this family..” said Nabi. “Really? I didn’t know that..you’re coming with who?” ask Gyeong-Su. “My parents...there they are, talking with your dad and the groom parents” Nabi point at the exclusive table of Yoon couple, prime minister Cha, Baek senior couple, and Nam senior couple. “Wuah..what are they talking together...this country economy??” Gyeong-Su laugh. “So why is this friend not taking me to lunch again?” ask Nabi. “You said you’re busy with your gallery..” reply Gyeong-Su. “Ah right.... I’m super busy..” Nabi upset to hear Gyeong-Su answer. Gyeong-Su laugh, “I’ve been busy doing this apartment project, let’s go dinner after this project done..” Gyeong-Su look at her. “Well... I will look into my schedule..” Nabi preteding not interesting on Gyeong-Su offering. Gyeong-Su laugh again seeing how Nabi react. “Did the girl you love dumped you? So now you’re nice to me?” ask Nabi. “Ahahahaha....that’s funny...I always behaving nice to you..” said Gyeong-Su. “Yeah right...” Nabi drink her champagne. “I don’t think I can give up now....” Gyeong-Su look at Ji-A who’s now talking with Hui-Jun and she looks very happy linking her arms into Hui-Jun neck. “If she never think of you, then just let her go.. it will only break your heart more...” said Nabi. “I thought I will be okay being like this with her...but turns out I’m not when I saw her so fragile...but there’s never me in her heart.... what should I do?” Gyeong-Su look at Nabi. Nabi look at him, she take another glass of champagne and pass it to Gyeong-Su, “Let’s get drunk chinggu ah...” she raise her glass.   “When do you have to come back to Hongkong?” Ji-A ask Hui-Jun. “Tomorrow night... why?” Hui-Jun playing with her hair, “You want to come along with me?” “That’s tempting... should I ditch my job??” Ji-A smirked. “You’ve been very busy these days, you’ve been in operation room too many...” said Hui-Jun “I know..but appa keep pushing me to learn a lot. I was once spent the whole day in the operating room, it was 22 hours operation... one operation after another...then I passed out the next day, I sleep for 12 hours straight..that’s why I was not picking up your call..” said Ji-A. “I know...I was calling your house then eomoni said you were sleeping like a tree..” said Hui-Jun. “Ah right, eomma said you and her talk a lot... about what?” ask Ji-A. “Secret..” Hui-Jun pretend to seal his lip. “Iissshh...” Ji-A glance. “Can you spend tonight with me..?” ask Hui-Jun. “Tell me your secret with eomma first..” said Ji-A. “Nope...” said Hui-Jun. “Iissshh..” Ji-A give up.   “Professor Baek, congratulations for your wedding. So-Mi shi you are really beautiful today..” the nurse and other Jae-Hwan colleague congratulate them. “So when you’re going to Maldives?” ask professor Kwak. Jae-Hwan froze, So-Mi look at Jae-Hwan puzzled. “Maldives? We are really going to Maldives?” ask So-Mi. “How...how...did you know about that?” Jae-Hwan surprise to hear Kwak know about his honeymoon destinantion, he’s been keeping this secret to So-Mi since he want to give her surprise. “What do you mean, everyone knew about that. That’s you’re going to Maldives for your honeymoon..” said nurse Go. “It was on our group chat.. Ji-A shi told us that you’re going to Maldives for your honeymoon...” said nurse Sung. Jae-Hwan close his eyes...of course..who else will have the nerve to spread this if its not his cheap mouth dongsaeng. He then grab Hyeon-U who happen pass him to grab a drink, “Do you know where I’m going for honeymoon?” ask Jae-Hwan. “Sure hyung...Maldives right? Ji-A told me and Mi-Yeon...that’s why we give you couple sunglasses as our present so you can wear it there...enjoy the sun hyung..” Hyeon-Su tap his shoulder. Then Jae-Hwan approach Ji-Yeon and Ryeo-Uk, “Do you know where I’m going to for my honeymoon?” “Maldives..” said Ryeo-Uk, “Do you already get the villa you want? Ji-A said you really want it..” “Do you think why Ryeo-Uk give you present to use his family private jet, because we want you to not thinking about accomodation, Ji-A said you want to borrow his jet..” said Ji-Yeon. “Aiisshhh that crazy girl...I should not trust her and change my destination right away..” Jae-Hwan regret why he did not change the destination when Ji-A caught him made reservation. He was so focus on making reservation for his honeymoon with So-Mi, he even told So-Mi that this is secret. He was not realize that Ji-A came into his office and saw everything, he almost jump from his seat when he spot Ji-A standing behind him and read everything, “Why you even keep it secret to eonnie... Maldives is a very romantic place she will love it..” said Ji-A “This is a secret you know... you must tell no one...this is secret... you get that..” Jae-Hwan keep repeating “this is secret” to Ji-A. But the next thing happen is,   “Eonnie..oppa is going to Maldives for his honeymoon..he want to borrow hyeongbu jet, can you tell him?” Ji-A text Ji-Yeon. “OK...” Ji-Yeon reply.   “Appa..oppa is going to Maldives for honeymoon, so tell eomma don’t worry about them Maldives have a good sun light..” Ji-A texted Jae-Dok. “Alright...Maldives is good for So-Mi” reply Jae-Dok.   “Oppa, I want to go to Maldives like So-Mi eonnie...” Ji-A texted Hui-Jun. “Noona go to Maldives for honeymoon?” ask Hui-Jun. “Yep...where will you take me if we’re going for honeymoon next?” ask Ji-A. “Bed... we will never leave the bed for sure..*wink*heart*kiss* “ Hui-Jun reply. “Iissshhh...pervert..” reply Ji-A.   “Oppa...Jae-Hwan oppa will take So-Mi eonnie to Maldives, so he’ll be out of this country for a week..” Ji-A texted Gyeong-Su. “Ahahahaha I thought he will take So-Mi to Cardio conference that he said his honeymoon destination is a secret..” Gyeong-Su reply. “He will be back next week..” Ji-A texted back. “Heol...then who is my teamate for the match..” Gyeong-Su reply.   “What will you give to my oppa for his wedding gift?” Ji-A type on her group chat with Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon. “Your oppa have everything I even don’t have...what I should give him..” Mi-Yeon type. “He’s going to Maldives for honeymoon..’ said Ji-A. “Who thought that he can be that romantic... he is full of surprise since he met So-Mi noona” Hyeon-U type. “Dong-Hyeok said he will buy the gift...” Mi-Yeon texted. “I will buy him couple sunglasses then..” Hyeon-U reply.   “Ji-A shi...where is your oppa will go for honeymoon?” nurse Go post on another hospital group chat. “Oppa will go to Maldives..*wink*” reply Ji-A, then another 20 people in that group chat read the message and texting how envy they are.   That’s how the secret honeymoon getaway become public in just less 1 hour. “I am the most stupid one to believe her, that she will keep my secret..” Jae-Hwan look at Ji-A who’s laughing with Hui-Jun and other friends without even realize how Jae-Hwan really want to kill her. So-Mi only smile “Just enjoy it, it’s fun. I thought she was kidding whe she told me that..” “WHAT?!! You know that too?” Jae-Hwan shocked. She nod and laugh and hug him. Ji-A was texting her when she was with Ji-Yeon doing fitting for her wedding dress,   “Eonnie be ready.. oppa will take you to Maldives kekekekekekekek..”  »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»   Ryeo-Uk just back from a meeting, he then checked the documents line up in his desk. He checked his phone first, 2 missed call from Ji-Yeon and a message from her too, “Yeobo, let’s have dinner tonight... Eomoni took the twins to Jeju villa this afternoon so you’ll have me by yourself for 2 days” He smile reading his wife text, then he type back, “Let’s escape then I’ll tell eomma to keep the boys with her forever..” Kyu-Min enter his office, “Have you review all of that?” “I just back from a meeting...please be patience..” Ryeo-Uk glance at him. “Ah the woman you asked me to checked..” Kyu-Min pull out his tablet. Ryeo-Uk straighten himself to listen to Kyu-Min report, “Her name is Min Ha-Nui. She has little brother name Min Gi-Gwang, he is an architect. Ha-Nui shi own the restaurant place and an apartment at Hannam-Dong..” Kyu-Min stop his report. Ryeo-Uk look at him, “What next? Why you’re stop?” “I’m hesitating reporting this..” said Kyu-Min. “Give me that!” Ryeo-Uk take the tablet from Kyu-Min and read it. “What there’s nothing in here, oh!” Ryeo-Uk catch something, “Why the buyer name of this both place is Na Jong-Suk? Is it the Na Jong-Suk I know?” Ryeo-Uk look at Kyu-Min “It’s CEO Nam secretary who’s doing the transaction at the real estate office, I even confirm it by showing his picture.” Kyu-Min reply. “So you think Jong-Suk is having an affair?” Ryeo-Uk lean his back to his chair, he finally remember who is Min Ha-Nui. He once saw her with his dad at Jeju 3 years ago. “Keep all of this record in secret. Keep it with you until I ask, you understand?” Ryeo-Uk face turn very serious and cold. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»   “Eonnie, please ask Hyeong-bu to give me the ticket pleaseeee...” Ji-A is whining at Ji-Yeon office. BTS is held a concert this Friday, Ji-A really want to go there. Mi-Yeon already persuade Dong-Hyeok but he didn’t want give them the tickets. Only Ryeo-Uk that can make Ji-A wish come true. “Iissshh you’re not even 18 years old anymore, but your whining is worst than the twin..” Ji-Yeon keep reading and signing her documents. “Eonniiiieeeeee...” Ji-A keep whining. “Is Hui-Jun know about this? Your madness to boyband? It’s adding new list now...it’s BTS now” Ji-Yeon look at her. “He know and he hates it...” said Ji-A, “Now he’s filming at Beijing, and will not come back until Saturday. So he will never know...” Ji-A said. “You are indeed very smart dear Baek Ji-A..” Ji-Yeon shook her head. “Eonnie, please ask him for the tickets... I only need 2...please..” Ji-A beg in front of her sister. “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Ji-Yeon reply “I did...but he said no....he wants you the one who call him and ask..” Ji-A repeat what Ryeo-Uk said to her before. Ji-Yeon give up, and took out her phone and dial her husband. “She’s there already?” Ryeo-Uk instantly guess, “Yep...why you’re playing so hard to get... just give her and stay her away from me..” said Ji-Yeon. Ryeo-Uk laugh, “It’s really fun teasing her like that...” said Ryeo-Uk. After talking for a while, Ji-Yeon hang up, “Ask someone to go to Won-Hee agency and take the tickets..just said the one Ryeo-Uk asked..” said Ji-Yeon. Ji-A run to her sister and kiss her, “Thank you eonnie...” She run thru the hospital hallway and call Mi-Yeon right away, “Mi-Yeon ah I got the tickets...let’s go tomorrow Friday. I already ask someone to switch our work...just relax Dong-Hyeok don’t know I got the tickets also Hui-Jun will be back on Saturday, so we’ll safe nor our boyfriends know that we are going to their concert..”   The stage really on fire while BTS perform their latest song FIRE, Mi-Yeon and Ji-A keep screaming, shouting and dancing throughout the whole song, They are really enjoying their time together, they even paint BTS initial on their cheek, a fan do it for them while queing the entrance. “BTS!! BTS!!” Ji-A and Mi-Yeon shouting at the stage. Same with the song title both of them are really on fire. And they both drown into the euphoria as the BTS army, both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon are on the very front row so they can really enjoy the view watching all the members in closer range. When the concert ended they still laughing and enjoying the moment, Ji-A and Mi-Yeon always love their moment together like this. They’ve been to EXO, 2PM, and BIGBANG concert, musicbank, Inkigayo, and Mnet are their gateaway when they’re really stressed because of work. “What do you want?” ask Ji-A. “Lets just order 1 big snow crab...I’m so hungry..” said Mi-Yeon. “Ok...let’s do that..” Ji-A call the server and order 1 big crab and spicy steam fish, “Also give us 3 bowl of rice..” “I wonder what Hyeon-U doing now..Is he coming here?” Ji-A enjoying her crab. “The lost on him for not coming and enjoy this with us tonight..” Mi-Yeon capture the dishes they ordered and send it to Hyeon-U. “Is he reply?” ask Ji-A while busy with her crab. “I don’t care about the crab... I only care whether both of you still alive tomorrow..enjoy your last supper...