Chapter Five-1

996 Words

Chapter Five Once back at the school, Llewellyn went off to find Sophie Diaz and Rafferty went in search of tea. Surprisingly, the feisty Mrs Benton proved amenable to stopping her dinner preparations and making him a cup. He took the opportunity of asking her about bullying at the school during the reunees’ time there. ‘Oh, there was bullying right enough. I nipped it in the bud when I saw it. Nasty little devils, some of them. That Adam was a prime example. He was tall and well-built for his age. He’d often start picking on the younger ones when he was in the queue outside my kitchen. I gave him a good smack on the knuckles once with a heavy metal soup ladle when he started bullying a lad that wouldn’t-say-boo—Simon Fairweather. I didn’t put up with bullying in my dining hall, as I tol

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