*grinning*” “What’s with him...weird..” Mi-Yeon throw her phone and put on her glove and joining Ji-A digging into their crab. “This place is nice...so quiet. The food is good too...” Mi-Yeon admiring the place. “Upstairs is more crowded...” the owner come served the last side dishes for them. “Aaahh....that’s why this is so quiet in here...” Ji-A put a large crab chunk into her mouth ... “Delicious...” Ji-A phone ringing, its Hui-Jun, “Eo chagi-ya..” “Me? I’m at hospital...I have night schedule...you arrive tomorrow right?” “Arasso...I’ll be at your place at 10 tomorrow..” then she hang up. “Hui-Jun?” Mi-Yeon ask Ji-A nod. After that another second its Mi-Yeon phone ring. “Eo Dong-Hyeok ah...” “I’m eating with Ji-A..” “I’m at hospital....are you still at the office?” “Come here??!!” Mi-Yeon look at Ji-A. “It’s fine..I’m about to do my rounds too...you dont have to come here visit me..beside I already eat too...” “Eo...byee...” Mi-Yeon hang up. “What’s up with him?” Ji-A ask. “He said he will drop by at the hospital and eating dinner with me..” Mi-Yeon reply. Ji-A laugh..”Here we are having dinner after watching concert BTS...” “Do you think the really won’t find anything about this?” Mi-Yeon ask. “I’m sure...Hui-Jun will be back tomorrow morning and that Dong-Hyeok must be at home tired...we’ll be safe..”said Ji-A. Then then chat about the concert, how they recitate the madness they did before. But somehow Mi-Yeon feel weird, it’s like someone watching them. She scan the room and see 2 men sitting accross them watching at them, and she can tell they pissed at them. “OHH s**t!!!” Mi-Yeon hurriedly duck under the table and hide. She then drag Ji-A hand when she’s busy playing with BTS lamp stick. “What?” JI-A confuse to have Mi-Yeon drag her hiding like now. Mi-Yeon put her fingers on her lips, “SSSSHHHH!!!! We’re dead...” Mi-Yeon is bout to cry because of panic. “Why??!!” Ji-A still doesn’t get what she’s mean by that. Then Ji-A see 2 man shoes near them and both now sitting on their table, “This crab surely look delicious!!! I wonder if my girlfriend has her dinner yet AT THE HOSPITAL...” one voice similar to Dong-Hyeok break the silent. JI-A eyes widened when she heard that, while Mi-Yeon close her eyes. “Uri Ji-A also love crab....she said she is IN HOSPITAL TOO....should we buy this and bring it together Dong-Hyeok ah...” now Ji-A sure that voice is Hui-Jun. “Get out now..” Hui-Jun knock at the table and startled both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon. Both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon looking into each other and sign each other to go first. “Get out now or I will become more upset than now...” said Hui-Jun again. Ji-A give up she then out from her hiding, and take a seat beside Hui-Jun, so is Mi-Yeon. “Chagi-ya...you’re here..” Ji-A speak as sweet as she can imagine and put her cute face in front of Hui-Jun. “Chagi-ya?!!! You’re even not remember me at all the last 2 hours..” said Hui-Jun. “You?!!! What is your defense??” Dong-Hyeok look at Mi-Yeon. “I was doing wrong I admit my sin...please dont kill me..” said Mi-Yeon. Hui-Jun get up and drag Ji-A, “Dong-Hyeok I’m going first...you both are really dead tonight...” said Hui-Jun look at both Mi-Yeon and Ji-A. Ji-A follow Hui-Jun by keep holding his hand using her both hand, Hui-Jun literally drag her. “Chagi-ya... if I ever attending a concert again I’m really die in your hand then...” Ji-A keep persuading Hui-Jun. Hui-Jun suddenly stop so Ji-A bump into his back, “Do you think I will believe that? I know EXO DO very well should I introduce you?” “Really?!!!” Ji-A eyes sparkle and she smile. Hui-Jun can’t believe what he just see, “Aaaiisssshhh!!!!” he walk again dragging Ji-A. “Chagi-ya.... I was wrong... I really don’t care who DO is... really I don’t care... chagi-yaa” Ji-A hit her own head for her stupid act just then. Hui-Jun make a sudden stop again, Ji-A bump into him again, he turn his back and look at her, he is surely look upset, “You know I really hate you fangirling like that...look at your cheek, you even never write my initial on it..yet BTS has it..” Ji-A touch her cheek, she just realize this paint also and regret why she’s not wipe it before...she rubbing her hand to her cheeck but that only make the paint create a doodle on her cheek now. Ji-A really think hard how to win this fight, since Hui-Jun really upset to her. “Oppa...I promise I will never do this again..stop it..please..smile at me please..” Ji-A seduce him. “I even running at the airport before because I don’t want to missed my plane... I was dying to see you..” Hui-Jun still sulking. “I’m very sorry...” Ji-A look at him at start to sob. “Oh no.... don’t you dare to cry....stop it right now....don’t you dare to cry..” Hui-Jun panicked to see Ji-A start to sob and her tears begin to fill her eyes. “I’m really stupid, I didn’t know you were making a huge effort to meet me I should stay at home and waiting for you..huaaa..” Ji-A start her cry. “Stop that now...don’t you dare to cry...why the hell you’re crying...you are the one who’s at fault right now...this is cheating..why do I feel I’m the one that bad now....” Hui-Jun give up, he hate to see Ji-A cry more than knowing she went to a concert and do fangirlings. “You really good on this game Baek Ji-A..” Hui-Jun wiping her tears, “I give up I’m not mad anymore..” Hui-Jun regretely admit his lost. “So do you want your punishment for making me cry??” ask Ji-A stll sobbing. Hui-Jun laugh, “Waaahhh are you really my girl??” he lean on closer and kiss Ji-A then hug her. “Waahh Baek Ji-A seems like I will lost to you the rest of my life, I’m just joining stupid man club for let his girl win everytime...” Hui-Jun hug her. While Ji-A hug him back and smile her victory.   Hyeon-U runing so fast, he need to save his life since at his back both Mi-Yeon and Ji-A trying to catch him and if they catch him then he will be done for today. Poor Hyeon-U he face a dead end, he turn and face the 2 angry girls, “Wait .... I can explain!!!” Hyeon-U beg for his life. “Traitor...” said Ji-A. “You should really beg if you still want to live today..” Mi-Yeon come closer. “Yesterday, I was really on my way to see you guys...but then I met with Dong-Hyeok in front of hospital. I was really not telling him where you two were going, since Dong-Hyeok said he only come to drop dinner for you at the nurse station because you were on surgery he said..” said Dong-Hyeok. “Liar...” Ji-A ready to pinch his arm. “WAIT A MOMENT!!” Hyeon-U really scare of these girs pinch. He will definitely has bruises after that. “What else?? How come Dong-Hyeok and Hui-Jun knew we’re going to see BTS??” Mi-Yeon already grab his arm now. “Ji-Yeon noona!!” Hyeon-U scream. “Why you call for eonnie??” said Ji-A. “It was Ji-Yeon noona!!!” said Hyeon-U. “What do you mean??” ask Mi-Yeon. “I was meeting Dong-Hyeok at the parking lot, he asked were you still on surgery... I haven’t said anything but then Ji-Yeon noona show up and asking why he was here, Dong-Hyeok said he was coming to see you, but then noona told him that you’re not at the hospital but went to BTS concert with her..” Dong-Hyeok speak really fast. “Then how about Hui-Jun, why he knew about that too??” ask Ji-A. “Dong-Hyeok was mad hearing you went to see BTS concert, then not long after that Hui-Jun showed up too with his car. That time Dong-Hyeok told him that both of you were watching BTS concert, and asking me where were I going to pick both of you.” Said Hyeon-U. Both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon look at Hyeon-U with suspicious look, “Really???” ask Mi-Yeon. “I swear...that’s the truth..” Hyeon-U said. “Liar...” both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon attack Hyeon-U furiously they pinch him very hard that make Hyeon-U scream. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»   “Let’s start everyone..ten blade..” Ji-A start her surgery. Im Bo-Young, 25 years old, suffer brain hemorrage due car crash this morning. So Ji-A is open up her skull to fix the bleeding. “Suction..” Ji-A ask for assistance. “So what will you do to fix the bleed?” Jae-Dok watch his daughter closely. “I need to fix this If I failed this person might not able to see or taste again, the vessel seem to outburst anytime..” Ji-A do her step carefully. “Great...watch your step and keep your eyes alert on both side of other vessels..” Jae-Dok keep watching her. Suddenly the monitor start to beep, “Saturation drop, blood pressure dropped to 80..” the annesthetist warn them, “Drop it you need to charge first..” Jae-Dok warn her. “Wait for a second I found the leak I can fix this..” Ji-A keep her eyes concentrate. The monitor keep beeping more loudly, “The saturation keep dropping do something now!” the annesthetist stand up. “Leave that!!! Charge it now!!!” Jae-Dok shout. “But she will not able to see if I give up on this!!” Ji-A shout back. “She’ll be not able to do anything including see if she die!!! LEAVE IT!!” Jae-Dok shout louder. Ji-A so frustated that her hand not fast enough, she shout angrily, “PADLE!” Ji-A shout “Padle 10 joules...” the nurse hand her the paddles..   Ji-A throw her scrub apron and gloves. She kick the bin frustated by what happen at the OR. She hates this time most. Someone then join her, sighing after something bad happen at the OR. “Your patient died?” ask Min Woo-Ri. “Alive..but blind...” said Ji-A. “That’s good.... mine died because that Kwak ignoring me and keep pressing the vessel...I really hate when I do my serving with him..” said Woo-Ri. “Now I have to inform the family that their daughter is safe for now but she’ll lost her sight forever...” Ji-A reluctantly get up. “Want to switch role? I have to inform the family that their son is die during surgery due massive bleeding, you don’t know how scary his grandfather is..” Woo-Ri feel his body so heavy. “You’re doing a hard work today Woo-Ri ah...” Ji-A tapping his shoulder. “Today is a great day right Ji-A ah...” Woo-Ri sigh.   Ji-A watch Woo-Ri inform the family of patient he operated, he bow and Ji-A see how the sadness now surround the family. The oldest person in the family even grab Woo-Ri collar and keep asking why he couldn’t save his grandson. Ji-A take a deep breath and start taking her steps into another family that sit not far from Woo-Ri crowd. “Annyeonghaseyo I’m Baek Ji-A, I was incharge for operating your daughter..” Ji-A bow and introduce herself to the family. “Thank you for finally come and update us, how is my daughter?” the dad stand up. Ji-A pause for a while, “We were able to fix the bleeding in your daughter brain, but she was experienced shocked while I’m fixing one of the line that impacted by the injury. And she keep crashing so I don’t have another option beside saving her life..” “What do you mean by that? Is my daughter save? Or??” the mom looks very worried. “She is safe and stabilized for now, but I’m affraid due to the injury she was experiencing before, I’m sorry to tell you that your daugther may lost her ability to see” said Ji-A. The mom sit down and cry, while the dad keep tapping her shoulder and hold his tears. He look at Ji-A, “At least you saved her..thank you very much” the dad said to Ji-A, “Can we see her?” he ask. “Ah yes, please come this way..’ Ji-A take the family to see their daughter. Ji-A watch Im Bo-Young family from the nurse station in front of their room, Mi-Yeon come and stand beside her, “That’s the one you operated before?” ask Mi-Yeon. “Yep... and now she’s blind... I wish my hand was fast enough..” Ji-A keep regretting. “Get over it, you did your best it’s better to loose her sight than loose her life...” Mi-Yeon rubbing Ji-A head. “She was going to her friend wedding when the crash happen..” said Ji-A. “That friend better come and visit her” said Mi-Yeon.   Ji-A on her way to the parking lot and notice some people were having conversation about the surgery, “Professor Kwak keep ignoring the monitor sound instead he kept pressing the vessel..” said the nurse with blue jacket. “Doctor Woo-Ri even increase his tone ask him to stop and grab the paddle, but that Kwak was too stubborn..” the male nurse with black jacket replied. Ji-A overheard the conversation and she approaching the crowd, “You should watch yourself while talking about sensitive issue like this..” she step forward and the nurses that gathered are very shock to have Ji-A sudden appearance. “Professor Kwak must have thought something by taking that action, it’s not very nice of you talking about him like that. If the patient family overheard this they will have a thought that professor Kwak killed him..” Ji-A sound very angry. The nurses shout their mouth and start to break the crowd back to their station. “Iisshhh they are really know how to spread rumors..” Ji-A look at them then continue walking to her car. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»   “What are you doing today?” Mi-Yeon scoop the tiramisu. “I’m going for a date..” said Hyeon-U. “You still consider dating her in long term??” Ji-A chew her tiramisu. “I’m planning on marrying after I got my professor title..” said Hyeon-U. “Iiisshhh.... tell me that it’s only a dream...” said Ji-A. “How about you?” ask Mi-Yeon. “I’m planning meeting Hui-Jun at Cheongdamdong..he is done filming for today” said Ji-A. “He keep busy and busy....he placed 1st place in popularity survei.... will he even win Blue Dragon Awards this time?? “ ask Mi-Yeon. “Will he do another drama?” ask Hyeon-U. “After this movie done..” Ji-A reply. “Wuah..without taking a break??” Mi-Yeon suprise. “We’re going to Iceland next year....I’m going to have vacation with him” said Ji-A. “Oohh... the Aurora..” said Hyeon-U. “Yep... the Aurora..” reply Ji-A. “Just the two of you?” ask Mi-Yeon. “Yep...” Ji-A smile and nod. “Why don’t you two get married..” reply Hyeon-U. “Ahahahaha....I think I..” DUAR!!DUAR!!! Ji-A, Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon jump because the loud noise come from inside the hospital. Their heart beating fast in instance, “What is that?” Mi-Yeon penicked as she’s trembling now. “Stay right where you are!” Hyeon-U immediately get up and lock the emergency door where they’re at now. “What was that? Was something explode?” Ji-A get up, but then Hyeon-U grab her. “JUST STAY HERE!!” Hyeon-U shout. They sharpen their hearing, it seems to be a chaos inside the hospital people are screaming and running. DUAR!! DUAR!! DUAR!! Another bang heard, the three musketeers froze in silent. They’re sure that’s not something explode. Then Ji-A can feel her phone buzzing, she hurriedly picked up, Ji-Yeon name appear on screen. “EONNIE!!” Ji-A shout in panicked. “Where are you?” Ji-Yeon whispering. “Eonnie what happen?” Ji-A don’t understand why her sister whispering while other people she heard are screaming and running. “Where are you right now?!!!” Ji-Yeon sound very furious. “I’m with Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon at the emergency stair near the emergency ward..” Ji-A reply. “Give this phone to Hyeon-U.. NOW!!!” said Ji-Yeon. Ji-A hand her phone to Hyeon-U, then Hyeon-U looks very shocked, after he hang up he try to calm himself first. “What happen?” ask Mi-Yeon. Hyeon-U looks at his bestfriends, “Someone barge in into the hospital bringing gun, and he already shot 2 people, 1 security and 1 nurse...” Mi-Yeon fall down due shocked hearing to just what Hyeon-U said, “What?” Ji-A shocked to hear that. She can feel all of her body trembling. “We need to get out from here, the shooter looks like looking for specific person..” Hyeon-U feel scared to death right now but he has to protect his bestfriends also right now. Hyeon-U open the emergency door very slowly, he can feel the ward is empty right now. He lengthen his neck to check his surroundings, after he feel the area is safe he look at Ji-A and Mi-Yeon and sign them to come closer. “I don’t think anyone around at the emergency ward right now, let’s go follow me..just stay behind me..understand..” Hyeon-U look at the both of them. “Hyeon-U lets just stay here..” Mi-Yeon too affraid to move her leg. “The shooter looking for particular persons and he’s checking everywhere, don’t play dumb and follow me..” said Hyeon-U. “Come grab my hand, you just stay in the middle of us..” Ji-A hold Mi-Yeon hand, though her hand cold as ice.   “Please don’t shoot me...please don’t sir, I have  daughter at home she’s still five years old, my husband is died..” nurse Go beg in front of the shooter that found her hiding under the nurse station table. The shooter is an oldman, he is holding a gun and now he’s pointing his gun to nurse Go. His face expression is so cold, “My grandson is died because someone play with his life during surgery... If I could I want to beg him to save my grandson too..” said the shooter. Nurse Go crying, she close her eyes and her mouth keep praying..suddenly the drugs cart near the nurse station fell down, nurse Go instanty look at the source, nurse Hwang standing there, froze because now the gun pointing at her... “Ah you are one of them..” the shooter look at nurse Hwang. “What do you mean?” nurse Hwang panicked and start to cry. “You are one of the people that killed my grandson inside the operating room..” the shooter recognize nurse Hwang and with cold blooded he throw a bullet at her. Nurse Hwang fall down instantly and blood start to leak from the wound. Nurse Go scream and passed out seeing nurse Hwang get shot. DUAR!! Hyeon-U stop and sharpened all of his senses, the gun shot seems very near with where they’re standing right now.   “What is the situation right now?!” the chief of police arrived in front of Baek Hospital. The police are busy setting up the yellow line to make sure no one cross the parameter. “We were able to get most people out from inside the hospital, and the shooter seems not looking for a patient he is looking for some surgery staff that operating his grandson last week. That’s why he only stay at the west wing where the surgery department is..” Said the detective that already arrive before. “How many casualties up to now?” ask the chief. “We only can identify the first 2 victims since both were shooted when the shooter enter the building..” reply the detective. “What happen??!!!” Jae-Dok approach the chief. “Oh CEO Baek, you already arrive..” the chief instantly grab Jae-Dok and pull him near the car. “We have a shooter barge in, most people were able to escape but we’re still have about 37 workers inside refer to the head count of your employee that attend to work today, critical patients that can’t be evacuate, also for incoming visitor we’re sure they’re all made their escape..” said the chief. “Are you planning to come inside?” ask Jae-Dok. “We are waiting for the special forces they’ll be here in 5 minutes..” said the chief. “How did this happen...” Jae-Dok looks very worried. “Chief!! Chief!!” one of the other detectives come running. “Any update?!!” ask the chief. “Yes chief we have new witness who just come out from inside the hospital, apparently what the witness said before is right. The shooter is looking for a surgery team that incharge on operating his grandson, he just shot a nurse which part of the team, the witness said he’s shoot the nurse cold blooded” said the detectives. “What surgery team?” ask Jae-Dok. “The witness said it maybe professor Kwak surgery team..” said the detective. Jae-Dok call his secretary immediately, “Give me list of Professor Kwak team through out last week, and get me the patient name...” said Jae-Dok. His secretary nod and leave the scene. Jae-Dok look at the hospital entrance, he is really worried now, “I’m so sorry for telling you this CEO Baek, but refer to our headcount it seems both of your daughters still trapped inside..” said the chief. “I know...” Jae-Dok looks very emotional. Suddenly Ryeo-Uk and Dong-Hyeok appear and they looks very furious, “Aboeji, Ji-Yeon still inside...” Ryeo-Uk panicked. “Ji-A too...” Jae-Dok reply. “I can’t reach Mi-Yeon nor Hyeon-U too...” Dong-Hyeok very worry.   “Do you want to change the layout or not?” Gi-Gwang is having a meeting with Gyeong-Su on their next office building project. “The design is fine with me but I want you to change the rear view of the building and the park layout so you can make it more wider..also the waterfall, ” Gyeong-Su analyzed the building miniature. Suddenly Se-Ah burst into his office, “Gyeong-Su turn on the tv now!!” she grab the remote and turn on the televisi, then she clicking the chanel until she find the one she’s been looking for. “Current situation at the Baek Hospital still in alert, police still guarding the area and no citizens allowed to enter the perimeter. All the Baek Hospital area has been closed and all the spot are guarded by officers with full weapon stand by. Based on our source there’re still about 30 more peoples that trapped inside, and the shooter still inside the hospital. The special forces who already at the scene are having a meeting and we’re not allowed to get closer...” “What is this?” Gyeong-Su froze to hear what the reporter just said. He grabbed his phone and dial Ji-A number, but the phone is inactive. Then he dialed Ji-Yeon, same, her phone is turned off too. He then dialed Ryeo-Uk, “Hyung I just see the news what happen?” ask Gyeong-Su. Second later Gyeong-Su grabbed his coat and car key, “Gyeong-Su ah both Ji-Yeon and Ji-A still trapped inside and we cannot locate or even reach them..” Seeing Gyeong-Su running like that, Gi-Gwang sure that something bad must be happened to Ji-A right now, He hurriedly dialed for Hui-Jun,   Hui-Jun is doing his filming, while suddenly some staff start to gather and looks very serious with their phone, “YA!!! We’re having a shoot here... can’t all of you concentrate on here!!!” the director shout. “Director nim, I think we should turn on the tv...” the stylist sound very shocked. “Please turn on the tv my eonnie works at that hospital!!!” suddenly the wardrobe coordinator shout and grab the remote. Hui-Jun puzzled about what happen, he just see everyone start to gather in front of television. Then Beom-Seok approach him looks shocked as well, he hold Hui-Jun phone, “Hui-Jun ah I think you should take this..” Beom-Seok trembling. He see Gi-Gwang name on the screen, “Yes Gi-Gwang ah, what happen..” Second later Hui-Jun expression change, he looks very emotional he rushes outside and get into his car immediately, “To Baek Hospital!! NOW!!!!” he yelled. The driver shocked to hear Hui-Jun like that, he push the gas pedal and drive to Baek Hospital in a hurry.   They arrive near Baek Hospital complex but it seems the road is closed as many of police guarding the area, “We can’t continue, the police close the access..” said the driver. Hui-Jun open the door and run, he passed with many people that gather to see the current situation, some of them recognize Hui-Jun whose running passing them. “That’s Park Hui-Jun!!” “Look isn’t that Park Hui-Jun!!” “That’s Park Hui-Jun!!” “Is his girlfriend trapped inside??!!!” Some reporters acknowledged him and rushes to catch him and block his way, “Park Hui-Jun shi what are you doing in here?” “Is your girlfriend trapped inside..” Seeing that reporters block his way, he start become so upset, “You really don’t want to mess with me right now, please back off I need to be there now..” Hui-Jun look at them angry. Without waiting for their respond Hui-Jun break the crowd and keep running. The police that guarding the police line stopped him, “I’m so sorry but you cannot enter this area..please get back!” said the police. “I’m Cha Gyeong-Su, I’m here with the prime minister special guards, this is my dad name card I hope you can let us in ...” suddenly Gyeong-Su appear beside Hui-Jun, he show the prime minister name card to the police. He also not come alone, behind him 6 guards with black suit following him. The police that take the name card seem hesitate but he really don’t want to mess with Gyeong-Su since the name of the prime minister written in the card, he then step aside and let Gyeng-Su and Hui-Jun come inside.   Meanwhile inside the building, Ji-A, Mi-Yeon and Hyeon-U able to leave the emergency ward but then as they walk thru the nurse station they see blood puddle and Ji-A is the first to see nurse Hwang lying unconcsiously. “Oh my god...” Ji-A and Mi-Yeon cover their mouth, they shocked to see the scene. Mi-Yeon start to cry, Ji-A look at her left and find nurse Go lying there also but no blood on her, she run to her and checking her pulse, while Hyeon-U checking on nurse Hwang. Ji-A relieved to find nurse Go pulse but in the other hand Hyeon-U look devastated to find out nurse Hwang is dead. Mi-Yeon can only cry and hide beside the cabinet, “Mi-Yeon ah let’s go we can’t stay here long, we need to get out” Hyeon-U grab Mi-Yeon hand. “How about her?” ask Ji-A. But suddenly they hear someone approaching, Gyeon-U alerted and hurriedly grab both Ji-A and Mi-Yeon then go toward the storage room accross the nurse station, too bad, as Hyeon-U walk first, Ji-A take a deep breath, her body is trembling but Mi-Yeon is worst than her. Hyeon-U suddenly facing the shooter in front of him, Hyeon-U grab a chair and push it to Ji-A and Mi-Yeon direction to stop them. Ji-A know Hyeon-U is seeing something she stop and open the door next to her, she hurriedly grab Mi-Yeon hand and hide inside. Hyeon-U gasp to see the shooter in front of him, he raise his hand... “Do you know where is professor Kwak? I already checked he should be at this hospital today but I haven’t find him I only find one of the nurse. I need to find another 6 people” the shooter look at Hyeon-U. “I .... I.... I... really don’t know, I haven’t meet him today...but harabeoji please stop this..” Hyeon-U pleading. “You should know where he is now...why don’t you tell me and you can leave alive...” said the shooter. Hyeon-U can’t think about anything, he can ony picture his parents, Bora, and his friends and his siblings right now. DUAR!!   Everyone outside the hospital startled to hear another gunshot. The special forces hurriedly run to their post and start the evacuation mission. Hui-Jun and Gyeong-Su arrived at the scene to find both Ryeo-Uk and Jae-Dok looks very emotional. While Dong-Hyeok face turn pale as he heard the gunshot. “Are they still inside?” asked Gyeong-Su. “Ji-Yeon is hiding inside the cabinet in her office with Myeong-Su, but we cannot locate Ji-A..” said Ryeo-Uk. “Is she alone?” ask Hui-Jun. “She was with Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon. According to Ji-Yeon, they were at the emergency stairs, but I’m not sure they still at there right now..” said Ryeo-Uk. Suddenly Hui-Jun approaching the special forces team leader, “Please lend me one of your bulletproof vest” his face looks very determine.. “Hyung, are you going in?!!!” Dong-Hyeok surprise to hear that. “I can’t let you go inside..” said the team leader. “Hui-Jun ah don’t be stupid...let them take care the situation..” Ryeo-Uk try to stop him. But Hui-Jun ignoring the no that everyone said, “You just heard another gunshot and we’re standing here clueless, you lend me the vest or I will go inside like this I don’t give a s**t” Hui-Jun stare at the team leader. Dong-Hyeok look at his brother saying that he will go too, but Ryeo-Uk say that he can’t follow Hui-Jun and Gyeong-Su, Ryeo-Uk need him to stay and ready for later.   Ji-A trembling to hear the gunshot again, Mi-Yeon just cry furiously. She’s trembling like she’s having a seizure right now. “Mi-Yeon ah...be brave!!” Ji-A slap her. “Hyeon-U...Hyeon-U ah...” Mi-Yeon can’t help her tears. Ji-A open the door carefully, her breathing is so fast so is her heart beating. She looks around and the hallway is so quiet. She get out with Mi-Yeon at her back, she then run into Hyeon-U direction, she gasp when she found Hyeon-U lying with blood all over him, Woo-Ri is there pressing the wound to stop the bleeding. “I need more to stop his bleeding” Woo-Ri voice is shaking while his hand keep presing his white coat which now turn into red pressing on Hyeon-U wound. Ji-A run back to the room where she was hiding and grab the bed sheet. “Hyeon-U ah...Hyeon-U ah....open your eyes..” Mi-Yeon sobbing seeing Hyeon-U like that. “He was...he was looking for me... he was see me then point his gun but Hyeon-U block his sight, I manage to run and escape from him...I came back to check on him..” Woo-Ri try to calm himself. “It’s okay...thank you for coming back Woo-Ri ah..” said Ji-A. “Let’s move him first..” said Woo-Ri. Then the three of them drag Hyeon-U to a room where Ji-A and Mi-Yeon hide before. “We need to operate him to stop the bleeding,” said Woo-Ri. “In here?” ask Mi-Yeon. “Do you want to bring him to the OR?” ask Woo-Ri. Mi-Yeon shook her head. “We’re going to need anesthetic, surgery blades, IV drip, suture, betadine, cloth, sponges....and clean sheet...” said Ji-A. She remember the storage room near the emergency ward, but it’s too risky to go there. “Lets go..” said Woo-Ri. They look at Mi-Yeon, “Don’t leave me here..” Mi-Yeon very scared. “It’s safer in here...you stay with him, keep pressing his wound like this...we need to help Hyeon-U..” said Ji-A. “I really should listen to my mom, I should pray every morning before work to keep me out from crazy things like this..” Mi-Yeon start to mumbling. “Let’s go..” Woo-Ri lead the way.   Ji-Yeon walk carefully with Myeong-Su thru the hospital hallway, she was ducked and hide for 10 minutes inside the toilet when she heard another gunshot. Suddenly she saw someone in uniform give her a sign to stay, she stop and relieved to see that man. The man then approaching her in second, “Are you hurt ma’am?” ask the man. “No...but we need to find my sister..” said Ji-Yeon. “We’re able to find some people before you, the best thing now is you go to that man and he will take you to the safe place..” he point at another man with gun at near the treatment room. “Just take her, I’ll go with you” Ji-Yeon push Myeong-Su to go. “Ma’am please cooperate it is too dangerous to have you here!” the man said in a very stern tone. “Look...I don’t care whatever you’re going to say. Either you go with me and find my sister or you can leave me alone searching for her!” Ji-Yeon not affraid at all.   “Hui-Jun ah don’t be reckless...just stay and wait in here..” Jae-Dok try to stop Hui-Jun. “Even you see this as if I’m looking something dumb to do, but this is the only thing I can do to save her..” Hui-Jun checking on his vest. He look at Gyeong-Su who already ready too, they look and nod at each other then start walking inside the building with the 6 special guards that Gyeong-Su brought. The guards checking the entrance before he let Gyeong-Su and Hui-Jun come in, the lobby is a mess, blood stain the floor, papers are everywhere. Hui-Jun look around, his heart beating so fast, he never pray this hard his whole life. But today since he received phone call from Gi-Gwang he never stop ask God to save Ji-A, he repeat the prayer thousand times in his heart. They walk thru the hallway and arrive at the nurse station when Hui-Jun spot a blood puddle in front of them, they see a foot and sure that it is a woman. Hui-Jun heart beats faster, he encourage himself to step forward, “Oh my God...” Hui-Jun relieved to see that the body lying in the floor is not Ji-A. Gyeong-Su take a really deep breath to calm himself. Then they hear someone cry, the guard try to locate where the crying sound come from, he then open one of the room door near the nurse station. Gyeong-Su come inside first he shocked to see Mi-Yeon crying over Hyeon-U who’s now lying and bleeding. “What happen to him? Is he one of the target?” ask Gyeong-Su. “Hyeon-U faced the shooter, then Woo-Ri showed up, the shooter was aiming at Woo-Ri but Hyeon-U just happen to block his sight..” Mi-Yeon keep sobbing. “Mi-Yeon ah let him get Hyeon-U, he will get Hyeon-U get out, and ambulance already waiting for him outside” said Gyeong-Su “No!! Don’t do that, Hyeon-U need to be treated right now in here. Ji-A and Woo-Ri are going to take stuffs for surgery just wait right here..” Mi-Yeon refuse to take off her hands from pressing Hyeon-U wound. “Hyeon-U ah wake up now.... you’re not going to leave me and Ji-A alone right??? Hyeon-U ah hurry wake up..” Mi-Yeon keep crying. Hui-Jun and Gyeong-Su look at Mi-Yeon, they understand how close the friendship between Ji-A, Hyeon-U and Mi-Yeon. “Where is Ji-A going now?” ask Gyeong-Su. “She and Woo-Ri go to the storage room near the emergency ward..” said Mi-Yeon. “Where is it?” ask Hui-Jun. “We just need to go straight from here and turn right..” said Gyeong-Su. Suddenly they heard another gunshot, Mi-Yeon shocked.. “OMAYA!! Please not Ji-A...please not Ji-A...I promise I will come to the church often if you grant my wish please save my friends, please save them..” Mi-Yeon cry badly. “Where is it come from?” Gyeong-Su asked his guard. “It seems close from here..” said the guard. Without hesitating Hui-Jun hurriedly get out from the room and go to the emergency ward direction as said by Gyeong-Su before. He walk fast to reach the elevator before he turn right, he arrive at the emergency ward but then he stop when he see someone he’s been looking for in front of the emergency ward entrance. Ji-A standing there behind Woo-Ri, both of them raising their hands up. While in front of them someone lying covering with blood already, “Ha..ha..harabeoji... please stop now...you already got people dying..your grandson must not want this..” Ji-A speak but her voice is shaking. Hui-Jun keep his eyes on her, he’s slowly making his move. “I just need one more shot..” said the shooter, he aimed his gun at Woo-Ri. “You should stop him when he made mistake during the surgery..” the shooter point his gun at professor Kwak who is now lying on the floor. “I’m so sorry... I’m so sorry but we already tried our best..” Woo-Ri begging. Suddenly Hui-Jun feel someone approaching him. Gyeong-Su and Ji-Yeon are now behind him, “Noona what are you doing here?” Hui-Jun whisper. “Same reason like yours..just shut up..I will get another scold later from my husband so I don’t need yours..” said Ji-Yeon. Ji-A look at her left and she see people she know best hiding behind the wall looking at her, she is at ease when she find Hui-Jun look at her and sign her to not look at them, “You don’t want to go miss?” the shooter ask Ji-A. “Harabeoji, what you heard about the surgery of your grandson was really not true...everyone there were doing their best. Please don’t kill another one harabeoji..” Ji-A can’t hold her tears anymore. “My friend right now is dying because you shot him, he’s been with me since we’re 4 years old, please just stop this and let everyone alive now...will you?” Ji-A sobbing. “Well everyone should just die like my grandson..” he said, “But it’s your turn first...mine will come after you..” the shooter aimed his gun again at Woo-Ri and ready to make a shot. The guard and special forces already at their position too, but what happen next the shooter pull the trigger and Ji-A instantly push Woo-Ri aside, while Hui-Jun scream and run approaching her. Ji-A fell down  after the bullet hit her hard, she’s lying with blood start to leak at her upper body. Ji-Yeon also scream while Gyeong-Su grab her tight to stop her from running. In second the special forces attack the shooter and gunfire heard very loud. The guards protecting Gyeong-Su and Ji-Yeon, Hui-Jun cover Ji-A with his body. Ji-Yeon keep crying and scream Ji-A name, Gyeong-Su cry too while holding Ji-Yeon so tight. The shooter is died because few shots got him right at his chest and head, he died instantly. Hui-Jun pull up his body and checking on Ji-A, Woo-Ri hurriedly run and check on her pulse. Ji-A face turn pale, she’s unconscious, Hui-Jun keep calling her name. Ji-Yeon approach and she hug Ji-A and keep screaming her name to open her eyes. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
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